I disagree strongly that people invest in property for taxation reductions . There is ample evidence that supports this.You have a habit of not reading what people actually Post. The sooner you actually read what people type and get less emotional about the subject, you will be much better served in this argument. if you want to keep doing this fine, but id appreciate you stop quoting me as honestly its time wasting.
I didn't say investors only invest for tax deductions.
I didn't say positively geared properties don't exist.
All I said was that by removing negative gearing you will remove a portion of investors from the market especially at certain price levels, which will limit competition with people who are buying as an owner occupier. Many people only invest in property, because negative gearing allows for it to be commercially viable for them to do it.
There will always be people who are rich enough to buy property without having to factor in tax benefits, this is not the majority of people.
I also clearly said that this needs to be coupled in along with increased interest rates. Removing NG is not the only solution.
Anyone that doesn't rely on meme politics as their source of knowledge , knows this.
Not you specifically, but all the posters that keep spruiking NG over inflates the housing market, fail to understand the concept of positively geared
They wouldn't subscribe to this Ludacris notion .
It's lost on them, that most boomers that have investment properties are making an income from it now which is taxed.
Abolishing NG would only affect gen Y and Millennials that have got their foot in the door and building equity.
Take it away, and they will still invest. Just without the tax breaks that older generations have had.
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