SCANDAL Badges - Tark’s badge updated Jan 23rd: please read

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Hey guys and gals
The badges are coming back slowly, there is still work in progress so please be patient.
Click on your profile then on ‘badges’ to see what you have back, don’t worry yet if it’s not all 100% everything will be fixed just give it some time.



Thanks Chief
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When you click on your badges on your profile you’ll see little megaphones next to them, click those to display the ones you want…I can display 6 now.
Some SFA team and Premiers ones are still under reconstruction.

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Bumpity bump

In regards to the new ‘follow’ button and media issues it will all be sorted soon, just another little hiccup in the latest upgrade
You can always ask questions or find answers in the announcements and feedback forum :)

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Ok I’ve gone through every team and I think all badges, added and removed, are up to date. Anything missing or wrong, just let me know and any older badges that haven't been done for milestones, tipping, SC or SpudCoach etc let me know also :) Just link me up with the thread and winner.

Team badges will continue to be updated as Captains make changes in the squad submission thread.
Remember you can display 8 now, instructions are up there ^

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Hi guys and gals

The badge addon is still playing up therefore we only have badges sometimes, they are still there we just can’t see them. As soon as it’s up and running again I will award all Premiership badges, Charity game badges, Mobbs Medal, FRED medal etc etc. I havent forgotten you Mobbs 🏆

PS can someone please point damicky to this post.
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Hi guys and gals

The badge addon is still playing up therefore we only have badges sometimes, they are still there we just can’t see them. As soon as it’s up and running again I will award all Premiership badges, Charity game badges, Mobbs Medal, FRED medal etc etc. I havent forgotten you Mobbs 🏆

PS can someone please point damicky to this post.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
No, the last time I touched something here the site was broken for 2 days and had to be rebuilt from scratch.

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I feel naked without my PREMIERSHIP badge....

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