Player Watch Brayden Sier (Delisted 2021)

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I've done some research, spoken to some sources and found out the sordid truth behind The Saga of The Bear.

It's a worrying tale of growing fascist sentiment within the club. It dates back to #frisbeegate where the behaviour of Howe's dog outraged some influential members of the club and anti-animal sentiment began to grow. When Degoey's dog also behaved abhorrently, the festering resentment towards animals grew further. These divisive voices have found their way into the match committee, resulting in the whole menagerie - The Pig, The Bull, The Bear, The Ox and The Croc, being banished to languish in the twos.

Angered by the growing discrimination, the Bear has become militant and is intending to lead an uprising of force, hence the muay thai boxing and the picture of his armed combat training that was captured in #paintballgate. His latest protest, #birkenstockgate, where he refused to don footy boots, has seen significant movement in the conflict against animals. Many at the club feel the overreactive retaliation to this protest resulted in us losing the VFL game. As the retaliation involved The Croc being moved from the wing of redemption to once again spud it up in the forward line. Thus sentiment has shifted away from the anti-animal campaigners and the match committee are re-considering their blanket ban against the menagerie. The Pig is being considered for selection. Tonight's team will give us a clearer picture of where this conflict is heading.

It's interesting times, indeed.
Great post.

Worthy of Animal Farm.

Currently the manor born are located at Holden Farm.

Boxer in Thailand was naive and heading to the knackery.

The pigs are set to rule soon. Levi on the ascendency.

Four legs good, two legs bad.

Four legs good, two legs better.
Can you direct me to where anyone has said he’s been left out because of team balance? Because I’m gonna have to call bullshit on that one. You don’t leave out Sier for balance reasons and play Brown or Greenwood instead...

Bucks did mention balance earlier in the season but I think we try to garner too much insight from these comments. The reality is if his preseason form was up to scratch he have been selected ahead of Brown or Greenwood anyway. I've only seen him once this year live and he spent a lot of time and effort getting where the footy wasn't.
I've done some research, spoken to some sources and found out the sordid truth behind The Saga of The Bear.

It's a worrying tale of growing fascist sentiment within the club. It dates back to #frisbeegate where the behaviour of Howe's dog outraged some influential members of the club and anti-animal sentiment began to grow. When Degoey's dog also behaved abhorrently, the festering resentment towards animals grew further. These divisive voices have found their way into the match committee, resulting in the whole menagerie - The Pig, The Bull, The Bear, The Ox and The Croc, being banished to languish in the twos.

Angered by the growing discrimination, the Bear has become militant and is intending to lead an uprising of force, hence the muay thai boxing and the picture of his armed combat training that was captured in #paintballgate. His latest protest, #birkenstockgate, where he refused to don footy boots, has seen significant movement in the conflict against animals. Many at the club feel the overreactive retaliation to this protest resulted in us losing the VFL game. As the retaliation involved The Croc being moved from the wing of redemption to once again spud it up in the forward line. Thus sentiment has shifted away from the anti-animal campaigners and the match committee are re-considering their blanket ban against the menagerie. The Pig is being considered for selection. Tonight's team will give us a clearer picture of where this conflict is heading.

It's interesting times, indeed.

I'm not sure I buy your version of events...and yet it seems rather less fanciful than most of the theories this thread has produced.

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How do you tear a tendon in your foot in a gym? Genuine question.

Plyometrics could be your answer.

I’ve been hobbling around on one foot for 6 weeks due to some tendinitis of the foot. My injury has been caused by squatting with bare feet and the loads are decent for the sets and reps I do on leg day. So in my case there was no impact but rather stress on the foot.

I also do plyo stuff every 3rd week for power and I generally just step off the plyo box after a box jump to avoid the above but somehow I still copped it.

Feet are a prick to recover from, particularly in my role as a PT, I’m active so it seldom gets adequate rest.

Brayden will be properly managed from our Medico’s but don’t be surprised if we don’t see him for a another 3 weeks or so. It really is dependent on severity.

Do we know if plantar fasciitis has been ruled out?

Just read further down and apparently stepped on a weight..
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For the sake of clarity, given the absoluteness of this, where has that been confirmed? A pressure bandage in that area doesn’t necessarily = ankle. I like Apex’s thinking because Varcoe on Tippa works for me, but I’m not sure who the in would be. Maybe Daicos or Greenwood.
My guess is the club would go with Greenwood and give him a tagging job but I’d go with Daicos as the midfield is covered and Daicos seems like the option that will do the least amount of harm to the team. If Greenwood’s tagging role doesn’t work he either moves forward and we’ll lose mobility there or he goes and we lose run from there. Daicos will atleast be able to put meaningful pressure on up forward and will be able to rotate on the wings to give Sidebottom and Phillips a rest.
He told one of our posters at the VFL game that he stepped on a weight laying on the ground.

I suppose it's like when Glenn McGrath stepped on the cricket ball at Lords. Shit happens.

The next question is how did we allow weights to be lying around on the ground im our gym? Injury waiting to happen
The next question is how did we allow weights to be lying around on the ground im our gym? Injury waiting to happen

According to Walshy……...Sier has strained a tendon in one of his toes.

The truth is he went on a bender, lost his footy boots and it takes a couple of weeks to get bear shaped boots custom made.

Sounds more like it.

Some of the crap the Club is coming out with is laughable IMO.
The next question is how did we allow weights to be lying around on the ground im our gym? Injury waiting to happen
How does anyone tred on anything.

Human error.

There is no place on earth that can protect humans from making errors.

A gym is busy, things are used, somebody leaves something or Brayden was using something them accidentally misstepped.


I still think that Glen McGrath ball stepping cost us the Ashes that campaign.
Sounds more like it.

Some of the crap the Club is coming out with is laughable IMO.
If there was really a banning him of some discipline matter it would be all over mainstream media.

These things just can not be kept secret these days. People blab.
People add mayo.

Other clubs getting a a whiff wamp would help spread discontent rumours if it helped them prise a player.

He’s just going through a hiccup or two.

As much as I care for the bear has he yet played games where he’s viewed like Adams, Pendlebury, Treloar, Beams, Sidebottom?

No he hasn’t, not yet. When he does then and only then will he be auto selected.

Till then, he’ll just have to work hard, be injury free, then work some more.
And when he’s done,, work some more.
Then worker harder still.

Nothing given for free, he has to go and earn it.
Until he does he’ll be vying like Brown Brothers, Greenwood, Wills, Daicos, Goldsack etc to get a locked in spot.
Sounds more like it.

Some of the crap the Club is coming out with is laughable IMO.

I think we need to ask Shpeshal Ed about what's going on. He seems to have some inside information, as he foreshadowed this back in 2015 on page 1 of this thread when Sier was first drafted.

Concerning that no one in the country has any idea about this kid.

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Or it could just be a 'shit happens' injury with no need to apportion blame.

For anyone that’s ever spent time in a gym that is very much not a “shit happens” injury and the exact reason there are signs everywhere to put plates away. Kappa the issue with your question, assuming the story is legit, is there’s every chance it was Sier stepping on one of his own discarded plates...
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For anyone that’s ever spent time in a gym that is very much not a “shit happens” injury and the exact reason there are signs everywhere to put plates away. Kappa the issue with your question, assuming the story is legit, is there’s every chance it was Sier stepping on one of his own discarded plates...

You're right. I'm just not a big fan of the finger-pointing, blame culture that is growing alrmingly.
My guess is the club would go with Greenwood and give him a tagging job but I’d go with Daicos as the midfield is covered and Daicos seems like the option that will do the least amount of harm to the team. If Greenwood’s tagging role doesn’t work he either moves forward and we’ll lose mobility there or he goes and we lose run from there. Daicos will atleast be able to put meaningful pressure on up forward and will be able to rotate on the wings to give Sidebottom and Phillips a rest.

I really think we need a flexible defensive player like Greenwood, vs another attacking mid/forward like Daics. I think people are underestimating the Don's mids (Sheil, Merrett, Hepp) and small forwards (Tip, Fantasia, Smith). We don't really have great small forward defenders in the team, we've got a couple of great intercepting mediums and a good attacking defender (Crisp), but not many shutdowns.

Greenwood in my view should take Merrett or Shiel to start with, but if we don't want to tag then put him on Fantasia to start and flip him to the midfield if either of those two start to get on top.
For anyone that’s ever spent time in a gym that is very much not a “shit happens” injury and the exact reason there are signs everywhere to put plates away. Kappa the issue with your question, assuming the story is legit, is there’s every chance it was Sier stepping on one of his own discarded plates...

it definitely could of been Sier, either way its an incredible avoidable incident with basic gym safety or common sense.
You're right. I'm just not a big fan of the finger-pointing, blame culture that is growing alrmingly.

Definitely agree. It speaks to a greater trend in society where blame needs to be assigned to someone for everything. Fair game if it’s to educate, but obviously this can’t have been.
Was training today, would expect to him play VFL this week. Hopefully can find some form.

Bucks mentioned him in the presser today as well. Mentioned that he has only played 3-4 games over 10 weeks so needs to get some games in before looking at a selection in the seniors

Finally! We miss him so much in the midfield, need that grunt
Would have been handy with Beams in doubt, and Adams out.
Hope now he gets a good run of form and forces his way back into the team
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