Bluemour Melting Pot XXI - Like seriously, the polar ice caps have got nothing on us

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A pretty good day for us following a pretty flat night last night.

First Papley's manager quoted, praising us and saying we did all we could do...

Now Martin's manager saying still focused on getting to Carlton, won't be playing for GC next year and, most importantly, has already told Melbourne thanks but no thanks...
Quick build the SOS statue again!

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I feel KohPhi's pain.

No one takes me seriously when I try and post football actual analysis.

I feel like Adam Sandler trying to ditch toilet humour comedies and trying to make it as a serious actor.......

OOHHHHHH......Adam Sandler in a DRAMA? :sick::sick::sick: NOW I get why people tell me to stick to the one-liners....
TO quote that great intellectual Hermione Granger, some people have the emotional range of a teaspoon. They love to shove you in little stalls...errr cupboards and label you. I mean, I get it. Who doesn't love a good label gun eh???
But I digress
What I mean to say is Ferris ol' bean,
You are the dope. The real deal. Funny, serious,'s all good when you say it.
Unfortunately, being a horse, no one is gonna take this post seriously. But one tries ;)
oh, and that goes for KhoPhi too!
Jack wants Carlton, Carlton want Jack, The Suns don’t want picks.
Go figure........
Also why make an enemy of a team that has cash to burn and no need for the draft as of next year...make their life Hell SOS! Offer every one of their uncontracted young guns big offers from here on out. Something will give.
Well not really. Martin isn't half the player Papley is. So yeah I'm a 3/4 empty not a 1/4 full guy

Wait til you see Martin playing for a club where he's happy and surrounded by supportive teammates. I reckon he'll impress the non-believers.

Papley would have been a perfect addition, I'll grant that. Challenge set for Cunners and Gibbons. Beat Papley's output in 2020.
I'm so glad we can pick up Martin in the draft. Suns have total egg on their faces, they could have gotten a second round pick or two. Now they get nothing, nada, zilch.

I think the point is that they saw no worth in a second-round future pick because the AFL gave them a massive hand-out. They simply don't care if they get zilch for Martin. It's easy to make these bold decisions when you're drowning in top end picks.

Let's be clear, if the AFL doesn't hand over all those priority picks, Martin deal gets done.

That we've had to go through this rubbish is entirely on the AFL.

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Live feed was a waste of time.

Literally just a room with 3 people sitting at a table, waiting to sign off on deals presented by club list managers. 2-3 people walk into the room with sheets of paper, sit down, they spend 2-3 mins checking off details and then shake hands and leave. No audio, nothing remotely interesting about it.

It was a waste of time last year. Still watched it over dinner. More fool me.

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It was a waste of time last year. Still watched it over dinner. More fool me.

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Best content they've released in recent years was the draft night footage. That's the way it should be - record negotiations and behind closed doors stuff, and let the clubs decide if if goes to air. If it doesn't, burn it so nobody can get hurt by it being leaked.
Can't argue with this. I liked Gibbons last year. Whether in the guts or out wide, having a full pre season under his belt and now used to the tempo, well positioned for a big uptick in output
Rated very highly in champion data in second half of the year (Bar his last game when he got injured).

He’s extremely under rated.
Rated very highly in champion data in second half of the year (Bar his last game when he got injured).

He’s extremely under rated.

The one thing we do know is that we won't be playing players out of position. If Gibbo shows his midfield wares through the pre-season he will be playing in the midfield. None of this small forward rubbish.

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Hey RoyalParade I've listed the names I'm keen on in that pick 9 thread. Young, Ash, Stephens then probably Flanders. Really not expecting Young to be around though. Anderson has been my clear number one all year, great player. A bit later I like Elijah Taylor, I think he's a better prospect than Weightman.

Happy to answer any other questions.
Cheers mate, I'll give that thread a look👍
If we do land Martin via the PSD that's a really good outcome. Pressure is really on to nail this #9 pick, I wouldn't discount us getting creative and doing some sort of pick swap
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