Mass Bulking up whilst remaining fit

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Hard to get much interval training outside the gym up here in the states with the weather pushing under -6 C with rain and snow. Been mostly working in the gym and on a treadmill, which promotes longer runs over shorter but I have been doing 1/4km sprints after running a long, medium pace 2km. Been doing this 2-3 times a week and every 1/4km adds up to about 5 longer sprints....granted treadmills are very inaccurate at high speeds but its essentially a 45-60 second flat out sprint for me.

But more to my original inquiry, I need some food suggestions. Today I felt it was very difficult to really eat alot of high quality food...thank god I have a desk job that affords me the ability to pop some chicken and broccoli in takeaway container.

Any suggestions?
But more to my original inquiry, I need some food suggestions. Today I felt it was very difficult to really eat alot of high quality food...thank god I have a desk job that affords me the ability to pop some chicken and broccoli in takeaway container.
Overcater for dinner and take the leftovers in for lunch - saves time & money (I assume having a desk job like myself you have access to a fridge & microwave at work).

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Even better, if they've been there for 3 hours, they're half price.

Not bad grabbing a half chicken for $2.50 after the gym and devouring that.

$7.50 will get you a full chicken for dinner and half for lunch the next day. Insanely good value if you want it and look for cheaper meals. Unfortunately I end up spending $$$ next to work most days as I just don't have time, but it's definitely a good option.
Unfortunately I end up spending $$$ next to work most days as I just don't have time, but it's definitely a good option.
Do you have a supermarket near where you work? I admit I'm spoiled for choice working n the CBD.
4 bean mix with a small amount of vineger or lemon juice makes a very easy side-salad ;)
Are you referring to his training or his fasting diet?

The whole system. Lift heavy 3 times a week, 16 hour fasts every day, cycling macros between workout days and non workout days.

Working very well for me, dropping fat and adding muscle at the same time. He and all of his clients have proved that it can be done, plus his system is formulated from actual scientific research, not just bro-science.
The whole system. Lift heavy 3 times a week, 16 hour fasts every day, cycling macros between workout days and non workout days.

Working very well for me, dropping fat and adding muscle at the same time. He and all of his clients have proved that it can be done, plus his system is formulated from actual scientific research, not just bro-science.

I've spent the last 20 minutes or so perusing his site and yeah, he pretty much preaches the opposite of what is taken for granted in by the mainstream (including many on this board).

I'm happy with progress I am making right now following the mainstream guidelines but I am open to trying this controversial program out in the future.
There's plenty to read FD, and it can be great for people, clearly with so many clients and followers who have had great results..

I had a little trial to see if I could do the fasting gig, however when my waking up hours vary from 3 in the morning till 10 in the morning it was nigh on impossible to work out times that would work for me, that and feeling very weak at work.

Now I'm playing footy again I doubt I would give it another go until I get into some sort of routine happening (i.e 9-5 job next year)

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i like the idea of it all but could never do it myself as i work in the morning and i need breakfast when i wake up or my clients wouldn't like me and i train in the am too and impossible with football now anyway
I've been doing lean-gains (the fasting part) now for about 9-10 months.

Wake up, do weight sessions 4 days per week around 8am.

Start eating around 3pm, finish eating 10pm.
What have your results been like?

And how much do you eat in your eating window each day?

How much i eat depends on my goals at the time.

I started it last year during my bulk phase (3200 cals w/o 2800 rest). Have run keto with it for cutting. Currently running it again on a bulk.

I've had no problems gaining strength/muscle on it, and also lost weight fairly easily. Can't compare it to not eating like that as i don't have a baseline really to compare it to.

But just enjoy that way of eating (mostly due to larger meals).
That's how I felt Kirky, doing manual labour at work I just felt like shit for so long, especially when starting at 4 and trying to hold off until 11-12 to eat...

yeah this is true for a lot of people, it does take a couple of weeks to get your body into the rhythm. I think even if you're on a more normal 9-5 routine its still tough starting out as your body is used to getting food at certain times and when it doesn't the tummy starts grumbling. I found the easiest way to overcome is to stay busy, drink lots of water or green tea.
The whole system. Lift heavy 3 times a week, 16 hour fasts every day, cycling macros between workout days and non workout days.

Working very well for me, dropping fat and adding muscle at the same time. He and all of his clients have proved that it can be done, plus his system is formulated from actual scientific research, not just bro-science.

G'day mkicksolo. Was just wondering how you were doing on the Leangains. I have read a lot of very promisingf reports on this fasting buiso.

I've just finished reading a book he recommends on that site: 'Eat Stop Eat'. I was quite impressed by the claims that it raises your levels of HGH. A bloke my age can probably do with all the HGH he can naturally get, I figure.

Thinking of trying it out by going one day a week where I fast for 24 hours. The rest of the weeks diet and weight training will remain the same. I'll see if I can stick at it for 3 months. I work out 2 days on 1 day off - will probably fast on a day off.

Thought I might document my weight in this thread.

Just weighed myself 93.4 kg. I'm 6'1, BTW.
Not a bad idea. I already know 8 is pretty easy for me - I never used to even eat breakfast or much lunch until I started training - so I'll do a 16 first, then if that is cool, do the 24.

May as well post a couple of pics to give me incentive to stick to it. I'm pretty much your classic middle aged ecto, all the fat goes on the gut/lower back, the rest is reasonably lean. If anyone is wondering what that weird lump is I dislocated a rib 15 years ago.

evo respect for having the courage to post pics. Decent triceps, bro - they'd give Kong's biceps a run for their money.

I'm looking forward to hearing any reports from bf posters about fasting and leangains strategies.

If the feedback is good I might give it a crack myself later in the year.

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Mass Bulking up whilst remaining fit

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