Bigfooty General Metal Thread Mk.VII

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Yeah i draw the line at grindcore/goregrind. I do enjoy brutal death metal though so part of me wonders if i'll ever get into grindcore.

Currently listening to Psycroptic - The Inherited Repression

Love this band

Are King Parrot considered grindcore? I enjoy them, can't say I vibe with much of the other stuff. Think the early Carcass was meant to be that too, I prefer the Heartwork type of stuff from them.
Are King Parrot considered grindcore? I enjoy them, can't say I vibe with much of the other stuff. Think the early Carcass was meant to be that too, I prefer the Heartwork type of stuff from them.
Yeah King Parrot are probably considered grindcore. I guess i do like some grindcore after all. I think KP are influenced by thrash a bit too. I dont really enjoy early Carcass either. Im with you, Heartwork is much more to my taste. Melodeath is one of my favourite sub genres.
Grindcore I like:

Napalm Death - early stuff, mid era (more groove than grind) and later stuff. Enemy of the Music Business is untouchable. Code is Red and Smear Campaign are also awesome.
Carcass- early stuff
Repulsion (proto-grind?)
Terrorizer - World Downfall
Pig Destroyer
Brutal Truth

There was some good Aussie bands years ago, obviously Blood Duster but also Captain Cleanoff, The Kill and **** I'm Dead!

Don't really like the goregrind/pornogrind stuff at all.
Grindcore I like:

Napalm Death - early stuff, mid era (more groove than grind) and later stuff. Enemy of the Music Business is untouchable. Code is Red and Smear Campaign are also awesome.
Carcass- early stuff
Repulsion (proto-grind?)
Terrorizer - World Downfall
Pig Destroyer
Brutal Truth

There was some good Aussie bands years ago, obviously Blood Duster but also Captain Cleanoff, The Kill and **** I'm Dead!

Don't really like the goregrind/pornogrind stuff at all.
I can get behind a little but of Napalm Death and Blood Duster. Im actually going to listen to Terrorizer - World Downfall because another mate of mine recommended it but i am yet to listen.
Grindcore I like:

Napalm Death - early stuff, mid era (more groove than grind) and later stuff. Enemy of the Music Business is untouchable. Code is Red and Smear Campaign are also awesome.
Carcass- early stuff
Repulsion (proto-grind?)
Terrorizer - World Downfall
Pig Destroyer
Brutal Truth

There was some good Aussie bands years ago, obviously Blood Duster but also Captain Cleanoff, The Kill and **** I'm Dead!

Don't really like the goregrind/pornogrind stuff at all.

As a grindcore fan, that is all good stuff. I do like goregrind because it's so ridiculous, but pornogrind is pretty disgusting, tbh.

Those Aussie bands you mentioned were all getting around when I first started going to gigs regularly; grindcore is only a part of their sound though (Captain Cleanoff the one I'd say is most grindcore) as they tend to mix it with DM, though that happens with most GC bands as they evolve.
Gimme a goregrind band that sounds like evil acid reflux and I'm a happy camper. Cystgurgle and Organ Failure give me loin stirrings. Regurgitate's Carnivorous Erection is a a diamond as well.

Gutalax kinda feel a little jokey which could be ok if they sounded great but theyve never worked for me.

Australia's Meatal Ulcer (particularly Why Won't It Die) is local gold.
I can get behind a little but of Napalm Death and Blood Duster. Im actually going to listen to Terrorizer - World Downfall because another mate of mine recommended it but i am yet to listen.

World Downfall is incredible. There's about 200 riffs on that album and they're all great. Plus Pete Sandoval.

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Bigfooty General Metal Thread Mk.VII

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