Calm Down

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I did not want to post anything yesterday as I was as frustrated as one can get and wanted to do exactly this 'Calm Down' before I do.

IMO yesterdays game was lost due to the stupidity of our players that killed our will to fight. I'll list 6 stupid things that very few other clubs would manage to do for the entire season and we somehow managed to do it all in one single game:

1. Thornton's obvious 'rest your body' on the back of another player directly in front of our goal - 1st 6pt gift to Essendon
2. Head's 50m penalty - jumping all over Essendon's player after he took a mark. What was he thinking??? - 2nd 6pt gift to Essendon
3. Sandiland's deliberate out of bounds. I am not quite clear if he wanted to punch it out for a behind and if he did whether he would be penalised? Regardless it was stupid - 3rd 6pt gift to Essendon.
4. Sandiland's tap towards our goal. No comment. 4th 6pt gift to Essendon
5. Browne's 50m penalty - 5th 6pt gift to Essendon.
6. Pavlich's reaction after he kicked the goal. The most disappointing aspect is that it was 19 year old kid and Pavlich is our captain. He must have some issues but we can only keep guessing what they are for now. I still think it was unprofessional - 6th 6pt gift to Essendon.

I am pretty sure there is one more. If someone remembers could you please post it?

Last time I checked 6x6=36 and we lost by 37. If we had not made these stupid errors the result could have been completely different. We can blame it all on Harvey but at least we went back to some sort of normal structure. I'll blame Harvey if either Head, Thornton or Browne play next week. Sandilands also needs to learn from his mistakes and I am pretty confident he will.

This one is possibly a bit harsh, if its the one Lovett goals off. There was about 5 Freo players there to 1 essendon player (Lovett). Our mids just stood still and let Lovett take it. Not really Sandi's fault IMO.
You can tell you're getting old when you're reading your 6th season of don't panic, its only round 2/3/4/5 posts. Then we go nowhere.

Sadly, I'd suggest that history tends to suggest its time to panic and throw the baby out with the bathwater. Bring in some more kids and lets see what they're made of.

Really, what I think would work is a mountain-size Malcolm Blight proportion dummy spit where the leadership get called in and read the riot act, and are made to sit through a detailed 15 minute resume of our last 5 seasons of which they have been a major part. personally, I'd like to see Pavlich dropped for not chasing in the forward line as I reckon that would be a line in the sand.

I don't reckon that will happen and you'd have to say history will repeat itself and we will get all the respect and media pasting that deserves.

This would spell it out nicely:thumbsu::thumbsu:

As much as it pains me, I tend to agree with this (bar the ridiculous oversize type).

You may be in the same position we were last season, first bottoming out, then in 2010 experiencing the game to game swing on the way back up the ladder.

Heck I have no idea if we are even there yet, with the Dockers every chance to finish soundly above us on the ladder.

The season isn't over till it's over, but just be patient...... though did anyone seriously expect to go from a clean out and rebuild to being a solid top 8 team.

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Moo is on the ball there. i'm actually amused and dissapointed that everyone is getting into harves and pav and everyone else down at the club. we are rebuilding. a year at the bottom and holding onto a few average players for trading to gc17 is what we need at the moment.

some times it takes a while to flush s*$t (spud, head etc.) and even then sometimes it leaves afew stains. you just have to keep working hard at scrubbing the stains and eventually after time you've got a fresh squeaky clean thrown.

(nb: improvised anology)
The reason there is anger this year especially though is because we picked a bunch of duds in the draft that aren't going to be showing much for years, if ever. Palmer and Mayne got us through last year, this year we have nothing to show for the off season. Suban has been average, Hill has been non existant, the others will likely be the same.

Until we see some progress FORWARD in regards to our picks what do we have to be happy about? We look like we are going backwards, rebuild or no rebuild. It's only going to get worse around here, and at whatever member venue we collect at until we see improvement. And that has little to do with winning games right now and more about our hope that we will in the future. Unfortunately it looks like we aren't going to see it this year, so I predict a whole lot of pain.
The reason there is anger this year especially though is because we picked a bunch of duds in the draft that aren't going to be showing much for years, if ever. Palmer and Mayne got us through last year, this year we have nothing to show for the off season. Suban has been average, Hill has been non existant, the others will likely be the same.

They have played 2 games each and the others haven't played a game. To state we picked a bunch of duds is idiotic and border line pathetic. They were not the players 'YOU' wanted, big deal. Grow a pair and get over it. This obsession with draftees needing to be guns in their first year is going over the top. You draft for the future and I am at this stage optimistic with our selections.

Until we see some progress FORWARD in regards to our picks what do we have to be happy about? We look like we are going backwards, rebuild or no rebuild. It's only going to get worse around here, and at whatever member venue we collect at until we see improvement. And that has little to do with winning games right now and more about our hope that we will in the future. Unfortunately it looks like we aren't going to see it this year, so I predict a whole lot of pain.

I believe our picks from the last 2 drafts at this stage look good. We are only going backwoods because of our trading strategies of a few years ago. We have young players and old experienced players and very little in the 22 - 26 age bracket. The ones we do have are either injury prone, poor players or both (with maybe a couple of exceptions)

Repsonse above. I agree it looks bleak over the next year or 2, but the last thing the club needs is ignorant supporters sprouting rubbish about our young players before they are given a chance.

I am not too happy with the current selections and performance of the team, but am optimistic we will improve slowly as the season progresses.
Mayne isnt the most talented player but the reason everyone loves him is the effort he put in each an every week.
If all our players that took the field put in half the effort he does we would be a much better side an even if we lost every single freaking game atleast i could say oh well we suck, not enough talent in the team but atleast there giving it there all.

I can handle losing heck we spent the first few years barely winning any games.
What i cant handle is the way we are losing.
Repsonse above. I agree it looks bleak over the next year or 2, but the last thing the club needs is ignorant supporters sprouting rubbish about our young players before they are given a chance.

If our picks don't perform this year they are dud picks in essence, at least for this year. I don't see why you are taking your pants off and waving it about when you essentially agree with me.

Labeling them a "dud" may be too hard in your language, but I am just on the fence about them, like you. Last year we knew Palmer wasn't a dud after his first game, and it gave us something to focus on besides the shit. Same with Mayne. This year we are left wondering, are they Dunns (Dudds)? Of course we won't fully know for a few years but my point is we have no idea, unlike last year when we did.

I always have issues with picking skinny, undeveloped kids because they rarely seem to come off. There is a well(s) known version of this running around for North Melbourne. Course I hope now that we have blown our pick that it comes off, what else can you do that is constructive.

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Calm Down

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