Australian Football Coach

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How's it working on Mac? Keen to give it a crack. Great to see you still developing the game after so many years mate.

Mac ports are a complete pain to do, and I no longer have the Mac I had set up the workflow on which made pushing Mac patches relatively simple. Hoping one can be done for the 2021 version in the next few months, have a couple possible solutions lined up. The 2021 lists are available for Mac, though, but the 2021 update was a pretty big one in terms of features/bug fixes.
I know I posted a mod yesterday but this mod is live and far better. Installation instructions are in the .rar file, mod contains official team names, logos, colours and jumpers as well as the background I use. Would be great to see people get around it!'s_AFC_Mod.rar/file
Have you managed to make any banner logos for the game? I've tried putting a few together but can't get anything to fit properly and look half decent.
I think I posted this ages ago in a Prem Coach thread as a wishlist but thought I'd paste it here for some future ideas for you as well.

Long post ahead.

How do we differentiate players from each other?
Well, from player position right? Backs, forwards, midfielders etc.
Also by size, Tall forwards, Small forwards etc. that's all swell and dandy.
But it doesn't seem realistic enough to me.
If we can avoid cookie cutter players we can keep interest high and feel more attached to the players.
The goal would be to try and make each player different or even unique from each other player, even if they play the same position on the ground.
We need some way to add more customisation to our players.
If you have played PC for years, you would remember your favourite Tall Forward who was a contested marking beast and could boot goals from 60m out, played for 12 seasons winning multiple Colemans and premierships with your team for sure.

So, the idea of player Types, Traits and Tendencies comes in.

Player Type is basically like a player style or specialty. I saw a great post on Reddit recently by u/NitroXYZ that gives great examples of player archetypes

This label would also let you know at a glance, what range of attributes/skills are high for this player.
Lets decide to give our Tall Forward the Type of Old School Full Forward. This gives him a bonus to Strength and One on One Marking contests.
With this, we would now have a Tall Forward, with a Type of Old School Full Forward.

Adding to this, we could now assign a Trait to our Tall Forward.
Traits are basically bonuses in any area or skill that apply to the player.
Traits can be permanent, for a fixed period of time, maybe for 4 or 5 years during the players peak period or even for just one season.
So lets give our player the Trait of Booming Kick, this would give him a bonus (ie. +15 to kick distance or just a % boost to an existing skill so it scales better) to his kick distance.
Now we have a Tall Forward with the Type of Old School Forward and the Trait of Booming Kick.

Lastly we could give our player a Tendency. A Tendency is like an instinct or a preference the player has to perform a certain action or skill.
Lets say our player has a Tendency to take set shots at goal instead of snaps or kicking them on the run. This would give him a slight bonus at set shot goal kicking but may also give him a penalty for snaps or shots on the run.

We now end up with a player who is a Tall Forward, with the Type of Old School Full Forward, Trait of Booming Kick and Tendency of Set Shots.

Using something like this system makes players different enough or unique to other players and gives you more player variety. It maintains your interest and gets you more invloved with your players and adds to the longevity of the game in my opinion.

Traits and Tendencies could be pretty much anything you could think of:
type - marking forward, rebounding defender, big bodied midfielder
trait - contested marking beast, quick hands, booming kick, injury prone, inaccurate, hot tempered
tendency - tends to play on, snaps for goal, run and bounce, avoids contact, always tries speccies

I also believe there should be negative traits and tendencies.
ie. a player has the tendency to run and bounce but he is slow and ends up being caught with the ball a lot. This also adds to the variety of players and give them more personality.
You could also have players with no traits or tendencies at all or star players with multiple positive traits.

I also thought that perhaps you could have something called Organic Traits. These would be assigned to a player automatically by the game if they continually performed a skill or action and did it to a high level.
They could be tied to a players season stats somehow.
ie. a player finishes number one in the league for handballs. The game engine then automatically assigns him the trait of Quick Hands (% bonus to handballs) for a season or perhaps permanently.
It could also perhaps assign the tendency of Handball Gives which would have him shoot out more handballs than kicks.
This would also be another way to add more variety to players.

Weekly training could be broken into different training sessions and types such as training player position, gameplan, and skills/attributes.
You could also select the training intensity - lighter intensity to manage injury chances or high intensity sessions for gameday bonuses.
Bonuses from researched training technology or upgraded training facilities could also apply.
If a player has a good week on the training track they may get a random temporary gameday bonus for the upcoming game and vice versa if they have a bad training week.

Each team has a fictional gameplan they use, what it is exactly is not really relevant.
They just have an overall team gameplan value they need to meet to have a median performance.
If they are under that gameplan value they suffer a gameday performance penalty, or if they are over, a bonus to gameday performance.
The gameplan team value consists of the value of all the team's players individual gameplay values that play on match day.
ie. let's say the team gameplan value is 1100. There are 22 players playing on matchday, so each player would need to have an individual gameplan value of 50 or more to not suffer any penalties to team gameday performance. Players can increase their gameplan rating by weekly training and playing matches.
At the start of the season, the players will have a limited grasp of the gameplan and will therefore suffer a gameday penalty as they are not fully versed in the gameplan and how to execute it effectively.
As their training progresses each week throughout the season and their individual gameplan values increase due to training the gameplan and playing together, they finally reach the team gameplan value.
They then suffer no penalties on gameday as they are now proficient in the way the gameplan works, understanding and how to execute it properly.
Towards the end of the season, the players are now fully versed in the gameplan due to extensive training and playing together and now receive a gameday bonus to their performace due to their thorough knowledge and the ability to react to any situation when using their gameplan.
If players are injured and drop out of the team, the new players coming into the team will have lower individual gameplan values and may hurt the teams performance, if the team gameplan value drops below the 1100 value.
This hopefully simulates how a team evolves during the season using their own gameplan and perfecting it.
This idea is probably a little janky but I think there needs to be some sort of way to simulate a teams gameplan and how they progress with it through the season.
Maybe it could just be a basic team chemistry value that increases as they train and play together.

Borrowing the idea from Football Manager, Mentors.
Mentors are senior players who can tutor and pass on some skills or attributes and even possibly traits.
You could restrict mentors to captains/vice captains and senior players from each position.
Players being mentored would need to be in the same training group and maybe even need to be the same playing type as the mentoring player.

This really had me stumped, what to do with the extra money?
In Madden you could upgrade your stadium with extra bonuses for your team. Since that really doesn't translate to AFL maybe you could improve your training and medical facilities instead.
You could spend your extra cash on researching new training and medical technology ie. VR helmets to help gameplan scenarios, cryotherapy, saunas, simulated altitude training etc.
These should give bonuses to various aspects of your training and medical stats.
Maybe you could also spend extra money on trying to increase your club membership. Membership drives with more advertising and plans to open up new market segments.
Pumping money into creating your own future tv/online worldwide streaming deal to televise matches would increase your teams brand awareness and new memberships but cost bulk money.

I couldn't think of many things to add to the preseason.
You could introduce Pre season team camps. Players would get a boost to their training and gameplan.
This may also give you a chance to change player roles ie. change a player from a forward to a defender, or a midfileder to a forward etc.

When starting a new game you currently get to add points to training bonuses and relationships for your coach.
You could add more choices to these like retain staff, morale booster, finance bonus, membership boost etc.
Maybe you could randomly generate some as well, like choose 3 and have 2 randomly generated etc.

When I'm hiring coaching staff, or any staff really, I just sort by the relevant attribute and hire the highest rated one with the lowest wage.
How about we add an incentive or choice to not do that, just to spice things up.
Let's add Coaching Specialties (I got sick of the T words)
So a coaching specialty would be a bonus that a coach has in a random skillset used in that coaching area. This gives them a bonus to training players in this area (a slight % boost).
ie. a midfield coach may have a specialty in clearences or ground strength.
This would add another strategic layer for you to consider when hiring new staff, you could also formulate a strategy when hiring new staff to bolster the areas you feel are important for your team.

Clubs should have some type of prestige level.
If you win a premiership, or multiple premierships, you should turn into a destination club.
This would give your club a bonus to attract players and free agents and better sponsorship deals etc.
If you claim the wooden spoon, you should get the opposite.

Team and Player morale could give gameday benefits (or penalties) and also affect contract or trade negotiations.
Winning and losing games should affect team and player morale. Getting injured should also affect player morale.
Speculation about a star players contract could affect team morale as well.

Some new staff that could be added:
Marketing and Communications - favourable team media or membership bonuses
Membership - increase membership numbers
Business Development - sponsorship bonuses
Merchandise Officer- sell more merch.
Fitness and Conditioning - training bonuses?
List Manager/Recruitment Manager - for trading/draftpicks/contracts etc
Opposition Scouts/Game Analysts/Data Analysts - scouting

Like Coaching, you could add in (you guessed it) Scout Specialties.
ie. bonus to scouting Youth League, Tall Defenders or SA clubs etc.
This would also let you develop a scouting system to suit your specific needs.

To add some more realism to the scouting system, you could introduce some "fog of war" to scouting information that your scouts gather.
I believe you have something similar to this already in the game.
The first round of scouting would uncover a grade system (A,B,C etc) to show players details. If you continue to scout the same player, then it shows a more accurate range of skills/attributes (ie.80-85).
Finally when the player is fully scouted, it would show his true skills and attributes.
This adds more interest to the scouting process.

Along with this you could add in more scouting staff - Opposition Scouts, Game Analysts and Data Analysts.
Opposition scouts would provide an email report for your next match, before team selection, with relevant info. to help select your team.
It would tell you the opposition players to watch, their in form ball winners, goal kickers, etc.
Data Analysts and Game Analysts would add thier info. to the report as well to provide more information.
Opposition scouts could also perhaps scout opposition players for traits and tendencies and medical/injury details.

To help with club drafting you could add more staff, List Manager and Recruitment Manager.
These staff would work with your Scouts to try and get the best list possible for your team.
Perhaps first round draft picks would have a higher chance of having good traits assigned to them as well.
You could also include Draft Combine scores for players, to add to the scouting game.
To add extra flexibility you may look at adding custom draft classes for those who would like that option.

When it comes to contracts I think that players need to have some sort of agenda they want to follow.
They have some randomly set contract goals, like money or playing time or playing at a successful club and demand a contract that fulfils that goal.
If they have high prestige or are free agents they should also demand more.
It's then up to you to try and manage that in your contract negotiations.
Not only do you have to deal with that but then you should also have to deal with the player's manager, they'll try and get the best deal for their client.
If you have a poor relationship with the player's manager they will try and drive a harder deal, or if you have a good relationship with them it will be easier to negotiate a new deal.
The List Manager, would give advice on whether to re-sign based on player contract cost, depth chart, morale etc.

Rather than having one injury rating for a player we can get more detailed and introduce injury ratings for different body parts instead of one overall rating.
This will let us overhaul the injury system and make it more detailed. Along with this, you could include a new individual recovery value for each body part as well.
The recovery value will add or reduce the time it takes to recover from an injury to that body part.

We could also change the way you are notified of a player injury.
If a player is injured during a game, your doctor gives an initial diagnosis using his medical skill, then the player gets scans and a full injury result in a few days, with expected weeks to be missed etc. The higher the doctor's skill, the more accurate the initial diagnosis and more accurate the recovery time.
This is more realistic and gets the doctor's skill involved and then makes you wait on the scan, hopefully making you nervous to see the results :)
ie. a player is injured during a Saturday game and gets diagnosed by the doctor with a leg injury, he thinks it's a hamstring and the player could be out for 4 weeks. The player then goes in for scans and your doctor gets the scan results on Monday and forwards it to you, it is confirmed to be a hamstring injury and he is expected to be out for 6 weeks.
When a player is due back from injury, a fitness test for the injured player is performed. He then either passes and plays, or fails and he waits another week or plays injured with lowered stats and a greater chance of repeat injury.

Along with this you can add in Physio Specialties, adding bonus recovery to different body parts or injury types.
ie. you have a physio who has a bonus to hamstring injury recovery time or arm injuries etc.
On the AFL site, this Injury Survey shows injury rates and types of injuries and injury recovery times
you can download the full report at Tenant/2017AFLInjuryReport.pdf
and import the injury data into the game code, this should give you more accurate injury details and recovery times.

During the season there should be some sort of Media Hub section (kinda like the old newspaper) for dealing with all of the news and views of the league/s.
It could have weekly league roundups, showing match reports, stats, ladders etc.
You could include social media feedback, like twitter feeds from journalists, players and fans. Some of these could add pressure on clubs, coaches and players if they are losing games etc.
Also things like random events such as player scandals including sexting, drink driving, nightclub incident, fights, gambling, drugs etc.
Early player retirements due to concussions, catastrophic injury, lost their passion for the game etc.
Club scandals as well ie. drug scandals, tanking, salary cap breaches etc.
The random events can't all have negative outcomes, otherwise you feel screwed over unfairly so you need to include positive events as well, like new random player traits, club traits, training bonuses, financial windfalls, staff upgrades etc.
You could also have something like a player taking his game to the next level - ie. a player has a breakout game then he has an increase overall, as well as skills/attribute/trait bonuses/increased peak.
Or the player sets his own random goals to achieve next season and if he reaches them then he gets a big attribute bonus or something.
There should also be an Offseason Hub with random player news/updates, club news etc.
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Any AFC 2020 players have any tips for a newbie? I'm eternally mediocre despite having the 3rd ranked list in the league. Are there any strategies that you live by?

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Yeah, I've been playing it since the release day. The developer is very quick to respond to bug fixes and feedback/suggestions from the community. I think that it's a good game to play right now, especially if you can't wait for AFL23, but I see the game constantly improving. There are a lot of community members working away at mods, like logos and player photos, and I am trying to put together some files together myself to play historical seasons - I have got 1986 (the last 12 team season of the VFL) working "OK" but I still need to improve some parts of it before I release it.

Apart from the game being on sale ($17.99 instead of $19.99 which is a pretty cheap price anyway) until Friday, the best part of buying the game now is that there is a greater chance of the developer implementing one of your ideas since he seems to be at the game's Discord 24 hours a day.

There is also the ability to play in a multiplayer online league against other owners. I'm definitely joining a league once someone starts one or I might even start one myself when I'm not so busy.
There is also the ability to play in a multiplayer online league against other owners. I'm definitely joining a league once someone starts one or I might even start one myself when I'm not so busy.
Ha! I spoke too soon. Someone has created a multiplayer league.
6 of those aren’t bad. The rest are shocking.
Just give the game a go and support a local developer who's got the only active afl manager game out right now. It's not perfect but as the other poster pointed out, he is putting a lot of work into this version and it's getting better every day.
Just give the game a go and support a local developer who's got the only active afl manager game out right now. It's not perfect but as the other poster pointed out, he is putting a lot of work into this version and it's getting better every day.

100%. Purchased the previous one and assisted them with issues etc and I’ll definetly be getting this one too.
Yeah, I've been playing it since the release day. The developer is very quick to respond to bug fixes and feedback/suggestions from the community. I think that it's a good game to play right now, especially if you can't wait for AFL23, but I see the game constantly improving. There are a lot of community members working away at mods, like logos and player photos, and I am trying to put together some files together myself to play historical seasons - I have got 1986 (the last 12 team season of the VFL) working "OK" but I still need to improve some parts of it before I release it.

Apart from the game being on sale ($17.99 instead of $19.99 which is a pretty cheap price anyway) until Friday, the best part of buying the game now is that there is a greater chance of the developer implementing one of your ideas since he seems to be at the game's Discord 24 hours a day.

There is also the ability to play in a multiplayer online league against other owners. I'm definitely joining a league once someone starts one or I might even start one myself when I'm not so busy.
Got a link to the afc 23 discord?

And the one you linked below sent me to no man's land.

Also been playing a lot. Developers seem reactive. The ratings need hell of work, majority of the previous years top draft picks/rookies have negative potential which makes no sense.

Interface could use some work too, you view an expiring contract and click back and are in a total different screen.

Edit - Just wanna say am enjoying it a lot.

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Australian Football Coach

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