Black Diamond AFL

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I dont think yesterday Cardiff choked. If you think Cardiff choked it takes alot away from City. City exposed the midfield of Cardiff who dont really rotate throughout the game and blocked these players. They also got numbers to the ball which kept them right in the game particulary due to the in accurate goal kicking of Cardiff. I hope these two teams make the GF because it will be a cracker of a game and it Warners Bay are in it will be a blowout.
Also what are the BDAFL going to do to advertise the GF??? All three grades will be great games and very close. They should start getting their act together now to promote the game in GF week on TV and in paper so we have a great atmosphere for the day and have plenty of people coming to watch the game.
One thing that does upset me is that people can't seem to have sensible debate without resorting to insults and name calling. I am happy to discuss this with you. But please lets just talk the facts and leave the personal
attackes out of it. We are meant to be intellegent people, OK?

First. I never mentioned Roger. You did. You assumed that it was Roger I was talking about. Yes you are correct, but your assumtion.

That said, I take it you agree he is the fittest umpire in the BDAFL?

You say he is the worst umpire in the BDAFL. OK Thats you opinion and you are entilted to it. However, let look at some FACTS.

Roger umpired 26 AFL seniour games beteween 1992 and 1997. You don't get to that level without some ability.

If he is that bad why do the Umpires Appointments Committe (made up of independent people from the BDAFL) continue to appoint him at the level they do? They must have a very different opinion?

His peers must also think highly of him as well. The NCCUA named him as the "Umpire of the Year" in both 2006 & 2007.

Mate, these are FACTS. As I said, you are entilted to your opinion. It would seem that those in the positions that count have a very different one.

Have a nice day.


It looks like you need to use the spelling and grammar checker.

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One thing that does upset me is that people can't seem to have sensible debate without resorting to insults and name calling. I am happy to discuss this with you. But please lets just talk the facts and leave the personal
attackes out of it. We are meant to be intellegent people, OK?

First. I never mentioned Roger. You did. You assumed that it was Roger I was talking about. Yes you are correct, but your assumtion.

That said, I take it you agree he is the fittest umpire in the BDAFL?

You say he is the worst umpire in the BDAFL. OK Thats you opinion and you are entilted to it. However, let look at some FACTS.

Roger umpired 26 AFL seniour games beteween 1992 and 1997. You don't get to that level without some ability.

If he is that bad why do the Umpires Appointments Committe (made up of independent people from the BDAFL) continue to appoint him at the level they do? They must have a very different opinion?

His peers must also think highly of him as well. The NCCUA named him as the "Umpire of the Year" in both 2006 & 2007.

Mate, these are FACTS. As I said, you are entilted to your opinion. It would seem that those in the positions that count have a very different one.

Have a nice day.


It looks like you need to use the spelling and grammar checker.

Would you like to know how?

I dont think yesterday Cardiff choked. If you think Cardiff choked it takes alot away from City. City exposed the midfield of Cardiff who dont really rotate throughout the game and blocked these players. They also got numbers to the ball which kept them right in the game particulary due to the in accurate goal kicking of Cardiff. I hope these two teams make the GF because it will be a cracker of a game and it Warners Bay are in it will be a blowout.

Seems like a pretty stupid thing to say if you ask me....If Warners Bay were to make the GF they would have to beat Cardiff. So you're saying that if WB beat Cardiff next week they wouldn't have a chance of beating City? Interesting thought mate. Forget to take your pills this morning?
It was pretty obvious you were talking about Roger Tardus! I came back to reply to your last stupid comment but it seems the office assistant has already done a pretty good job at making you look stupid...Unlucky:thumbsu:
Have a nice day Tardus.
It was pretty obvious you were talking about Roger Tardus! I came back to reply to your last stupid comment but it seems the office assistant has already done a pretty good job at making you look stupid...Unlucky:thumbsu:
Have a nice day Tardus.

Yeh, fair call. I need to learn how to do a spell check!!

However, it does not change the fact that as an umpire Roger has an impressive resume.

It does not change the fact that the powers to be in the BDAFL who look after umpiring have a very different opinion of Rogers performances than you do.

Its hard to argue with that!!
Yeh, fair call. I need to learn how to do a spell check!!

However, it does not change the fact that as an umpire Roger has an impressive resume.

It does not change the fact that the powers to be in the BDAFL who look after umpiring have a very different opinion of Rogers performances than you do.

Its hard to argue with that!!

Wow! Roger manged to umpire 26 AFL games over a 5 year period! Give that man a medal! He was obviously such a successful umpire that he decided to take the step up to umpiring in the BDAFL...If he is such a great umpire then you would think the players would recognise this?
Nice attacks from all round.

I would like to ask Barto to refrain from personally attacking young umpires!! If the decision was wrong (I had my back turned) then I hope it gets overturned by the tribunal. If it was right then the opposite tands true. You attacking a young umpire can only have one result; That young fella who puts his hand up to be criticised by you is less likely to do so next time. Criticise the decision fairly not the person or we wont have anyone to do the game. He might be the next GG.

I think the BDAFL website had a point about Cardiff not being as good without a fully fit Ryan but city took it from them, their inaccuracy looked like it was due to city's pressure. Not for a second would I write that article, but Ryan is their key. Ryan's injury probably cost them a chance to weather the onslaught but in no way did it cost them the game. And as for Clark, he was well held all day and looks to have nothing under pressure.
It does not change the fact that the powers to be in the BDAFL who look after umpiring have a very different opinion of Rogers performances than you do.

Thats really something to be proud of. My question is why was an umpire judged to be good enough to umpire at the Australian Country Championships umpiring Under 18s yesterday??? Couldnt he keep up with Gollum at training either?
I must say that the umpires did do a good job in 1st grade but. Well done to the coaching staff of Newcastle City who did their homework and shut the Hawks down through the centre of the ground. I also thought the Blues backline was outstanding and kept the Hawks guns relatively quiet.
Nice attacks from all round.

I would like to ask Barto to refrain from personally attacking young umpires!! If the decision was wrong (I had my back turned) then I hope it gets overturned by the tribunal. If it was right then the opposite tands true. You attacking a young umpire can only have one result; That young fella who puts his hand up to be criticised by you is less likely to do so next time. Criticise the decision fairly not the person or we wont have anyone to do the game. He might be the next GG.

Yer that's a fair call...I just find it frustrating that a young, inexperienced umpire made such a drastic call in a finals match. As most people would know if a player gets reported in the BDAFL then you will more than likely be rubbed out for at least a week. The tribunal is hopeless and players don't stand a chance unless you are Michael Ryan. It would be an outrage if this player (who is a key player for the dogs) is rubbed out and misses the prelim final next week because of a terrible decision by the umpire. Hopefully common sense will prevail..However I will not be holding my breath. It would have been nice to see one of the other more experienced umpires overrule the decision.

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From all reports the only way he can get into trouble is if the umpire clearly saw him go into the contest with a straight leg. With my minimal knowledge of the rules of the game I understand that if a ruckman goes into the contest with a straight leg it can be seen as shepherding/striking-charging/dangerous play, then there is the question of intent. Again I was close by and as such got a quick and accurate second hand viewing, but did not see it. The player in question was very fired up prior to the event and as such I would prefer not to make a clearing statement with regards to intent
From all reports the only way he can get into trouble is if the umpire clearly saw him go into the contest with a straight leg. With my minimal knowledge of the rules of the game I understand that if a ruckman goes into the contest with a straight leg it can be seen as shepherding/striking-charging/dangerous play, then there is the question of intent. Again I was close by and as such got a quick and accurate second hand viewing, but did not see it. The player in question was very fired up prior to the event and as such I would prefer not to make a clearing statement with regards to intent

It will be interesting to see what eventuates...I know the player in question, and he is definitely not a dirty player. I think it looked worse because the other ruckman decided not to jump. The black diamond judiciary never ceases to amaze me so I guess anything could happen!
Seems like a pretty stupid thing to say if you ask me....If Warners Bay were to make the GF they would have to beat Cardiff. So you're saying that if WB beat Cardiff next week they wouldn't have a chance of beating City? Interesting thought mate. Forget to take your pills this morning?

yeah thats exactly what im saying. its quite obvious from that response that you cannot take criticism for your club but are quite happily to dish it out to every other club, player and umpire. my thoughts are that if it was a City and WB Grand Final it would be a blow out score. those are my thoughts because WB havent been able to run with the two top teams all year.

if you cant accept criticism for your club then dont dish it out to everyone else.
yeah thats exactly what im saying. its quite obvious from that response that you cannot take criticism for your club but are quite happily to dish it out to every other club, player and umpire. my thoughts are that if it was a City and WB Grand Final it would be a blow out score. those are my thoughts because WB havent been able to run with the two top teams all year.

if you cant accept criticism for your club then dont dish it out to everyone else.

There is no problems taking criticism here mate. Your statement just doesn't make sense...If Warners Bay are to make the GF it would mean that they would have to beat Cardiff next week. But then you're saying they can't beat City...Seems like a stupid thing to say is all. If Warners Bay beat Cardiff, they are more than capable of beating City. Or are you saying that City are clearly a better team than Cardiff?
There is no problems taking criticism here mate. Your statement just doesn't make sense...If Warners Bay are to make the GF it would mean that they would have to beat Cardiff next week. But then you're saying they can't beat City...Seems like a stupid thing to say is all. If Warners Bay beat Cardiff, they are more than capable of beating City. Or are you saying that City are clearly a better team than Cardiff?

im saying that they are both equal. they are both two top quality sides which is shown by the way they have performed throughout the year. when they have clashed there hasnt been much in it really. but if WB were lucky enough to beat Cardiff next week I still dont think that they can knock off City.

Somehow I think the boys from Cardiff wont let it happen and will be focused all week for the clash with WB and I know that WB will be just as pumped because they love nothing more then playing the Hawks.
Thats really something to be proud of. My question is why was an umpire judged to be good enough to umpire at the Australian Country Championships umpiring Under 18s yesterday??? Couldnt he keep up with Gollum at training either?
I must say that the umpires did do a good job in 1st grade but. Well done to the coaching staff of Newcastle City who did their homework and shut the Hawks down through the centre of the ground. I also thought the Blues backline was outstanding and kept the Hawks guns relatively quiet.

For the record. Ashley Borg an 17 minutes 56 seconds for the 4KM time trail.

That a LONG WAY behind Roger.
Yer that's a fair call...I just find it frustrating that a young, inexperienced umpire made such a drastic call in a finals match. As most people would know if a player gets reported in the BDAFL then you will more than likely be rubbed out for at least a week. The tribunal is hopeless and players don't stand a chance unless you are Michael Ryan. It would be an outrage if this player (who is a key player for the dogs) is rubbed out and misses the prelim final next week because of a terrible decision by the umpire. Hopefully common sense will prevail..However I will not be holding my breath. It would have been nice to see one of the other more experienced umpires overrule the decision.
Whilst i agree with your comment about a more experienced umpire overruling the young guys to help teach them, I do not believe on a report situation it can be done once the report is made. I dont think it can be done even on a call either. If one umpire calls one thing and another calls something different at the same time then it usually comes down to what happened first or did the second override the first. Maybe Borgster can elaborate?
One thing that does upset me is that people can't seem to have sensible debate without resorting to insults and name calling. I am happy to discuss this with you. But please lets just talk the facts and leave the personal attackes out of it. We are meant to be intellegent people, OK?

First. I never mentioned Roger. You did. You assumed that it was Roger I was talking about. Yes you are correct, but your assumtion.

That said, I take it you agree he is the fittest umpire in the BDAFL?

You say he is the worst umpire in the BDAFL. OK Thats you opinion and you are entilted to it. However, let look at some FACTS.

Roger umpired 26 AFL seniour games beteween 1992 and 1997. You don't get to that level without some ability.

If he is that bad why do the Umpires Appointments Committe (made up of independent people from the BDAFL) continue to appoint him at the level they do? They must have a very different opinion?

His peers must also think highly of him as well. The NCCUA named him as the "Umpire of the Year" in both 2006 & 2007.

Mate, these are FACTS. As I said, you are entilted to your opinion. It would seem that those in the positions that count have a very different one.

Have a nice day.

tardus... no insult intended whatsoever but correct me if im wrong, doesnt roger have a very close relative on the board of NCCUA? and if the NCCUA is so credible, why didnt the NSW country championship rep. umpire (borgie) get the 1st grade game instead of an 18's game? hmmm
Nice attacks from all round.

I would like to ask Barto to refrain from personally attacking young umpires!! If the decision was wrong (I had my back turned) then I hope it gets overturned by the tribunal. If it was right then the opposite tands true. You attacking a young umpire can only have one result; That young fella who puts his hand up to be criticised by you is less likely to do so next time. Criticise the decision fairly not the person or we wont have anyone to do the game. He might be the next GG.

I think the BDAFL website had a point about Cardiff not being as good without a fully fit Ryan but city took it from them, their inaccuracy looked like it was due to city's pressure. Not for a second would I write that article, but Ryan is their key. Ryan's injury probably cost them a chance to weather the onslaught but in no way did it cost them the game. And as for Clark, he was well held all day and looks to have nothing under pressure.

... except for 3 premiership medalions
im saying that they are both equal. they are both two top quality sides which is shown by the way they have performed throughout the year. when they have clashed there hasnt been much in it really. but if WB were lucky enough to beat Cardiff next week I still dont think that they can knock off City.

Somehow I think the boys from Cardiff wont let it happen and will be focused all week for the clash with WB and I know that WB will be just as pumped because they love nothing more then playing the Hawks.

I think you like to stir trouble under your little veil of anonymity.

We'll break it down into a simple logical process, shall we?

Cardiff beat City twice during the season.
City beat Cardiff on Saturday.
Therefore, if WB beat Cardiff on Saturday, that would suggest they have the ability to also beat City.

Out of interest, which club are you associated with? Or are you far too important to divulge that information?
tardus... no insult intended whatsoever but correct me if im wrong, doesnt roger have a very close relative on the board of NCCUA? and if the NCCUA is so credible, why didnt the NSW country championship rep. umpire (borgie) get the 1st grade game instead of an 18's game? hmmm

Mate, no slight against Mr Borg. I think you will find the powers to be are rotating umpires over the finals as is often the practice. I noticed he was the Emergency Umpire for the Cup game on the weekend as well.

As for Roger having a close relative on the NCCUA board. I don't know. He does hail originaly from SA. To the best of my knowedge all his reletives are still there.

Maybe some of the umpires who visit this forum could answer this one?
Wow! he looks a lot quicker than that over 4km. Roger runs brilliantly, but my guess is guys like Grant and Ashley have a much better rapport with players and also have a very common sense approach to the game, which at times is something Roger may lack.

Enough about umpires, it's not about them.

Spot on manatwork....Common sense is one thing that Roger really does lack. Technically he may be a decent umpire. Personally I think Borgy is the best umpire in the BDAFL because he understands the game so well, umpires with common sense and doesn't mind explaining his decisions to the players...When Roger is questioned he starts marching blokes 50m and showing cards. It would be nice to see him work on his people skills on the field...
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