BOOO-ing Goodes

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As individual incidents they are the same. That said, it is likely to be more of a rare incident for people with fairer skin in Western society. So we as the white receiver should be more able to be less bothered by it.

You would think that, but you've obviously never caught a train from the Midland train station.
My opinion on the booing is it should only be directed at the umpires after a poor decision or at a player after staging or rough conduct just for the rest of the game, any other type of continuous serial booing is probably a form of harassment/bullying and frankly the effort needed to actually excessively boo I couldn't be bothered with anyway.
I have had a go at umpiring at low levels for fun. All I can say is Adam is lucky he isn't an umpire
P.S. He did not lambaste that girl in the press conference in 2013. He suggested that she is a product of our society/her environment and THAT is what should be the focus. He indeed implored the community to rally around her and educate each other on these issues. Anyone suggesting otherwise should go and re-watch that presser.

The problem here is that the reporting of Adam Goodes has mostly been about emotive reactions to what Goodes says rather than what he said. I can totally understand someone taking his comments in that vain when "journalism" is based around click bait opinion pieces.

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Something everyone seems to be missing - the main footage showed of booing was when Goodes kicked that goal. The crowd around me werent booing Adam - they were booing the umpire for not paying a free kick for the push. Which ramped up again when it was replayed. Shoddy journalism.

Edit: that's not a denial that Goodes was booed by some supporters. Just not in that example.

To me saying you can't boo a player because he is indigenous, but you can boo a white guy, is racist.

Disclaimer: I didn't boo Goodes throughout the game, found it distasteful, but not racist. I did however boo some umpiring decisions.
The two loudest boo's were when he got a free kick on the wing, don't remember what for but it was after a few calls didn't go our way and the crowd was getting restless, and also when he pushed Schofield in the back and ran into an open goal. Both umpiring decisions.

Ironically those are the 2 pieces of footage the media decides to use, whatever makes their story seem more legit.
I went to the game on Sunday and noticed the booing before the Schofield push in the back that wasn't called. I didn't think it was anywhere near as loud as after the Schofield push though. I decided to watch the replay of the first half and it sounded pretty loud throughout.. maybe an effect of the microphones? It was also interesting to note that Isaac Heeney was booed, the umpires were booed, on the replay I think I even heard someone booing Rosa after one of his up-and-under kicks.
The two loudest boo's were when he got a free kick on the wing, don't remember what for but it was after a few calls didn't go our way and the crowd was getting restless, and also when he pushed Schofield in the back and ran into an open goal. Both umpiring decisions.

Ironically those are the 2 pieces of footage the media decides to use, whatever makes their story seem more legit.
Everyone around me was too busy booing Margetts and Razor Ray.
Usually I would consider entering into a sad debate on a forum as inconceivable. I am a fairly shy, passive person in general. However there is something about this thread and the broader issue that I find utterly awful, with the lack of basic human kindness shown towards this man an absolute disgrace. Therefore I have been taking time out of my day to come back to this thread (which then leaves me with a knot in my guts after reading the casual racism on display) to try understand the rationality behind the hounding of Goodes and maybe (although unlikely) add to a chorus of disapproval which may at least help temper some of the inexplicable hatred some have for this man.

I wasn't going to respond to your post however decided I couldn't let it stand as you misuse some big words so may give the impression to some that you have expertly picked apart my argument. However in the great straw man tradition of this thread, you have muddied my original point, which cannot go unremarked upon.

So now let me address this car crash of a post point by point. It reads like something written in a foreign language which was entered into Google Translate, so I have had to re-read it several times to try to work out what you are talking about.

1. Next time please look up the meaning of the word "conflate" before you use it in a sentence (For your reference, here is the definition - combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one). However you are correct at least in this sense - if I was insane enough to conflate the confederate flag issue with people booing a football player, particularly if I were to draw parallels between the relative seriousness of each, I would indeed be rather insane.

2. Rather than conflate, I drew an analogy (or even, a "parallel" would be possibly more accurate). You have listed a handful of details associated with the confederate flag controversy and quite rightly pointed out that none of these details have anything to do with booing a football player. There is one detail and one detail only where I thought there was a potentially instructive parallel. Let me write it out so as to straw man proof my point -

a) Despite many people in North Carolina quite rightly pointing out that they didn't perceive the flag as racist, they acknowledged that for black people, it was perceived as a symbol of racism, so politicians and lawmakers agreed to stop flying it.

b) Despite many footy fans quite rightly pointing out that they are booing Goodes because he is a "flog", with the vast majority of these fans not overtly or consciously racist, I thought we could use what happened in North Carolina as a correlate. Perhaps those booing can make the same realisation, that this booing will naturally be perceived as racist because of the surrounding context, whether the boos are racially motivated or not. Therefore, because this booing (like the confederate flag) is a likely source of emotional suffering for Goodes and other aboriginal people, the decent and humane thing would be not to boo Goodes on such a systematic level.

Now back to your "argument".

3. When you look up "conflate", also look up "back pedaling" and then point out any statement I have made which is in accord with your new-found understanding of the meaning of this expression.

4. I have tried re-reading your message to make sense of your use of Godwin's Law and Hanlon's Razor. Whilst I definitely think Hanlon's Razor is behind your post, I can't for the life of me find where I referenced Hitler or Nazis...

5. Your last line was my second favourite. In the swirling maelstrom of ad hominem that is this Adam Goodes debate, you have taken particular umbrage at my own (admittedly unflatteringly facetious) piece of ad hominem. Extra irony points considering the position of myself and others is that the particularly nasty, personal and emotionally taxing ad hominem that Adam Goodes is being subjected to is a disgrace. Contrasted again what people like yourself believe they should be able to do to Goodes, I think a facetious post with a joking reference to intelligence (or lack thereof) would be water off a duck's back right?

However I wish to award the inaugural "Big Footy Adam Goodes Debate Straw Man Award" to you for this humdinger of a line -

I have no idea why people who boo players at the footy take umbrage to being accused of holding the same values as above murderer by smug talking heads

For any impartial observer reading this, I wish to direct you back to my original post he is quoting. Note how my original point, which was -

Even though the vast majority of the booers are not racist, for many it appears racist (due to context). Just like most NC citizens are neither racist nor view the confederate flag as racist, black people do, and find it upsetting.

In a dazzling, straw man sleight of hand move, this above point has been changed to -

I am saying that people who boo Adam Goodes hold the same values as the Charleston church shooter who killed 9 people in cold blood

I wish I had the ability to do a slow-mo reply as it was seamless and only reveals its mastery on repeat viewing.

Hope that clarifies things somewhat.
How's the RSI going?:D
Just saw this thread, haven't read it all, but I'm in the non-booing Goodes camp. Booing a player is fair enough, but its not something that should be permanent - I think there needs to be a connection with a recent occurrence (either that week or in the game or a previous game between the sides), or be a former player now playing for the opposition. Even former players have the boos from their old clubs' supporters eventually dwindle out after a few years.

And tbh, Subi has enough boos already. Some say that if you go there mid week you can still hear the residual boos from the weekend's match echoing softly around the grandstands.

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The entire debate here boils down to the fact that everyone who has an issue with Adam Goodes or boo's him at the game is racist. It's the buzz word of modern society.

Any argument anyone may have, no matter how well it is communicated = racist.

How seemingly intelligent humans can see this situation and label anyone with an opposing view as a racist is beyond me. I just don't get it.

Don't like Adam Goodes? Racist. In fact the whole country is racist. The entire football community is racist. Eagles crowd? Racist.

I think Goodes is a flog. Personally though, I don't think he deserves to be boo'd by 40k people week in week out.

But how seemingly intelligent people are so easily throwing around the word racist to anyone with an opposing view, just boggles my mind.

The country is simply not that blatantly casually racist. If you think it is you have rocks in your head.

Personally I find it insulting and racist in itself.
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If you use a little girl to get your point across your a stooge. end of story. I dont care if your championing for world peace, the moment you call out a child all respect for you goes out the window. Not the cause your championing, just you the individual Adam. I totally agree with what he is pushing and that's great, we need more awareness etc. public conversation etc.
If you use a little girl to get your point across your a stooge. end of story. I dont care if your championing for world peace, the moment you call out a child all respect for you goes out the window. Not the cause your championing, just you the individual Adam. I totally agree with what he is pushing and that's great, we need more awareness etc. public conversation etc.
the real people spoke over the last 17 weeks , the people in the ivory towers ask why , Adams flogginess with the spear and a number of other things says promote your crusade in a better way , Moral of the story is "dont be a flog " . He will leave the game as a flog who doesnt know why he is a flog which is a shame because he was a great footballer
Goodeneas me what a storm in a tea cup over booing.
Ffs nobody killed anyone. A player isn't liked for whatever shit dam reason and gets booed en masse and everyone loses their shit.

Motives are not relevant until a crime has been committed and even then its only relevant in crimes lime murder/manslaughter etc.
Last time I checked booing isn't against the law in this country.

Who gives a shit why people boo. It's their personal right to have their opinions and keep them to themselves.

If people are racist and that why they boo. That's their right as long as they don't carry out illegal shit as a result of their racism.

Everybody is racist to some extent ffs. If anyone comes in here and says they have no racism in their heart at all they are either dead or lying. Simple.
I don't resile my stance - however it is getting clear that this is just going to be another distraction / outrage / issue and will dominate media airwaves and agendas if it doesn't stop

The boos in equal measure embolden the racists and those who can't wait to demonstrate their perceived moral superiority by selectively highlighting the aforementioned racists And tarring everyone with the same brush

Personally I'd be staggered if the boos continue now!
Goodeneas me what a storm in a tea cup over booing.
Ffs nobody killed anyone. A player isn't liked for whatever shit dam reason and gets booed en masse and everyone loses their shit.

Motives are not relevant until a crime has been committed and even then its only relevant in crimes lime murder/manslaughter etc.
Last time I checked booing isn't against the law in this country.

Who gives a shit why people boo. It's their personal right to have their opinions and keep them to themselves.

If people are racist and that why they boo. That's their right as long as they don't carry out illegal shit as a result of their racism.

Everybody is racist to some extent ffs. If anyone comes in here and says they have no racism in their heart at all they are either dead or lying. Simple.
Not true , There is only 1 race of people , the human race , the bible says it is so , all this garbage abourt what bit of dirt i was proud to be born on is crap , my mother inlaw and her mother look similar to chimpanzees my wife is always pointing out and my wife is a ranga .
The people who persist in the booing of aboriginal players, gingers players and the players with brown eyes ect shall be sent to camps for 're education'.

The only time booing shall be acceptable is for blue eyed blonde haired players. We shall call this Affirmative Action

Hold on, Graham Goodes is

of English, Irish and Scottish ancestry

He is Adams Father

He is not Aboriginal he is part Aboriginal and booing him, if racist, is applicable to him being half POM too.
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