Portfolio Boundary District Football Association

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Apr 5, 2017
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Boundary District Football Association
The Boundary District Football Association was a 'B Grade' football competition based around Naracoorte, South Australia. Starting in 1928 after only one season of the previous B Grade league the Central South Eastern Football Association. The league was a minor league to compared to the South East Football Association in which a Narracoorte side played against lower South East teams.
There was a similar B Grade competition based around Mount Gambier at the time which evolved into the modern day Mid South East Football League.
However the BDFA only existed until 1934 when Narracoorte left the South East Football Association and the Narracoorte Football Association commenced with Narracoorte North and South.

This portfolio displays my somewhat limited skills in replicating what a modern day BDFA would look like today.

BDFA Map.jpg


Lucindale 1928-1934
Distance to Naracoorte: 41km
2021 Population: 637​
The only team to play throughout the whole existence of the BDFA. Easily my most unappealing jumper, Lucindale were listed as wearing chocolate and blue with white knicks, I've used blue chevrons and included the modern day monogram.
They are one of two clubs that still exist today in the KNTFL but in blue and white which is a better combo!


Frances 1928-1930,
Distance to Naracoorte: 40km
2016 Population: 84​
One of the three inaugural clubs was Frances, the town lies just on the South Australian side of the border, it would be further if the border was placed correctly back in the day. A Frances team previously played in the Victorian Kowree Football Association previous to the BDFA. They played for three seasons until leaving due to the Hynam dispute.
Frances went to Kowree again which merged with the Naracoorte league in 1937, in 1951 they merged with Minimay to form Border Districts, who just recently won their first KNTFL flag. Borders also absorbed Goroke in 1999 but remain predominantly a Frances club.
Frances were listed as wearing maroon with black knicks, I've used the modern Borders design with the Eagle, but with black and not gold. For some reason they use backwards sash nowdays but I don't mind it.

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what were the other teams curious to know
They are in the map up the top!
wonder what teams were in the mount gambier comp and if you might do a folio for that as well
Yeah that might be fun, around the same in Mount Gambier there was a league with the High School, North and South.
In another league called there was the Country Association, based around Port Mac with OB Flat, Sea Rovers and Williamstown.

Narracoorte B​

Narracoorte B 1929-1934
2016 Population: 5960​
The Narracoorte B grade team was the only team based in town, now spelt Naracoorte with only one r. In the 1920s, the club played one off games against other B grade sides and smaller towns around South East SA and Western VIC and they played in the Central South Eastern B Grade comp in 1927. However they were denied entry into the first year of the BDFA in 1928, instead joining in 1929.
Narracoorte were known as the red and blacks, with the main side playing down in the Mount Gambier league, the B side played until the end of the BFDA when the Narracoorte Football Association started with North and South teams. North and South Narracoorte would merge in 1946 and create the team we know today.

I have Narracoorte B wearing the Essendon sash which is the most obvious design but the back is similar to the Richmond style of the mid 90s, Kybys design was like this when I played for them. I have to include myself somehow, a relative of mine (possibly my Great Grandfather) was the president of the red and blacks in 1926. I also used a red collar and cuffs just to add more colour.


Kybybolite 1928-1930, 1934
Distance to Naracoorte: 20km
2021 Population: 102​
One of the three original clubs in 1928, Kyby played in the BDFA for three seasons before a dispute. Kyby and Frances went off to create the Border District Football Association in 1931 after Hynam didn't get accepted into the BDFA for 1930. The league consisted of Kyby, Frances, Hynam and Apsley but it only lasted for one season.
Kyby applied to join the BDFA again but Coonawarra voted against them due to travel distance, there was also some angst against the club for leaving previously. I can't find any articles of Kyby playing in 1932 or 33, I think some of the better players may have joined Narracoorte and others may have joined Hynam considering it's only 13km away.
Kyby were able to join again for 1934 with no Coonawarra team to complain about the travel distance. Kybybolite still exist today in the Richmond jumper but back then they were listed as having a black jumper with a yellow band across the chest, similar to Richmond from 1910-13.
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Coonawarra: 1931-1933
Distance to Naracoorte: 40km
2021 Population: 135​
When Frances and Kyby left the BDFA in 1931, the league was left with only two teams. Coonwarra were able to make the league a triangular contest. They were a large factor in Kyby not joining the league due to concerns over poor roads in winter and travelling by rail would be too costly. Coonawarra played until 1933, they did not play in the final year of the BDFA.
There's no record of the club colours, obviously it's a famous wine region so I've made them blue and white to replicate the vineyards with hoops. The Coonawarra railway sign is often used in marketing so it's on the club logo and on the back of the jumper.


Hynam: 1932-1934
Distance to Naracoorte: 10km
2021 Population: 198​
After not being accepted into the BDFA in 1930 and a season in the Border District FA, Hynam were accepted for 1932. I believe they may have had some Kyby players to help them out, Hynam were listed as wanting to wear royal blue with white knicks and red socks. I've avoided that and gone with the colours from my old mans Hynam cricket club hat and made a monogram. This would clash with Frances but I don't really care! The back sponsor is Teys which is one of the main employers in Naracoorte and based just outside of Hynam. I can't find any info of Hynam after the closure of the BDFA, I know a lot of that people from the area just played for Kyby.
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Struan: 1933-1934
Distance to Naracoorte: 16km
2021 Population: 40​
Struan is the only place which doesn't have a town/a few houses, Struan today is a agriculture research centre but originally it was the homestead of Struan Station. The main house has 40 rooms, it cost 10 000 pound to build in the 1870s and is made out of local limestone. The football side competed in the final two seasons of the BDFA, there's no info past 1934, I assume the farmers based south of Naracoorte just played for Naracoorte.
I can't find what colours they wore so they are yellow with a royal blue stripe. They are the bats due to the nearby world heritage listed Naracoorte Caves. In the summer you can go to Bat Cave and see all of the bats fly out at dusk.

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Portfolio Boundary District Football Association

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