Workshop Australian Flag

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89% of the Australia population live in urban areas. How many have actually seen a Kangaroo live in its natural habitat? This does not include Zoos.

I would think it'd be fairly low.
There's plenty of roos at the golf course and bushland near my old primary school. Quite often we would get roos hopping through the school and one even found its way onto my street, several kilometers away from the bush.
It looks off-red on my work monitor, definitely looked like ochre at home. Maybe my monitors have an ochre sensitivity setting I need to look at...

Ok it was a bit light, I have given it a bit of a touch up to fix the colours


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This is a complete stab in the dark, but I'd say less than 10% of the population have actually seen a Kangaroo in the wild.
I've seen one.

Make contact with my mum's bonnet.

I've got an idea, though it's really "indigenous orientated", but after looking at all these replies, I'm not sure many will like it...
I actually saw a kangaroo about 3 days ago FWIW.

Most flags in the world are pretty damn boring... a relatively modern day flag such as Canada's is probably a realistic indicator of where we'd go if we were to adopt a new flag... which we will one day, probably when Queen Elizabeth ends her reign...
Whether or not we can think of something more creative ourselves, our flag will be the Southern Cross, not a kangaroo or a boomerang or a can of VB... it'll probably just be a white Southern Cross on a blue background.
I actually saw a kangaroo about 3 days ago FWIW.

Most flags in the world are pretty damn boring... a relatively modern day flag such as Canada's is probably a realistic indicator of where we'd go if we were to adopt a new flag... which we will one day, probably when Queen Elizabeth ends her reign...
Whether or not we can think of something more creative ourselves, our flag will be the Southern Cross, not a kangaroo or a boomerang or a can of VB... it'll probably just be a white Southern Cross on a blue background.

Yeah, though with Will and Kate now gaining popularity it may even be longer before anything happens.

I agree with the southern cross, that is a no brainer, however I cannot see red being dropped from the flag.

The reason we haven't changed flags so far is that people are not fans of change (any change, be it work, home or in this case the flag), so the less alterations that are made to the basic elements, the more chance that something will happen, and that starts with the colours, as it is the most noticeable part of the flag (especially if the southern cross is retained). Ask any person to describe the current flag and I am fairly certain that the first thing they will tell you is the colours, then the Southern Cross and finally the Commonwealth Star and Union Jack* (*Flag for Bryce_Jersey17).

That is why I cannot see green, gold, or black being used.
So, it seems to me that the question that needs to be answered is do you honor the indigenous people separately (as yours now honors the British with the Union Jack and as ours honors the origins of our independence with 13 stripes), or does everyone collectively (or at least the majority) feel that the indigenous people are a part of the nation (unlike the native Americans here, who have different laws in some instances and live on separate pieces of land)? In other words, is the feeling there that those with native ancestry and those with European ancestry are equal, and therefore don't need to be represented separately on the flag?

Well I think it is even more than that, a truly Australian flag would need to not only represent the Aboriginal and European elements, but also the North and South American, African, and Asian people who have chosen to call this country their own.

However with the Aboriginal people wanting reconciliation and to be treated as the same as everyone else, then including their colours or design elements on the flag fails to do this as it puts those represented above all others.

That is why I believe that the flag should feature the Southern Cross as it is the common non ethnic specific element that all Australians recognise as our national symbol. If the Commonwealth star is added then again it does not really single out any one group over another. However as for the colours that is the part that will cause the most issues. I believe it should remain as Blue, Red and White as even though they could be interpreted as being a english invasion and oppression colours, they also have far more history than that, the Sorry speech was made under those colours and as such the start of the reconciliation process began under those colours, the people who have come to this country looking for a new beginning for them and their families arrived under those colours, our country as it is now has grown and has continues to prosper under those colours.

For those who say that the green and gold is the way to go, we all also need to remember that though all of us a massive sporting fans, there are as many if not more who do not follow sport, and as such have no real connection to those colours like we do, instead again they would prefer the current flag colours. In fact (though I don't have the stats on hand) each time a poll has been conducted on which colour the flag should be the current ones have always been the favourite. So I really think that any new flag debate should just be focusing on the design rather than the colours. But that is just me.
Australian Flag.png
Alright, so it isn't the best, but here's the reasons for everything on there:
I changed the Sun to a Sunrise because it seemed more realistic with the dark sky and the red sand,
I put a reflection on the sand just to have another realistic aspect,
There's now the union jack in the sun and the reflection because even though we're straying away from being under English "rule" (if you could call it that) it's still part of our history, so I think it should still be on there,
And the federation star and the southern cross because it's an important part of our current flag.

I was going to have a navy blue sky, and a royal blue ground (as it looks at night) but I decided against it because I wanted to keep it as similar as possible to the original aborigines flag.

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Alright, so it isn't the best, but here's the reasons for everything on there:
I changed the Sun to a Sunrise because it seemed more realistic with the dark sky and the red sand,
I put a reflection on the sand just to have another realistic aspect,
There's now the union jack in the sun and the reflection because even though we're straying away from being under English "rule" (if you could call it that) it's still part of our history, so I think it should still be on there,
And the federation star and the southern cross because it's an important part of our current flag.

I was going to have a navy blue sky, and a royal blue ground (as it looks at night) but I decided against it because I wanted to keep it as similar as possible to the original aborigines flag.

Too much going on, faded areas don't work on flags as when the flag ages those parts disappear and too Aboriginal flag, not enough rest of the nation.
Too much going on, faded areas don't work on flags as when the flag ages those parts disappear and too Aboriginal flag, not enough rest of the nation.
Fair enough :thumbsu:
I did a drawing similar to this in Year 5, I'm still trying to remember what it looked like :oops:

I went with green and gold because I believe that if Australia gets a new flag, it should bear neither the colours of the Aboriginal, Torres Straight Islander, or current Australian flag. Instead, it should bear our national (not simply sporting) colours of green and gold (as seen on this website By having the colour combinations of any of the Aboriginal, Torres Straight Islander, or current flag on a new Australian flag, as many others on here have said, places certain groups of Australians higher than others.

If we were to get a new flag with things that represent Aborigines and/or Torres Straight Islanders on it, it would send a message that white Australians feel the need to recognise Aborigines and Torres Straight Islanders. However a new Australian flag should send the message that all Australians, whether we are white, aboriginal, asian, etc. can be represented by one flag, one colour combination. So we shouldn't use red, white and blue, or black, yellow and red, we should embrace the two colours that are iconically Australian - green and gold.

Great thread, I'd like to hear more about people's opinion on what the colour scheme should be for a new Australian flag.

Not bad only one problem:

Flag design guidelines:

Only five colours are in general use in heraldry (the study of arms and shields), the principles of which vexillology has largely followed. These colours are red, blue, black, green and purple. There are also two colours known as 'metals': gold (yellow) and silver (white). Colour is not normally placed on or immediately adjacent to another colour, nor metal on metal, as they are too indistinct at a distance.

Colours show up well on or next to metal, and metal on or next to colour. Light colours should not be placed next to or upon other light colours and similarly, dark colours should not be placed next to or upon other dark colours.
I actually really like that flag alzy11. Although I prefer the green and gold do you reckon you could try it with red and blue though? It'd be interesting to see
Thanks mate, I'll put together a blue and red one tomorrow :thumbsu:

Not bad only one problem:
Thank you for that, I'll try it with the colours the other way around. I'd also be interested to hear what you think about my points on using green and gold on the flag.
I'd also be interested to hear what you think about my points on using green and gold on the flag.

As much as I can see your points and no mater how much I can get behind the green and gold in sport, for the flag I am a red, blue and white person.
arse much as I can see your points and no mater how much I can get behind the green and gold in sport, for the flag I am a red, blue and white person.
Red, white and blue does look classy. Also, wtf is arse much?
Of all the submission I've ever seen, both here and everywhere else I've ever seen a flag concept, none seems to be as good as this.

So what if It's got a Union Jack in the canton?
That's what made us a country instead of a collection of first Indiginous Nations, then colonies.
The Southern Cross was, and probably still is, the chief national symbol, representing the country.
(not because it's on the flag, it's on the flag because it's the symbol for Australia)
The Commonwealth star represents each state and the territories.
It's not a case of banging something together and hoping the colours look nice.
This represents Australia.
If you don't understand that, you should probably read more.

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Workshop Australian Flag

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