Ban registration during school holidays

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think of the children! bigfooty needs a youth policy anyway. banning kids would not end the problems. people of all ages can be cynical and trollistic - its just kids go about it baddly.
Ted Pellitts said:
think of the children! bigfooty needs a youth policy anyway. banning kids would not end the problems. people of all ages can be cynical and trollistic - its just kids go about it baddly.

Not to mention their grammar and spelling can be appalling.
Ted Pellitts said:
think of the children! bigfooty needs a youth policy anyway. banning kids would not end the problems. people of all ages can be cynical and trollistic - its just kids go about it baddly.
So, you like the mindless posts that have been appearing during the last week?
My opinion is that it's a fairly reasonable suggestion which should be considered. I pay for my membership... should I have to put up with a bunch of kiddie newbies and 'ugliest hair' thread over the holidays?

It would be like sitting in the members at the G and having a school bus worth of kids come up and sit in front of you screaming..... while you're in the members.
Kids have computer access during school term, and there are probably plenty of idiot posters who are finished school, like myself for example. I don't think you can alienate anyone who wants to post sensibly on footy from registering every school holidays on account that some kids might register and post crap.
Mr Scarecrow.

How do you expect the site to grow, become more popular etc, if people of all ages aren't allowed to voice their opinions on a PUBLIC forum?

There is a social bar set up for general chit chat. If you don't like it, don't read it. No one is forcing you to read these threads.

And banning people for posting within the guidelines of the forum is not only laughable, its almost nazi-ist. "We don't like you - KILL!"

Its people like you who end up starting One Nation Political groups.
The Scarecrow said:
Maybe the one's that post crap, should be banned on the spot?
That's probably more workable than disallowing registrations during school holidays. The amount of crap posted by newbies is getting ridiculous, and it unfairly shadows the newbies who DO contribute interesting discussions and opinions, because there are a few of those too!

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Why be so harsh as to ban though. Why not a friendly PM stating that what they are doing is not liked and it would be appreciated if they changed their ways so as to be more accommodating to the site.

If you go on a banning spree, word will get around and people will not sign up and some members may just leave altogether, and as good as you think this may sound, it would eventually lead to a demise of the forums, as they would become boring due to the fact that its the same people posting all the time. This in turn could see more members leave.

Banning people from the outset is not the answer, if they are out of line or annoying, politely ask they change their ways. You'll be surprised at the results you will receive.
lioness22 said:
That's probably more workable than disallowing registrations during school holidays. The amount of crap posted by newbies is getting ridiculous, and it unfairly shadows the newbies who DO contribute interesting discussions and opinions, because there are a few of those too!

Agreed. Not all of us are bloody ridiculous trolls who just post to gloat or abuse. Just MOST newbies of young ages!
Kapow!!! said:
A bit harsh mate. I try to keep my spelling and grammer on these forums above standard and try to be punctual. Although I can see how you came to that inference with some of the kids on these forums!

Oh dear. If you had stopped after the first four words, you would have got away with it.
Unfortunately, you didn't. :D
Sorry, cannot agree with this notion.

Quality BigFooty members like "Richmondfan#1" would have been banned under your proposal.

Let the Mods ban those who deserve this fate, leave it at that.
googem said:
Why be so harsh as to ban though. Why not a friendly PM stating that what they are doing is not liked and it would be appreciated if they changed their ways so as to be more accommodating to the site.

If you go on a banning spree, word will get around and people will not sign up and some members may just leave altogether, and as good as you think this may sound, it would eventually lead to a demise of the forums, as they would become boring due to the fact that its the same people posting all the time. This in turn could see more members leave.

Banning people from the outset is not the answer, if they are out of line or annoying, politely ask they change their ways. You'll be surprised at the results you will receive.
If you have read some of the crap that has been posted the last week, you will understand why.
Thrawn said:
And what about genuine users? Why should they be left in the dark on the action of a few stupid kids?

There are plenty of people out there who will probably register during the school holidays who are NOT looking to troll. And who are NOT kids.
Hear Hear.

the troublesome kids should be PM'ed and they would learn their lesson, i'm only afraid they don;t know the PM system

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Ban registration during school holidays

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