Barack Hussein Obama linked to bribery of public officials

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Steven Jones

Senior List
May 7, 2007
AFL Club
Guys, this is a disturbing article about Barack Hussein Obama:,25197,23316570-2703,00.html

A LONG-TIME friend and fundraiser of presidential hopeful Barack Obama is on trial on charges of bribing public officials and using his political influence to demand kickbacks from businesses.
While Obama is not accused of any wrongdoing and has subsequently donated all the money raised by indicted influence-peddler Antoin "Tony" Rezko to charity, prosecutors have alleged that some of the kickbacks ended up in the Illinois senator's campaign coffers.
Obama is also under fire for entering a land deal with Rezko in 2005 when it was widely known that the real estate developer was under federal scrutiny, something Obama later called a "boneheaded'' move.
The timing of the trial could not be worse for Obama, who is hoping to wrap up the Democratic nomination on Tuesday when voters go to the polls in delegate-rich Texas and Ohio.
Rival Hillary Clinton has jumped on the opportunity to criticize Obama's long involvement with Rezko and demand that he come clean about their dealings.
Obama, however, insists that there's nothing more to reveal.
"This is a story that has been going on for a year and a half. We have seen more than 200 articles written about it," he told ABC News.
"We have provided people with all of the information that's needed to make an assessment."
The Rezko dealings would likely dog Obama in the lead up to November's general election.
Rezko is charged with 15 counts of fraud, six counts of aiding and abetting in the solicitation of bribery, two counts of money laundering and one count of attempted extortion.

It would seem that Barack Hussein Obama continued to deal with this guy (as recent as 2005 in a property syndicate) despite this Rezko character being under a cloud for corruption allegations.

Prosecutors have argued that proceeds from crime have been donated to Barack Hussein Obama's campaign coffers.

Rezko is charged with 15 counts of fraud, six counts of aiding and abetting in the solicitation of bribery, two counts of money laundering and one count of attempted extortion.

Yet B Hussein Obama felt it suitable to enter into a business partnership with this guy?

In my opinion this is a huge problem for Barack Hussein Obama. Either he condones bribery of public officials, or he is a fool. Either way, he is not suitable for the white house.

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Firstly, I think GJ is an alias of a big leftie.

Secondly, all I can see when he posts about Obama is 'he is black and has a dodgy middle name!'. All the other stuff is rather superfluous.
Let me help you, Jeff, by highlighting the pertinent part of this quote:

A LONG-TIME friend and fundraiser of presidential hopeful Barack Obama is on trial on charges of bribing public officials and using his political influence to demand kickbacks from businesses.
While Obama is not accused of any wrongdoing and has subsequently donated all the money raised by indicted influence-peddler Antoin "Tony" Rezko to charity, prosecutors have alleged that some of the kickbacks ended up in the Illinois senator's campaign coffers.
Obama is also under fire for entering a land deal with Rezko in 2005 when it was widely known that the real estate developer was under federal scrutiny, something Obama later called a "boneheaded'' move.
The timing of the trial could not be worse for Obama, who is hoping to wrap up the Democratic nomination on Tuesday when voters go to the polls in delegate-rich Texas and Ohio.
Rival Hillary Clinton has jumped on the opportunity to criticize Obama's long involvement with Rezko and demand that he come clean about their dealings.
Obama, however, insists that there's nothing more to reveal.
"This is a story that has been going on for a year and a half. We have seen more than 200 articles written about it," he told ABC News.
"We have provided people with all of the information that's needed to make an assessment."
The Rezko dealings would likely dog Obama in the lead up to November's general election.
Rezko is charged with 15 counts of fraud, six counts of aiding and abetting in the solicitation of bribery, two counts of money laundering and one count of attempted extortion.

But it's refreshing to see you add allegations of financial impropriety to your usual racist dreck. It shows a previously unsuspected versatility to your imbecility.

You should be proud.
Guys, this is a disturbing article about Barack Hussein Obama:,25197,23316570-2703,00.html

It would seem that Barack Hussein Obama continued to deal with this guy (as recent as 2005 in a property syndicate) despite this Rezko character being under a cloud for corruption allegations.

Prosecutors have argued that proceeds from crime have been donated to Barack Hussein Obama's campaign coffers.

Rezko is charged with 15 counts of fraud, six counts of aiding and abetting in the solicitation of bribery, two counts of money laundering and one count of attempted extortion.

Yet B Hussein Obama felt it suitable to enter into a business partnership with this guy?

In my opinion this is a huge problem for Barack Hussein Obama. Either he condones bribery of public officials, or he is a fool. Either way, he is not suitable for the white house.

I think Obama has a lot more problems than that to deal with.
The inbuilt "redneckedness" of the American voter will see him lose to McCain
this is not a nice thing but its what I reckon will happen.Deep seated racism
flourishes inside the majority there, even when they try to be soooo liberal.
In the little ballot box, by themselves, its a different story.
To remove the Republicans only Clinton can do that. She should get the
nod, from now on, to be the Democrat presidential candidate .If she doesn't,
hello President McCain the question is =Will this be a bad thing?Who knows
what do you folks reckon?
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama's
B Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama.

he is not suitable for the white house.

& given the way you choose to write his name, it is abundantly clear why you think he is unsitable. (I mean who the **** writes names with First initial/Middle Name/Surname?)

You are a foul little cum stain.
& given the way you choose to write his name, it is abundantly clear why you think he is unsitable. (I mean who the **** writes names with First initial/Middle Name/Surname?)

You are a foul little cum stain.

Not that I disagree with your contention at all, but E. Gough Whitlam and J. Malcolm Fraser might be a little put out at this. ;)
Clinton(s) would be behind yet another "slur" campaign----but it wont wash
Neither Clinton had anything to do with Obama's choice to get involved in dealings with someone that he knew was under federal investigation at the time. Obama admitted that it was a "bone-headed" decision for him to do that, and the last thing that America needs currently is a bone-head making bone-headed choices.

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Neither Clinton had anything to do with Obama's choice to get involved in dealings with someone that he knew was under federal investigation at the time. Obama admitted that it was a "bone-headed" decision for him to do that, and the last thing that America needs currently is a bone-head making bone-headed choices.

Are you planning on endorsing McCain in the general, KS?
Are you planning on endorsing McCain in the general, KS?
So he can make the bone-headed choice of dragging the war in Iraq out for another one hundred years? He would be about 350 years old by then wouldn't he? No, I don't think so Charlie.
Neither Clinton had anything to do with Obama's choice to get involved in dealings with someone that he knew was under federal investigation at the time. Obama admitted that it was a "bone-headed" decision for him to do that, and the last thing that America needs currently is a bone-head making bone-headed choices.


Here's a picture of Tony Rezko book ended by two bone-heads. Does a certain cheerleader want to edit her post?
Neither Clinton had anything to do with Obama's choice to get involved in dealings with someone that he knew was under federal investigation at the time. Obama admitted that it was a "bone-headed" decision for him to do that, and the last thing that America needs currently is a bone-head making bone-headed choices.

Hahaha, come on here finally when there's something slightly your way?

BTW, love your work Hawkmania.

And I love that Hillary is going out of her way to win the nomination, even if it undermines the broader Dem campaign in the long term. A power hungry and dangerous woman.
Hi Steph, glad to see you back. Will you vote for the 'bone-head' in November if he gets the nod?
Thanks for that Elle, but at the moment it's difficult seeing beyond voting for Hillary Clinton in November until she is out. It's been over one month since John Edwards withdrew, and many of his supporters are still reluctant to get involved, but I'm sure they eventually will.
Hahaha, come on here finally when there's something slightly your way?
That's a bit of a stretch isn't it? Wouldn't I just be waiting until Clinton actually won a primary before returning if your judgement is accurate? I did say back on Super Tuesday that I had a lot going on and wouldn't be on much, so it has nothing to do with the results for your info sunshine. This has happened before in the past and will happen again too because I do have a life outside BigFooty. Do you? If you do, then I'm sure you'll understand. If you don't, then I'm sure you won't.
And I love that Hillary is going out of her way to win the nomination, even if it undermines the broader Dem campaign in the long term. A power hungry and dangerous woman.
Power hungry and dangerous woman? Ha ha ha! You are a classic mate, and it appears that you may have some serious gender issues. I fail to see how she is "going out of her way" to win the nomination. Neither candidate has reached 2025 delegates (more if and when FL and MI are reinstated). You don't think that Barack Obama isn't going out of his way to win the nomination?

There are many examples of him doing that from mailing false attacks on Hillary Clinton's health care plan to lying to Americans regarding his position on NAFTA for political gain. This is someone that did deals with Tony Rezko, when he knew that he was under a federal corruption investigation and sure to be indicted.
Thanks for that Elle, but at the moment it's difficult seeing beyond voting for Hillary Clinton in November until she is out. It's been over one month since John Edwards withdrew, and many of his supporters are still reluctant to get involved, but I'm sure they eventually will.That's a bit of a stretch isn't it? Wouldn't I just be waiting until Clinton actually won a primary before returning if your judgement is accurate? I did say back on Super Tuesday that I had a lot going on and wouldn't be on much, so it has nothing to do with the results for your info sunshine. This has happened before in the past and will happen again too because I do have a life outside BigFooty. Do you? If you do, then I'm sure you'll understand. If you don't, then I'm sure you won't.Power hungry and dangerous woman? Ha ha ha! You are a classic mate, and it appears that you may have some serious gender issues. I fail to see how she is "going out of her way" to win the nomination. Neither candidate has reached 2025 delegates (more if and when FL and MI are reinstated). You don't think that Barack Obama isn't going out of his way to win the nomination?

There are many examples of him doing that from mailing false attacks on Hillary Clinton's health care plan to lying to Americans regarding his position on NAFTA for political gain. This is someone that did deals with Tony Rezko, when he knew that he was under a federal corruption investigation and sure to be indicted.

Heh, heh, she's a good, disingenous girl. Suspect Kiss might be in receipt of some Clinton polling in Texas.
and it appears that you may have some serious gender issues.

Why don't you attack the OP for clear racial bias rather than imagining the poster you quoted is against Hillary because she is a woman ... (Nothing in his post suggest that).

This thread was never about Rezko, it was about Barrack's middle name. :thumbsdown:

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Barack Hussein Obama linked to bribery of public officials

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