No Oppo Supporters CAS hands down guilty verdict - Players appealing - Dank shot - no opposition - (cont in pt.2)

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Panic and fear? You make it sound like a terrorist attack.
sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behaviour.

Example: Board sack Hird Wednesday, issue statement Thursday to say they will announce something Monday. Hird retained as Coach Monday, but not before an estimated 2500 calls are received by the club, four players threaten to walk out and board is divided. Wildly unthinking behaviour.

be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful.

Example: Hird becomes 'he who shall not be named' and apparently the reason why players will never get justice. We should be 'afraid' of big bad Hird and his appeal, it will hurt the players it will be DANGEROUS and HARMFUL to their case with ASADA.

But you can use whatever adjectives you like. I don't feel like our club came out of the Thompson speech feeling better about itself.. do you?
Precisely. Important to remind every single player, supporter, member and staffer.. just how dispensable they are. How utterly unimportant.

Not important enough to deserve loyalty, the truth, respect or even the need to keep contracts.

Yay... welcome to our new, modern Football Club.

Wish a few more people would listen to Kevin Sheedy's thoughts on what a football club is.

His words were something along the lines of "a football club is its people. That's the most important thing".

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Wish a few more people would listen to Kevin Sheedy's thoughts on what a football club is.

His words were something along the lines of "a football club is its people. That's the most important thing".
Of course it is.

What it isn't though is a single person.
sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behaviour.

Example: Board sack Hird Wednesday, issue statement Thursday to say they will announce something Monday. Hird retained as Coach Monday, but not before an estimated 2500 calls are received by the club, four players threaten to walk out and board is divided. Wildly unthinking behaviour.

be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful.

Example: Hird becomes 'he who shall not be named' and apparently the reason why players will never get justice. We should be 'afraid' of big bad Hird and his appeal, it will hurt the players it will be DANGEROUS and HARMFUL to their case with ASADA.

But you can use whatever adjectives you like. I don't feel like our club came out of the Thompson speech feeling better about itself.. do you?
I know what the words mean rines. It's utter hyperbole.
Sorry you are offended by the word destroy.

I'll rephrase:
If you may not even coach next year, Why cause angst, panic, confusion, betrayal, fear and disunity on the way out?
Because he was a little wobbly - always speaks with candour and sometimes can't keep up with what he is about to say, that's why.
I winced at his final words just like I winced at things that Hird has said and done just like I winced at things that David Evans and Paul Little have said just like I've winced at comments from players, past players and Essendon supporters.

I wince in all of these occasions not just for myself or the club but mostly for those who made the blue because I knew they were not trying to do harm to the club or be unhelpful, but they were.

We are in a point here where there is next to nothing that essendon people can say or do right. How's this, Essendon canned for "duty of care" issues so decide to set up health monitoring of the players for the foreseeable future. Pat Smith today uses this as evidence against EFC claims that nothing harmful was ingested. KB parrots it on radio and we're off again.

Final point and maybe too personal, I apologise if so - but I really feel like you are quicker to criticise Thompson and have been much more heavy handed in your criticisms of him than anyone else for the past year. It really reads a bias and I feel you need to take a step back and see this
Kevin Sheedy said:
In 1984: The one thing we'll definitely have at Essendon, if and when I go, is a stronger club when I first set foot in the door. Because with the help of a lot of dedicated people, I've helped make that club better. It was a club that had ability. What I've helped to develop is character. That's something I couldn't have done at Hawthorn, for example, because it's already been done by Kennedy.

Eerily prescient words from the Fish (spoken in 2007):

"I just hope Essendon has not been railroaded into this decision by the pressure or the frenzy that seems to be surrounding the coaching positions at the moment." - Former Essendon star PAUL SALMON.

Kevin Sheedy said:
I think a lot of people out there get carried away with themselves a little bit. You know, I think it's - you do get a bit precious about their position as maybe, you know, in the hierarchal area - whether it is a coach or administrators or multimillionaires. I think that - I think if you stay close to the people and, you know, the people are the game.
Of course it is.

What it isn't though is a single person.

How many single people do we need to burn to serve the wishes of a handful of muppets on the board and their masters at AFL House?

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Barrett will attack relentlessly no matter who is there or isn't there.

It's Barrett.

Weak pathetic scum like him, Ralph and Caro do that. Kick a guy when they're down or on the outer but then drink the rectal juice with a straw when they're on top.
Have we burned anyone yet?

We're teetering on the brink of burning two of the biggest names in our club's history, the two names with the most combined games in their father/son line at the club.
I may not be correct, but I don't think their code allows them to cite other players cases or use them as evidence unless that player has specifically named another player.

Perhaps Lance Uppercut can answer this.

That's a really good question, and honestly I don't know. I'll try and find out.
We're teetering on the brink of burning two of the biggest names in our club's history, the two names with the most combined games in their father/son line at the club.
You've lost me, how are we burning Fletch and Jobe?
AFLPA: No players are seeking deals with ASADA

Former Essendon players Stewart Crameri and Brent Prismall have decided to seek their own representation against ASADA’s show-cause notices.

AFL Players Association general manager of player relations Ian Prendergast believes that it may not be the best move for the duo given the complexities of the case.

“The difficulty is that it is almost impossible to transfer all the information that’s in our legal team’s brains into these new lawyers, in terms of how complex this matter is.

“So, we’ll have to have a chat about that in terms of whether that’s in fact in their best interest to be represented by them,” said Prendergast.

The Players Association representative also made a point of saying that none of the 34 players who have been given show-cause notices are looking to broker a deal with ASADA on their own accord.

“All players remain united in terms of how they want to be represented at this stage.

“It is not that case that we’ve got players going to ASADA for any deals, that couldn’t be further from the truth.”
I dunno, I'm not at all convinced by the idea of "spiking" shots. If Dank wanted to use Tb4, he could have just used it as "thymosin" and no one would have said boo. There would have been no need to say there's a good and bad thymosin either.

The theory ASADA put forward (I think it is in the interim report) is that Dank believed TB4 was legal in late 2011 and early 2012, and found out at his ACC interview in May 2012 that it wasn't. From that point on, they say he tried to pass off the TB4 use as thymomodulin.

This theory could fit if there was any uncertainty around the status of TB4 at that time.
I have tried, unsuccessfully, to establish how TB4 is banned.
To the best of my ability to fathom it, it is only banned because it fits the description of S2, where S2 refers to items that act like those substances specifically named in S2.
What I can't seem to get to the bottom of is the "banned list" which WADA puts out each year around October, in which it names substances banned from 1Jan the following year.
TB4 is not on the list of items banned from 1Jan15, as far as I can tell from looking at their website.
I think this means that it is not specifically listed, but is still banned because it fits the description.
If so, why don't they include it on the list?
Is there something here I am not understanding about how it works?

This is pretty important for understanding what might have actually happened.
If Dank had to interpret the wording of S2 and come to the same conclusion as WADA about TB4 fitting the description, in order to know that TB4 was banned (ie if it wasn't actually named on a list somewhere), then there is ample scope for the possibility he thought it was legal, and did use it. Or maybe just thought he could win an argument that it didn't fit the description of S2.

I want someone to come out and say definitively when TB4 was "listed", or announced to be banned, and from what date, and how potential users were supposed to ascertain this.
It might go a long way to explaining whether ASADA's contention is believable.

PS I have asked Richard Ings this on twitter (garbled due to the message length restriction), but received are blank reply.
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