Carey Did Nothing Wrong - apologies please

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Three years ago, WC had probably 4-5 years to look forward to. No doubt he also had a year long send off to look forward to from the 'roos (and the AFL in general), including a massive testimonial, and money from a book, highlight videos, corporate sponsorship, marketing, Club legend status etc.

Now, he is a pathetic self-indulgent man who had to run away from his club in shame, and with his marriage, professional credibility, and legacy, in tatters. Feel no pity for him. His priorities obviously lie elsewhere.

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Originally posted by Mudholian
What Carey did or didn't do is less important than what the AFC did. They denied the incident and then negotiated to keep it quiet. I've said this before, but you can go on arguing about what happened in the bathroom while ignoring what happened in the boardroom.

Mudholian i wasn't going to bother replying to this as your either thick or just trying to stir the pot, but on the chance that you are thick please sit down & read,

The AFC never denied there was no incident or that Wayne Carey was not at the party,[with me so far old son] what they did deny is that Carey was involved in a ruckus or the payment of monies to the Grand hotel by Wayne or the AFC,
So funny how these birds are doing a major back track. Now they're saying he did nothing wrong, and how they just want to let Sally know that. How noble of them.

Mind you, this was after they were on the radio last week saying:

"All the rumours are true"
Announcer: "what rumours"
"The rumours of Carey trashing the hotel room"

"I took a good photo of Carey wearing only a t-shirt and nothing else, and he was lying on the bed and then fell off"

"He was with a blonde woman and they were kissing and stuff"

Oh dear! Is the back tracking because of the Careys letting them, and everyone else know, that they're going to have their arses sued if they make up lies????

There was a little snippet in Saturdays Herald Sun from Carey's manager saying that proof will be released this week verifying Carey did nothing wrong. It is obvious that Carey's management aren't going to let this slip.

Hope the slags get what their due. What goes around comes around!! :D
Some ppl can't even see that he did nothing wrong even if it's spelled out to them.

Don't worry about them, they're pricks anyway, lets leave him alone now and concentrate on kicking ass in the footy field.
Originally posted by Mudholian
What Carey did or didn't do is less important than what the AFC did. They denied the incident and then negotiated to keep it quiet. I've said this before

If you said it before, then you got it wrong before.

The AFC DID NOT deny that the incident happened.

The AFC DID NOT negotiate to keep it quiet.

Show me on whit of evidence that they did either of those things ... there is your challenge. One tiny scrap of actual evidence. A quote even.
Originally posted by PrideofSA
Some ppl can't even see that he did nothing wrong even if it's spelled out to them.

Don't worry about them, they're pricks anyway, lets leave him alone now and concentrate on kicking ass in the footy field.

What do you have against donkeys? Or did you only just get off the plane?

Edit : Forgot to add the disclaimer : :p
Those of you who've had a go at the starter of this thread (I am sorry I can't see the first post and I'm not sure if it's Jars5somethingsomething or topjars - sorry fellas!) can I ask you a question or few.

How many of you did not bag out the North Melbourne Football Club or their supporters for worshiping a bloke who was found to have sexually harassed (assaulted?) a young girl a few years back?

If you did - which I'm guessing a lot will answer just to save face even on a web forum - did you really give two hoots?

If you didn't - was it because you were able to look past this and just accept he made a stupid mistake blah blah, and still be amazed by his skills?

I'm not bagging Roos supporters at all, I'm just wondering which people here oohed and aahed at him while he was the best Centre Half Forward Ever but was also known to be a bit of an idiot when it came to good looking girls - Power supporters need not reply because I'm sure you all hate him cos he was a Roo (can you remind me of your head to head record with them again please?)and nothing more, and now he's a Crow.

I do not know when all that sexual harassment stuff happened (I fair dinkum had not heard of it until I heard a report during the early days of last year's debacle saying 'the woman who was involved in a sexual harassment thingo with Carey x amount of years ago says 'good riddance' - that is paraphrased heaps by the way) and I'm amazed at how much nobody bothered about it up until last year - to some people (not all, duh I hear you say) he's allowed to do whatever he did to that girl but have an affair with another man's woman (takes two to tango right?) and look out here come the stones from the glass houses.

Incidentally, how do Roos supporters feel about all the stuff at Carey's expense?

No I'm not bothering to reply because I'm an AFC supporter who's defending Carey/the club (haven't done that and I won't until I can safely assume there is something to defend against), I am just asking these out of curiosity.
Aren't we all over Carey now! PLease dont pollute this season with his off field behaviour or non-behaviour again.

Just get the footy going!!!
Originally posted by ok.crows
If you said it before, then you got it wrong before.

The AFC DID NOT deny that the incident happened.

The AFC DID NOT negotiate to keep it quiet.

Show me on whit of evidence that they did either of those things ... there is your challenge. One tiny scrap of actual evidence. A quote even.

AFTER weeks of denials, the Adelaide Football Club yesterday admitted star recruit Wayne Carey was at a party in which a Glenelg hotel room was damaged.

Quote : Despite issuing a statement on January 24 rejecting allegations published interstate about the party at the Stamford Grand Hotel on January 5, the Crows have confirmed Carey was present.
Contrary to an earlier response from the Crows that they were "satisfied Wayne Carey was not involved in any incident at the Stamford Grand", Mr Reid admitted the club had now spoken to Carey about the night.
Mr Reid said Carey had told him there were no compromising photographs of him.
Yesterday Mr Reid denied the club had paid for anything and said he had acted as a broker over the incident between the family and the party guests.
"We came up with the suggestion is there anything that can be done to resolve this," Mr Reid said.
Originally posted by The Phat Side
This means nothing. There could have easily been a payoff. I worry when people change their story and then say 'it was tongue in cheek'.

Whose tongue, whose cheek, was Wayne there, did he have a glint in his eye.:D
Originally posted by ok.crows
Just put the simple thought into your head - "Carey was not involved" - and the whole thing then makes perfect sense - it is perfectly explained by lots of people (girls, camera owners, media, reporters, etc) trying to pretend he was involved in order to make $$$ out of nothing.

If you beleive that she made the whole thing up and believe what she said in this news article that what she said on radio was 'tongue in cheek' then surely you must also believe that her doing it for the money was also 'tongue in cheek'...considering she said that on radio.

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Incidentally, how do Roos supporters feel about all the stuff at Carey's expense?

If find it amusing that just about every crows supporter is defending him. But how many would have defended him while he wore blue and white? Half the Adelaide crowed booed him simply for being a good player before, now every Crow’s supporter backs him up 100%. Personally its just funny to watch. If he had of ended up at Hawthorn im sure they would all be defending him and im sure 100% of crows supporters wouldn’t be…….amazing don’t u think?
I don’t believe there is enough information to draw a conclusive opinion yet. However I will say, if the Carey camp goes ahead and sues this young chick, I will believe he was innocent all along. If he doesn’t, then I will lean towards thinking the young chick was paid off. If he has paid her off then he cant sue her, if he hasn’t paid her off, he has to sue her to clear his name. Her backpedaling doesn’t prove anything other than she was paid or lying.
Anyway, I hope he does well with the Crows regardless of off field crap, bcos he is and has been an amazing footballer! Im sure u guys will get 3 good years out of him and is just what u need to take the next step. While us Roo supporters are also happy with our compensation because good quality kids is just what we need in our rebuilding mode.
As long as he doesn’t play 100 games for u guys ill be happy. We want the Kings Kids, and the way things are going there might be a lot of em! :D
Originally posted by Leigh
I'm not bagging Roos supporters at all, I'm just wondering which people here oohed and aahed at him while he was the best Centre Half Forward Ever but was also known to be a bit of an idiot when it came to good looking girls - Power supporters need not reply because I'm sure you all hate him cos he was a Roo (can you remind me of your head to head record with them again please?)and nothing more, and now he's a Crow.

So we hate everything to do with North Melbourne simply because theyve beaten us a whole bunch of times??? Wrong.

I do not know when all that sexual harassment stuff happened (I fair dinkum had not heard of it until I heard a report during the early days of last year's debacle saying 'the woman who was involved in a sexual harassment thingo with Carey x amount of years ago says 'good riddance' - that is paraphrased heaps by the way) and I'm amazed at how much nobody bothered about it up until last year

???? Noone bothered about it because it happened 6 or 7 years ago. Possibly longer. Somewhere between 1994-1997. Maybe thats why 'nobody bothered about it', because the 'theres a breast up here for ya Carey' jokes got old about 5 years ago.

- to some people (not all, duh I hear you say) he's allowed to do whatever he did to that girl but have an affair with another man's woman (takes two to tango right?) and look out here come the stones from the glass houses.

Carey got a lot of stick from a lot of supporters for grabbing that girls breast all those years ago. I dunno why you are using the people in glass houses phrase. Thats assuming that everyone here has also slept with their best mates partners.
Horse, first off you can't say categorically that all the supporters of one club feel the same - as shown by Macca just now - although I see he's taken me out of context in that first quote.

Macca, I'm wondering what it happening 'somewhere before 94 and 97' has to do with it being almost completely forgotten about. I'm just pointing out that there are a lot of contradictions here and almost anybody who dares to form an opinion on the issue does in some way contradict themselves.

As for the stones from glass houses thingo, no I'm not saying everybody's done that - I was being general but you're thinking I might that and only that.

Like I said I'm wondering why for many people his sexual harassment was tolerated and those people remembered 'he's a footy player, not my moral guardian' back then.

I had here a sentence that went 'you get very defensive eh Macca' but I got rid of it because if I read your post more closely that wasn't what you were doing. I realised I'm doing what a few others are doing - they think any AFC supporter's post in these threads is one of defending - I'm not in a position to judge so I'm not going to do so.

Can you please go read that thread by Danni in the Adelaide forum by the way, I asked you to help me find something.

Like I said, I'm not one who's got such a boring life I need to live through a football club so I don't have to like, agree or believe everything they say - I can still support them and enjoy supporting them.

I think the Australian cricketers have acted like sore losers and absolute babies quite a few times over the last few months but I still cheer for them.
Originally posted by Leigh
Macca, I'm wondering what it happening 'somewhere before 94 and 97' has to do with it being almost completely forgotten about. I'm just pointing out that there are a lot of contradictions here and almost anybody who dares to form an opinion on the issue does in some way contradict themselves.

You said you didnt know when it happened so i told you when it happened.

Can you please go read that thread by Danni in the Adelaide forum by the way, I asked you to help me find something.

I sent you a private message about all that mate.
Originally posted by Mudholian
AFTER weeks of denials, the Adelaide Football Club yesterday admitted star recruit Wayne Carey was at a party in which a Glenelg hotel room was damaged.

Quote : Despite issuing a statement on January 24 rejecting allegations published interstate about the party at the Stamford Grand Hotel on January 5, the Crows have confirmed Carey was present.
Contrary to an earlier response from the Crows that they were "satisfied Wayne Carey was not involved in any incident at the Stamford Grand", Mr Reid admitted the club had now spoken to Carey about the night.
Mr Reid said Carey had told him there were no compromising photographs of him.
Yesterday Mr Reid denied the club had paid for anything and said he had acted as a broker over the incident between the family and the party guests.
"We came up with the suggestion is there anything that can be done to resolve this," Mr Reid said.

Well handled wasnt it?:rolleyes:
I knew Wayne was innocent all along. There are no shennanigans going on at the Adelaide Football Club. In fact, Wayne has become a better person since signing up with the bastion of moral standards in the AFL: The MIGHTY ADELAIDE CROWS.

You're all just jealous.
Originally posted by Mudholian
AFTER weeks of denials, the Adelaide Football Club yesterday admitted star recruit Wayne Carey was at a party in which a Glenelg hotel room was damaged.

Quote : Despite issuing a statement on January 24 rejecting allegations published interstate about the party at the Stamford Grand Hotel on January 5, the Crows have confirmed Carey was present.
Contrary to an earlier response from the Crows that they were "satisfied Wayne Carey was not involved in any incident at the Stamford Grand", Mr Reid admitted the club had now spoken to Carey about the night.
Mr Reid said Carey had told him there were no compromising photographs of him.
Yesterday Mr Reid denied the club had paid for anything and said he had acted as a broker over the incident between the family and the party guests.
"We came up with the suggestion is there anything that can be done to resolve this," Mr Reid said.

This is a media spin. Presumably from the Herald Sun.

They in fact reported the statement of the 24th where AFC stated that they were satisfied that Wayne Carey was not involved in any incident at the Grand.

This means:

They are satisfied that Wayne was not involved in any incident at the Grand.

It does not mean:

They are saying there was no incident.

That they denied he was there.

It's very simple really.
Originally posted by Tony_Clifton
I would still support my team but I would not jump on a message board to defend his honour every time he is allegedly falsely accused.

You made this thread a personal thing about carey, not a team thing or a football thing. If Careys sexual morals are irrelevent and your concern is for the team why do you seem to be concerned about defending him from non-football relating persucutions?

I put it up because I read the article where the people who accused him denied that he had done anything.

I would have done the same for any player accused.

My morals are that things should be fair.

I am just a nice fair guy. What more can I say.
Originally posted by napsyd
This is a media spin. Presumably from the Herald Sun.

They in fact reported the statement of the 24th where AFC stated that they were satisfied that Wayne Carey was not involved in any incident at the Grand.

This means:

They are satisfied that Wayne was not involved in any incident at the Grand.

It does not mean:

They are saying there was no incident.

That they denied he was there.

It's very simple really.

Exactly napsyd, exactly.

Mudholian, not only did you get it wrong before, then get it wrong again, now you get it wrong a third time.

PS: Perhaps the first two times are forgiveable for one as gullible as you Mudholian (in that you fell for what the girl said and twice fell for the spin that media put on what the Crows actually had said), but when it was pointed out to you that this was so you really should have been able to figure it out and not fall for the same stories a third time.

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Carey Did Nothing Wrong - apologies please

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