Multiplat Call of Duty: Black Ops III

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I am running i think 5 attachments? maybe 4? - I turned the game off to watch the end of the cricket and cant remember.

Only perk kept on some classes is tracker

no sights, no explosives etc, no secondary weapon

Nice. What gun?

The Kuda with grip, rapid fire, quickdraw and extended mags is a beast.

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Have to use Flak Jacket and Scavenger personally, especially in Domination and Hardpoint. Generally use Tac Mask as a third perk but it's less of a necessity.

Otherwise VMP with Elo sight, grip and stock is the way to go.
Have to use Flak Jacket and Scavenger personally, especially in Domination and Hardpoint. Generally use Tac Mask as a third perk but it's less of a necessity.

Otherwise VMP with Elo sight, grip and stock is the way to go.

when i play dom i will switch tracker for flack jacket and may also ditch 1 attachment for tac mask

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I'm away for work so using shitty wifi that generally gives me red bar. It's finally working properly and I get put in a team that just camps spawn whilst the other is a partied up team that actually plays the objective.

On a positive note.. Shieva with high caliber= rape. One shot to the head and dead.
Couldn't live without my ghost and fast hands perks personally. Engineer and flak jacket are very handy too. Does take up a few slots but I generally only run two attachments for my gun (quickdraw and grip) and never use a secondary or lethals/tacticals.
Really enjoying the game on pc, been a few hackers but nothing leaving the lobby and joining a new one doesn't fix.

Dropped 80 hours so far and got prestige 3. Got diamond camos on my assault rifles and sniper rifles. Gotten quite a few legendary/epic skins for my guns which is quite nice.

Working on getting the dark matter skins for my guns now.

Maxed out 4 of my specialists, reaper would have to be my favourite.

I really hope they bring out some new maps, the current ones just aren't that good, they all have the same feeling, 3 focus lanes, with not much variety.

I really hope they nerf smgs and shotguns even further, when smgs can out damage an AR at medium/long range something isn't right. Shotguns are just stupid silly, mainly on nuketown it's an issue but still they're to op.

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Multiplat Call of Duty: Black Ops III

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