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- #826
It was magnum. But according to this http://brewerslog.appspot.com/HopAlphaCalc it's likely I added only a portion of what I should have to get the bitterness I wanted.Conversations with friends more experienced than me leads me to believe your AA won't dissipate over time, only aroma will. Different hops will give different bitterness though. I quite like warrior as a bittering hop as it doesnt linger. Magnum is supposed to be decent also.
Its #SourSunday bitchezz! Got my stainless steel fermenter ready to rock, kitted it out with a stainless ball valve and modified my co2 bottle so I can purge the wort to push out any oxygen before I pitch my lacto culture. We gun' grow some bugs!!
I just went and bought a bottle of pure hop acid extract as it was dirt cheap. Gonna give that a whirl. If it goes well I might just start using this stuff instead of bittering hops and go all out with flavour/aroma hops. Yes, it will most likely end in tears.
Keep us in the loop re: the sour. I'm keen to make a berliner weisse one day.