Big Brother

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SOTV wasn't that big a flop actually; it ran for four or five years; it started in '82 or '83. I think it went off solely as a casualty of the late 80's trash talk-show revolution that pretty much killed off game shows (which in the 70s and early 80s were on American TV almost all day).

I've heard that Jeopardy was a flop here. I've always thought the answer/question thing was dumb and unnecessary but I have always liked the simple category/$ format. I think people like it because it is fairly simple and straightforward without any real frills. I think it comes across as being sort of stuffy and elitist in it's presentation though. And there is too much emphasis on the final question.

Big Brother always came across as a rip off of MTV's "The Real World", which is one of the most annoying TV shows ever created. So it already had one strike against it when I watched it the first time.
Originally posted by Bloodstained Angel:
Just on the Big Brother thing - why would anyone want to watch a whole bunch of very ordinary, shallow and dumb people being absolutely horrible to each other ? Who are they anyway ?
For some reasons morons enjoy this sort of shit. They must be hunted down and steralised before the infect the rest of us.

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I think Jeopardy is arguably the best game show format there is. The viewer can really get into it, which is essential for a good quiz show.

The problem was, it was put on a 5:00PM. 5 o'clock is okay for "fun" game shows like The price is right, and Wheel of fortune, but for an intelligent show, it should have been on a bit later, so people could actually sit down to watch it at night.

If Jeopardy ran at, say, 7:00pm, it could very well have been a worthy challenger to Sale of the Century. Both Jeopardy and Sale requite simliar levels of intelligence, and both have a high amount of pressure for the contestnat to contend with. I think it would have been a winner at 7:00pm, but it shot itself in the foot at 5:00pm.

What time is Jeopardy on in the U.S.A, Stealth?
Big Brother is the single most boring show i've ever seen.

you sit down, you get interested, and after about 5 (maybe 10 for the more slow people) minutes you realize nothing is going to happen.

Why don't they show them playing mad drunk games and stuff like that.

I didn't like Survivor, but i can understand why people like it - its different and you get to see people do something thats unusual.

In Big Brother, you just watch 12 people live normal lives - as someone said, you can just put a camera in your lounge room, connect it to your tv, and you have you homemade version of Big Brother.
Hey What About The Chick That Likes Golden Showers Andy!

What A ****!

Oh and I have to agree with Hawkfan, Jemma's ****in hot as!

WIN doesn't show Big Brother, so I can't watch it even if I wanted too, but I don't so it doesn't matter!

If everybody is rowing the boat together then there's no body to rock it!
Jeopardy is nationally syndicated so local stations can show it whenever they want, although it's almost always shown in late afternoon. I've never seen it shown earlier than 3pm or later than 5:30.

Wheel of Fortune has been around for 20's an institution. It seems to be a lot more higher stakes than the Aussie version - we have $2,500 and $5,000 spaces on the wheel and give away expensive cars.

And the Price is Right, is well, the same as it was 30 years ago. The big difference between yours and ours seems to be the audience - ours is always full of rowdy college kids who scream and shout during the bidding and games. Your TPIR audiences are so polite and quiet :)

Apparently our version of TPIR has had a few Australian contestants on it, though I don't recall ever seeing one.
Originally posted by Stealth bomber:
It seems to be a lot more higher stakes than the Aussie version - we have $2,500 and $5,000 spaces on the wheel and give away expensive cars.

$5,000 US?!? That's more than McEddie gives away on Mullionare :D
About right, considering the way the exchange rate is going :)

Millionaire pisses me off. I've called about 100 times without a return. That's for your version. Our version is impossible to get onto; you have to win like 6 rounds in a row of fastest-finger (and it's ordering questions).
Are they going to do the, whole week without knives stuff .or eat only baked beans for 3 days. Like Denton did in house from hell.

If they dont somebody had better start getting some hard drugs over the wall or this is going to be very boring.

Go the Skull !!!
The Doc..
I vote out MOTI because he writes nothing but garbage.
I agree with everyone here big what eva sucks, i watch the first 4 minutes and i already hate it, i am going to watch it now too c if i like it more..
Originally posted by JUBJUB:
I'm sick of this bloody show already and it hasn't started.
They'll all be freaks and Geeks.

Originally posted by inflatable_daffy:
I agree with everyone here big what eva sucks, i watch the first 4 minutes and i already hate it, i am going to watch it now too c if i like it more..

Thats funny I thought in another thread you stated you liked it? :rolleyes:


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I'd have to agre with you there Dan25 - I really liked Jeopardy as well, inspite of the dumb "What is ... ?" type answers.

The questions were tough without being too obscure, the format was simple and the fact contestants got to keep all they won was also really grouse.

However it looks like we were in the minority because the show was a total flop in Australia - shame.

actually ive changed my mind on bigbrother and I think its ok now that I have someone I can despise and barrack against- the dumb bitch who walked out of the fire circle and then tried to blame the guy for her own stupidity. Shame he went a bit easier on her- he shouldve given her an absolute rocket.

Still waiting to see some half decent T&A though.

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Big Brother

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