BOOO-ing Goodes

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Goddard on 360 said that the players, black or white, view it as racist and a form of extreme bullying.

A bit more: Adam sees it a racist, other aboriginal players do as well so all players have taken that view. Also said that there might be some action taken if it continues.
Taylor Walker disagrees.
He said all sorts of players cop boos and it should be water off a ducks back.
The thing I don't understand is, if it's purely racially motivated, why aren't Sydney fans booing him as well? Do they not have racists supporting them? Surely racism is something that transcends a sports team that you follow?

I was at the game and didn't boo him, too busy booing razor Ray for that fifty against lecras. However I thinks it's the supporters prerogative as to whether they boo him. For a small minority its evidently racially motivated, but I'm guessing the masses do it because he publicly admitted it affected him. The best way to get someone to do something is to admit it bothers you.

Storm in a teacup.

Basically exactly what i wrote a few posts up. I would boo him if i was at a Syd v WCE game purely because i know it hurts the sooks delicate little feelings, and in fact it's not because i'm a closet racist.

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Taylor Walker disagrees.
He said all sorts of players cop boos and it should be water off a ducks back.

The explanation is simple. Talyor Walker is racist!


The above is the intellectual level on which this is being argued. Where our club has thrown thousands of fans under the bus as racists.
Would people find it racist if I boo lamumba ? He is a massive flog also but if he said it was racially motivated would it be ?

Another one who is booed for being a sook. Any player that has a reaction to crowd booing or involvement will only cop it more.
Explain - why? Why now boo Jetta more? Boo him when launching a charity? Even as a Swans supporter, I understand that people will boo him but these comments are just ridiculous. Rational and empathetic, hey? Take off the 'em-' and you're closer to the mark. Idiot.
I will boo Jetta now for three reasons.
1 It will put him off his game
2 I don't want the posibilty of another soft as player playing at the Eagles next year.
3 It puts you off your game.

Regarding booing him when he opens a charity? LOL flog, you're the idiot. That was tounge in cheek. Note the asterisk in the OP.

Have a nice week Joxy.
If the AFL had said this......

"Adam, we understand your feelings but we can't condone your actions against the crowd, we offer you 3 weeks suspension or a $2,000 fine with an apology" then the matter would be over. Instead it has progressed to the Jetta incident. The guilty party is the AFL and incompetence is nothing new for them.
If the AFL had said this......

"Adam, we understand your feelings but we can't condone your actions against the crowd, we offer you 3 weeks suspension or a $2,000 fine with an apology" then the matter would be over. Instead it has progressed to the Jetta incident. The guilty party is the AFL and incompetence is nothing new for them.
Afl is walking on eggshells on this topic .
If the afl came out and said Adam we surveyed 10000 supporters from the 17 other clubs and 85 % of people said you were boo'd for being a massive tool and not because your aboriginal do you think he would even listen !
It doesn't even register that it's his on and off field behaviour to do with footy that people don't like !
Within the current sequence of events the booing started during the match against Hawthorn where the media started to critique the treatment as race related because of the Goodes incident with that young Collingwood supporter and his recent foray into Aboriginal politics.

I would regard anything prior to the Hawthorn events as relevant because it wasn't on going.
whites cant handle black dissent. It drives the simpletons crazy.
Obviously people who do good things can be disliked, but how is that even relevant when it is obvious a portion of the booing is racially motivated? Unless you truly believe that none of the booing is racially motivated your point that some may just dislike him for other reasons, while undoubtedly true, is hardly relevant. I don't think the definition of racism has been enlarged at all, what do you even mean by that?

If your major concern about all this is that you feel the Eagles fan base has been unfairly critcised I believe you have your priorities all wrong. 99.99% of the media coverage is that it is an AFL wide issue, what is your point? That they should have waited for two weeks against Geelong before speaking up? But then won't the Geelong supporters feel unfairly treated? Seriously, you either believe there is an issue and are happy that it is getting dealt with, or you don't think there is an issue so are sad that the media is picking on us. How does it even matter if the statement was forced upon us by the AFL, and on what possible basis could you have reached that conclusion? Are you not happy that a statement was made? Also, the Eagles fan base received widespread applause for the Adelaide situation, if there was such an unfair biased against the poor Eagles fan base why were they so glowing in their praise?
You seem to have a very pessimistic view on people, particularly our members.

I did not say none of it was who can say that with certainty? The people I have spoken to who went to the game booed him because they think he is a flog. No different to Judd or Wellingham for that fact when they played against their old clubs. The distinguishing feature between the two is that a) to boo someone you dislike you they do things that offend - e.g. changing teams, playing for frees, getting favourable treatment and b) the pessimistic approach that it _has_ to be because of the colour of his skin - that is what is termed 'positive discrimination'. Enlarging a definition means you are attempting to attach to a word conduct beyond its meaning, e.g. a reach.

Is it AFL wide? I haven't seen other clubs issue official statements saying their supporters' conduct was appalling. I would disagree with you there. They should have addressed it when it happened first, not when the snowball has developed into an avalanche. It is trite to suggest that by allowing it to continue then suddenly finding a moral compass the AFL has 'done right'. I'm not sure what you mean by the last sentence or two of your post so I won't respond to that.

You seem intent on branding that WCE crowd as racist. Ask yourself this: Do you think they are? Do you think other supporters are? If the answer is yes then I think you need a broom for your sweeping thoughts. I do think the bloke claiming his 'go back to the zoo' comment was not racially motivated is kidding himself, but he is 1 out of 38,000 odd people along with another I believe who was removed. Personally, I don't mind the odd boo, its part of the game and happens all the time e.g. at a player who has taken out one of ours or an ump who is being a flog, but the constant booing of one player is a bit tiring. Knowing what I do about how the AFLPA and AFL work I would not be at all surprised if his taking time off has been done under instruction with an agenda.

I have my views, you have yours and I am not saying any more on the topic.

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Not sure whether people are deliberately creating straw man arguments, have misread the context or have wonky internal logic (for these people, look up "epistemology" and the various tools which can be used to ensure that your logic is consistent).

To reiterate -

  • Booing Adam Goodes, any other player or umpire when they do something which deserves booing (for example - Booing Goodes when he got that iffy free, or in a game where he does any one of the dodgy acts attributed to him on this forum) = TOTALLY COOL
  • Booing Adam Goodes from the very first possession, despite doing none of the above either in this game or a previous game against your team = NOT COOL
  • A few people in the crowd booing Goodes or any other "flog", be they black or white, because they don't like him = UNDERSTANDABLE AND NOT WITHOUT PRECEDENT
  • A large proportion of the opposition crowd booing Goodes, week in week out, to a degree totally out of proportion with any of the spurious reasons offered ("he's a flog", "he shouldn't have pointed out that girl in the crowd", "he shouldn't moan about racism all the time", "he shouldn't have been awarded AOTY" etc etc) = NOT COOL
  • These same people continuing to boo despite the fact that Goodes has already clearly said it is deeply upsetting (Just put yourself in his shoes for a moment and imagine thousands of people booing you whenever you go near the footy, irrespective of what you do on the day) = NOT COOL

Now let me state a few facts for clarity -

  • The Eagles players, coach and management have denounced this practice
  • Every single AFL player who has commented has denounced it
  • Any legends of the game who are in the media have denounced it
  • Every single person I have spoken to in real life denounces it
  • A heap of people sitting behind their computer, from the comfort of their lounge room think that there is nothing wrong. Because he's a "flog. That's what flogs deserve, right?
  • The logic of these people is that Goodes is just getting booed because he is a flog, not because of any racist undertone.
  • For this logic to hold, there would need to be a similar level of systematic booing for any other flog in the AFL. There isn't.
  • The booing of Goodes is unprecedented in the AFL modern era in terms of its relentless pervasiveness. Logic says then, that he is a flog of unprecedented proportions. A flog without equal.
  • Everyone who knows or even has met Adam Goodes says that he is a great bloke
  • People who have never spoken to him and who have no detailed knowledge of the amount of effort he puts into helping others, think he is a flog.
  • The merciless treatment of Goodes has reached such a level that he can't take the field this weekend. If it continues, there is a strong chance that these people booing will literally hound a true champion out of the game altogether. Because he's a "flog" apparently.
  • The behaviour of this vocal minority in the crowd on the weekend has destroyed the good will created by the crowd at the Crows game
  • Instead of lauding our amazing Eagles due to yet another fantastic performance, the focus of the AFL community has instead been on the treatment of Goodes
  • In 10, 20 or 30 years time, people will look back on this event with disbelief and shame. They will read that the booers justified their actions by saying "he was a flog" and it will seem ridiculous.
  • This thread and others like it feature a lot of the classic "I'm not racist but..." comments. This can be summarised by that one post early in the piece where someone said (to paraphrase) "I am not being racist when I say Goodes looks like an ape. He actually does look like an ape"
Please let me make one final appeal to reason and then I will move on.

Many people are genuinely telling the truth when they say that their booing of Goodes has no racial component. They genuinely think he is a flog and deserves to be booed. However, unfortunately, whether they are linked or not, this booing began to gather momentum after Goodes spoke out against racism. Therefore, anyone watching could be forgiven for drawing a conclusion that the crowd doesn't like a black person speaking out against racism.

This issue has a great correlate with the confederate flag debate recently in North Carolina. Many people there were outraged that such an important symbol of the region was being swept under the rug. They quite rightly pointed out the fact that it held deep meaning for many, due to reasons unrelated to race. However the problem was that for black people, this flag symbolised a painful time in their history. A great many atrocities were committed by people flying that flag. Eventually, the majority of the people in North Carolina agreed to stop flying the flag because even though it didn't hold racist meaning for them, it was strongly associated with racism for the black people.

The booing of Adam Goodes is our confederate flag. You might not be booing for racist reasons however it can't help but look that way. Therefore many people, both black and white, find this practice distasteful and upsetting. You have made your point. I am sure Adam Goodes is now well aware of the fact that apparently he is a flog. Now it's time to let it go. That would be the right thing to do. And here is my little secret - if you make a pledge to stop booing Goodes, because that would be what someone with basic human decency would do, you will feel this delightful warm sensation coming from behind your ribs. That's called pride. Trust me, it feels much better than venting at some "flog" at the footy.
This issue has a great correlate with the confederate flag debate recently in North Carolina. Many people there were outraged that such an important symbol of the region was being swept under the rug. They quite rightly pointed out the fact that it held deep meaning for many, due to reasons unrelated to race. However the problem was that for black people, this flag symbolised a painful time in their history. A great many atrocities were committed by people flying that flag. Eventually, the majority of the people in North Carolina agreed to stop flying the flag because even though it didn't hold racist meaning for them, it was strongly associated with racism for the black people.

That you can't see how ludicrous it is to use this as an analogy to people booing at the footy would be hilarious if it wasn't slightly frightening.
If the AFL had said this......

"Adam, we understand your feelings but we can't condone your actions against the crowd, we offer you 3 weeks suspension or a $2,000 fine with an apology" then the matter would be over. Instead it has progressed to the Jetta incident. The guilty party is the AFL and incompetence is nothing new for them.

Lol what the hell are you talking about. What actions with the crowd?

Never mind that the AFLPA would have this ridiculous suggestion overturned within about 5 minutes.
Afl is walking on eggshells on this topic .
If the afl came out and said Adam we surveyed 10000 supporters from the 17 other clubs and 85 % of people said you were boo'd for being a massive tool and not because your aboriginal do you think he would even listen !
It doesn't even register that it's his on and off field behaviour to do with footy that people don't like !

Based on what, the findings of the imaginary poll that you completely made up?
Well there's a pretty massive difference in being asked not to boo and be prohibited from booing. If booing is banned then you will be ejected and possibly sanctioned for booing. Since that's not happen, then there is no reason that you can't go to the game and boo.

Okay, so the end goal is the same then right? The AFL wants to stop (ban) booing. That is wrong and they have no right to do that.

The AFL is trying to discourage a certain type of behaviour, much as the government discourages smoking. The AFL wants people to be aware that its players, coaches, management and many of its fans do not want the booing, so they are getting that word out there. The government puts plain packaging on cigarettes, runs anti-smoking ads, and heavily taxes cigarettes. But you can walk down to the shops anytime and buy a pack of smokes.

See I don't see that as a fair comparison. The government doesn't have to allow the sale of cigarettes, they choose to. The AFL has no say in this matter, because firstly that may be seen as removing freedom of speech and secondly, they would be alienating the very people who fund their organisation. What we are seeing here, is the AFL trying to guilt people into stopping, by lumping them in with the racists. That is disgusting.

As for the second bit, it sounds like it just comes down to selfishness. Fans don't care about the wishes of the AFL, its players, Adam Goodes, and other fans sitting around them. They want to boo, so they're going to boo. Not exactly showing maturity or being a good human being, but I guess we can't prevent people from being morons of the highest order.

Why should they care? What has Adam Goodes ever done for them personally?

Has anyone actually stopped for a second to investigate the REAL reason why people are booing? (Don't give me that racism bullshit. We all know that is a minority of people as we see in society.) The majority of a stadium was booing Goodes on the weekend, how about we look into the reason why and try and fix that instead of effectively banning the boo.

So you obviously don't care it is causing deep emotional pain to Adam Goodes on a personal level? You can't for a second step back, forget about all the racial commentary, and just say I won't boo because it is causing him, his family and a portion of the aboriginal community deep pain? If he came out and said he is suffering depression about it would you stop? Or is it still 'your right' to boo? You don't think every second weekend having tens of thousands of people boo you would affect you at all? Watch the interview of Jetta and Goodes talking about it, they are hurting, it is not an act. I for one won't willingly continue to put them through this distress just so I can exercise my right to boo.

Well yes, I can. Mainly because I've never booed him, but that's just who I am as a person. This doesn't detract from my right as a person to boo.

I've seen the interview of Jetta and Goodes and it was good to see them voice their opinion, but how about they stopped and asked people why they are booing? Surely a whole crowd at Domain stadium isn't booing them for no reason right? I know if that was me, I'd want to know how I've upset so many people.
Not sure whether people are deliberately creating straw man arguments, have misread the context or have wonky internal logic (for these people, look up "epistemology" and the various tools which can be used to ensure that your logic is consistent).

To reiterate -

  • Booing Adam Goodes, any other player or umpire when they do something which deserves booing (for example - Booing Goodes when he got that iffy free, or in a game where he does any one of the dodgy acts attributed to him on this forum) = TOTALLY COOL
  • Booing Adam Goodes from the very first possession, despite doing none of the above either in this game or a previous game against your team = NOT COOL
  • A few people in the crowd booing Goodes or any other "flog", be they black or white, because they don't like him = UNDERSTANDABLE AND NOT WITHOUT PRECEDENT
  • A large proportion of the opposition crowd booing Goodes, week in week out, to a degree totally out of proportion with any of the spurious reasons offered ("he's a flog", "he shouldn't have pointed out that girl in the crowd", "he shouldn't moan about racism all the time", "he shouldn't have been awarded AOTY" etc etc) = NOT COOL
  • These same people continuing to boo despite the fact that Goodes has already clearly said it is deeply upsetting (Just put yourself in his shoes for a moment and imagine thousands of people booing you whenever you go near the footy, irrespective of what you do on the day) = NOT COOL

Now let me state a few facts for clarity -

  • The Eagles players, coach and management have denounced this practice
  • Every single AFL player who has commented has denounced it
  • Any legends of the game who are in the media have denounced it
  • Every single person I have spoken to in real life denounces it
  • A heap of people sitting behind their computer, from the comfort of their lounge room think that there is nothing wrong. Because he's a "flog. That's what flogs deserve, right?
  • The logic of these people is that Goodes is just getting booed because he is a flog, not because of any racist undertone.
  • For this logic to hold, there would need to be a similar level of systematic booing for any other flog in the AFL. There isn't.
  • The booing of Goodes is unprecedented in the AFL modern era in terms of its relentless pervasiveness. Logic says then, that he is a flog of unprecedented proportions. A flog without equal.
  • Everyone who knows or even has met Adam Goodes says that he is a great bloke
  • People who have never spoken to him and who have no detailed knowledge of the amount of effort he puts into helping others, think he is a flog.
  • The merciless treatment of Goodes has reached such a level that he can't take the field this weekend. If it continues, there is a strong chance that these people booing will literally hound a true champion out of the game altogether. Because he's a "flog" apparently.
  • The behaviour of this vocal minority in the crowd on the weekend has destroyed the good will created by the crowd at the Crows game
  • Instead of lauding our amazing Eagles due to yet another fantastic performance, the focus of the AFL community has instead been on the treatment of Goodes
  • In 10, 20 or 30 years time, people will look back on this event with disbelief and shame. They will read that the booers justified their actions by saying "he was a flog" and it will seem ridiculous.
  • This thread and others like it feature a lot of the classic "I'm not racist but..." comments. This can be summarised by that one post early in the piece where someone said (to paraphrase) "I am not being racist when I say Goodes looks like an ape. He actually does look like an ape"
Please let me make one final appeal to reason and then I will move on.

Many people are genuinely telling the truth when they say that their booing of Goodes has no racial component. They genuinely think he is a flog and deserves to be booed. However, unfortunately, whether they are linked or not, this booing began to gather momentum after Goodes spoke out against racism. Therefore, anyone watching could be forgiven for drawing a conclusion that the crowd doesn't like a black person speaking out against racism.

This issue has a great correlate with the confederate flag debate recently in North Carolina. Many people there were outraged that such an important symbol of the region was being swept under the rug. They quite rightly pointed out the fact that it held deep meaning for many, due to reasons unrelated to race. However the problem was that for black people, this flag symbolised a painful time in their history. A great many atrocities were committed by people flying that flag. Eventually, the majority of the people in North Carolina agreed to stop flying the flag because even though it didn't hold racist meaning for them, it was strongly associated with racism for the black people.

The booing of Adam Goodes is our confederate flag. You might not be booing for racist reasons however it can't help but look that way. Therefore many people, both black and white, find this practice distasteful and upsetting. You have made your point. I am sure Adam Goodes is now well aware of the fact that apparently he is a flog. Now it's time to let it go. That would be the right thing to do. And here is my little secret - if you make a pledge to stop booing Goodes, because that would be what someone with basic human decency would do, you will feel this delightful warm sensation coming from behind your ribs. That's called pride. Trust me, it feels much better than venting at some "flog" at the footy.
Define flog
Okay, so the end goal is the same then right? The AFL wants to stop (ban) booing. That is wrong and they have no right to do that.

See I don't see that as a fair comparison. The government doesn't have to allow the sale of cigarettes, they choose to. The AFL has no say in this matter, because firstly that may be seen as removing freedom of speech and secondly, they would be alienating the very people who fund their organisation. What we are seeing here, is the AFL trying to guilt people into stopping, by lumping them in with the racists. That is disgusting.

Why should they care? What has Adam Goodes ever done for them personally?

Has anyone actually stopped for a second to investigate the REAL reason why people are booing? (Don't give me that racism bullshit. We all know that is a minority of people as we see in society.) The majority of a stadium was booing Goodes on the weekend, how about we look into the reason why and try and fix that instead of effectively banning the boo.

Well yes, I can. Mainly because I've never booed him, but that's just who I am as a person. This doesn't detract from my right as a person to boo.

I've seen the interview of Jetta and Goodes and it was good to see them voice their opinion, but how about they stopped and asked people why they are booing? Surely a whole crowd at Domain stadium isn't booing them for no reason right? I know if that was me, I'd want to know how I've upset so many people.
Whats the resson then?
As individual incidents they are the same. That said, it is likely to be more of a rare incident for people with fairer skin in Western society. So we as the white receiver should be more able to be less bothered by it.

Clearly you have never lived, played football, worked in retail, the police force or in health services or gone to school in some areas of regional WA.

It pretty safe to say that the term "black c" as opposed to "white c" is a much less frequently used term of abuse.

Happy for you to call out any use of these terms as wrong, just don't talk bollocks to make a point.
Okay, so the end goal is the same then right? The AFL wants to stop (ban) booing. That is wrong and they have no right to do that.

Strawman argument #983. The AFL doesn't want to ban booing. It wants people to stop booing Adam Goodes every time he touches the ball. If he were booed when he pushes off for a free, or tackles someone high, or complains to an ump, this wouldn't be an issue. It's an issue because the booing of Goodes goes above and beyond the booing of any other player.

See I don't see that as a fair comparison. The government doesn't have to allow the sale of cigarettes, they choose to. The AFL has no say in this matter, because firstly that may be seen as removing freedom of speech and secondly, they would be alienating the very people who fund their organisation.

The AFL is a private organisation and if you are attending their events, they can limit your free speech in whatever way they like. As for them alienating their fans, as a fan I would be alienated if the AFL had not come out this week and taken a stand against the treatment tha Goodes has been receiving. Many other fans like myself think the booing is ugly and embarrassing. You seem to be under the impression that everyone feels the same way that you do, an impression which is probably being skewed by the opinions on this site (a population which is decidedly younger, more male, more passionate about footy than the average punter at a match).

Why should they care? What has Adam Goodes ever done for them personally?

Isn't this pretty much the textbook definition of selfishness? Disregarding the wishes of another individual (not to mention everybody else in AFL) because "they haven't done anything for me personally"?

Has anyone actually stopped for a second to investigate the REAL reason why people are booing? (Don't give me that racism bullshit. We all know that is a minority of people as we see in society.) The majority of a stadium was booing Goodes on the weekend, how about we look into the reason why and try and fix that instead of effectively banning the boo.

Well yes, I can. Mainly because I've never booed him, but that's just who I am as a person. This doesn't detract from my right as a person to boo.

I've seen the interview of Jetta and Goodes and it was good to see them voice their opinion, but how about they stopped and asked people why they are booing?

What a pointless couple of ideas. Even the stupidest bogan is smart enough to know that you can't just say "well yeah I'm booing him because he's black." If there is racism involved, it's always going to be more subtle than that. Look at some of the criticisms against him in this thread. He didn't deserve AOTY(maybe not, but he didn't nominate himself either). He should've just said thank you for the award and kept his mouth shut (ridiculous suggestion). He talked about invasion day (which is a completely cynical misrepresentation of his actual comments). He belittled a teenaged girl for days (no he didn't). He was too selfish to be a sub (no, he wanted to find form and improve match fitness in NEAFL). Etc, etc. It's obvious that some people just hate him and the reasons behind that are probably more subtle than "he's a flog" or "I hate blacks."
I think other posters have nailed it - he gets booed because he is affected by it, and he probably gets booed more because he can't see it as being caused by his actions/personality, but only by the colour of his skin. Opposition fans boo players all the time to get under their skin and no one was booing Jetta or Wellingham.

Goodes is probably a bit racist in a sense - trying to make things literally black and white and lumping the predominantly white crowd together as racist despite the fact that most people don't have a care in the world if he is indigenous. If you want to fight racism, stop creating it out of thin air and deal with the fact some people just don't like you. If anything I feel like he is probably promoting racism by stoking the fire.
You seem to have a very pessimistic view on people, particularly our members.

I did not say none of it was who can say that with certainty? The people I have spoken to who went to the game booed him because they think he is a flog.
'The few people I have spoken with didn't say they are racists but that they think he is a flog'. Compelling argument I admit, but not enough to win me over. You really expect someone will just say to you they booed him because he is aboriginal? I can say with 100% certainty that a portion of the booing is racially motivated, seriously just read this thread and see some of the opinions offered and I'm sure you will come to the same conclusion.

No different to Judd or Wellingham for that fact when they played against their old clubs. The distinguishing feature between the two is that a) to boo someone you dislike you they do things that offend - e.g. changing teams, playing for frees, getting favourable treatment and b) the pessimistic approach that it _has_ to be because of the colour of his skin - that is what is termed 'positive discrimination'. Enlarging a definition means you are attempting to attach to a word conduct beyond its meaning, e.g. a reach.
Wow, come on dude. You can't see any difference in the situation we have here where an player is booed every single time he gets the ball for near on two years which happened to start around the time he won Australian of The Year and made a few controversial stances calling out racism that ruffled a few feathers? Despite the fact his on-field persona certainly didn't change dramatically over night and anyone who says otherwise is looking for excuses. This compares in your mind to the booing a player gets a few times after switching clubs, maybe twice a year? The booing a player will get for an hour or so if he does a dirty act? Plays for a free? And I seriously suggest you look up the meaning of positive discrimination because what you described is most certainly not it. No other player has been booed anywhere near the level Adam Goodes is at the moment so condemning it is not 'positive discrimination' as it is a unique situation, he isn't getting treated any differently to someone else in this situation because there is no-one else in this situation.

Is it AFL wide? I haven't seen other clubs issue official statements saying their supporters' conduct was appalling. I would disagree with you there. They should have addressed it when it happened first, not when the snowball has developed into an avalanche. It is trite to suggest that by allowing it to continue then suddenly finding a moral compass the AFL has 'done right'. I'm not sure what you mean by the last sentence or two of your post so I won't respond to that.
I wish you would respond because I have literally no idea what your point is here. Are you trying to say that because the AFL has taken so long to act it is all of a sudden the wrong thing to do? That because the Eagles are the first club to act that they are somehow wrong, or 'throwing their supporters under the bus' as I have heard previously? You have suggested that the AFL should have addressed it when it first happened, despite your previous paragraph trying to convince me that it has nothing to do with race. So why should the AFL have addressed it all? Is that not 'positive discrimination' as you tried to say earlier? You are now advocating for positive discrimination? Those two viewpoints don't seem to match at all and have left me very confused.

You seem intent on branding that WCE crowd as racist. Ask yourself this: Do you think they are? Do you think other supporters are? If the answer is yes then I think you need a broom for your sweeping thoughts. I do think the bloke claiming his 'go back to the zoo' comment was not racially motivated is kidding himself, but he is 1 out of 38,000 odd people along with another I believe who was removed. Personally, I don't mind the odd boo, its part of the game and happens all the time e.g. at a player who has taken out one of ours or an ump who is being a flog, but the constant booing of one player is a bit tiring.
I am not branding the whole WCE crowd as racist, I am a part of that crowd. There is a portion of the crowd who are booing with racist intentions, whether you want to admit it or not it is a fact. You would be unbelievably naive to believe the only two racists in the crowd just happened to be caught by security. So your only objection to the boo is that it is a bit tiring? Not the massive personal impact it is having on Goodes, his family, Jetta, the Sydney football club and a portion of the aboriginal community? Irregardless of the racial aspect, surely some human empathy should prevail for this very reason alone?

Knowing what I do about how the AFLPA and AFL work I would not be at all surprised if his taking time off has been done under instruction with an agenda.

Yep, it couldn't possibly be the fact that tens of thousands of people from around the country booing him every second week is actually having a massive mental impact on him personally. John Longmire was lying when he said it has been a massive struggle for him over the past two years. Definitely an agenda. The AFLPA staged a meeting this afternoon but had already decided yesterday to tell Goodes to have some time off, so very sneaky they are.
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