No Oppo Supporters CAS hands down guilty verdict - Players appealing - Dank shot - no opposition - (cont in pt.2)

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ABC's Offsiders disappoints.
It is quite staggering that the ABC has this gossip journalist (Caro) on the show. "Hird sacked, Hird to be sacked, Hird to stay."
For all the whinging she does about others, what about looking at her own credibility?
ABC's Offsiders disappoints.
It is quite staggering that the ABC has this gossip journalist (Caro) on the show. "Hird sacked, Hird to be sacked, Hird to stay."
For all the whinging she does about others, what about looking at her own credibility?
So she thinks he'll be staying now? Or getting sacked?

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I read that as being about SCNs, where in order to avoid a finding, players do need to effectively "prove" their innocence

This I agree with. It's just bizarre - it doesn't help anyone

I don't think there is any way he was talking about the onus of proof for a SCN. The players' have already advised ASADA that they are not responding to the SCN and wish to proceed asap to the next stage. The next time players get to represent anything is at a tribunal hearing.
Why would he be talking about proving their innocence at SCN stage when we have already passed that stage?
I don't think there is any way he was talking about the onus of proof for a SCN. The players' have already advised ASADA that they are not responding to the SCN and wish to proceed asap to the next stage. The next time players get to represent anything is at a tribunal hearing.
Why would he be talking about proving their innocence at SCN stage when we have already passed that stage?

Does anyone know if vinegar **** ever made a retraction regarding her Hird getting sacked at the start of October article? I have had a look on their website but couldn't find anything.
Does anyone know if vinegar **** ever made a retraction regarding her Hird getting sacked at the start of October article? I have had a look on their website but couldn't find anything.
she said on footy classified that she wasn't wrong AT THE TIME and that the circumstances changed.. from
memory she put it down to him holding the club to ransom over a wrongful dismissal suit..

so no Caro is never wrong
Thanks, that is my recollection as well. Disappointing but expected.
yeh.. I think it might have been purple that was sinking the boots in for her going with it and being wrong? coz purple has NEVER been wrong lol

footy journos are a ****ing joke lol
Does anyone know if vinegar **** ever made a retraction regarding her Hird getting sacked at the start of October article? I have had a look on their website but couldn't find anything.
vinegar ****, now theres a name i havent heard since the good old days of Prisoner. Very apt description of the old witch i might add
Without arguing your point, I find this unlikely. ASADA are bound by their own statute and SC notices can only be issued if there are grounds for possible rule violations. The standard of proof for SC notices is very low and I believe that ASADA were simply acting under their own statute.

I understand that this is an unpopular view on this site and I also understand that I am a guest on your thread but I do struggle with the anti-ASADA rhetoric on here. They are not trying to stitch your boys up, they are just following a process that rightly or wrongly, the AFL subscribed to. Now, it is very clear to me that the WADA code can't be directly applied to team sports and this case has reinforced that, however it is what it is and the AFL ratified it. It also strikes me as interesting that the EPL has not ratified the WADA code but FIFA has. Not implying anything but it is interesting for all the wrong reasons.

FIFA has no choice because soccer is an Olympic Sport.

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So last night I'm out enjoying a quiet beverage or two when I saw a bloke I hadn't seen for quite some time. As you do over beer we're having a chat and I said to him, "We should do this more often its great to catch up" he agreed and we kept drinking/talking and the conversation eventually comes around to Essendon.

He says that I must be quite worried now with the case almost over and he asked how I thought the club would possibly prove their case. I of course reminded him that we don't have to prove shit now, its past SC stage the onus is back on ASADA and McDick. He proceeds to tell me that I obviously haven't been following as close as him and that if I read Caro and Damo etc clearly I would know that ASADA don't have to prove anything the club does and it is obvious they have a stack of evidence anyway and we should take 2 years and run and Hird is a self invol....... etc etc etc you get the point.

So I cut him off mid rant with a "Oh I see." He smirks and says, "yeah so are you worried now?"

My reply was quite sweet I thought, "Oh I wasn't saying that about any of your rubbish, I see now why we don't catch up." He got a little angry and went off to pester someone else.
So I cut him off mid rant with a "Oh I see." He smirks and says, "yeah so are you worried now?"

My reply was quite sweet I thought, "Oh I wasn't saying that about any of your rubbish, I see now why we don't catch up." He got a little angry and went off to pester someone else.

Tensions between the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority and the players issued with show-cause notices have escalated, with the anti-doping body declaring it "will not be dictated to".

The AFL Players Association confirmed on Thursday the 34 Essendon players re-issued with show-cause notices last week would not contest them and wanted the independent Anti-Doping Rule Violation Panel to assess the evidence within seven days. And ASADA chief Ben McDevitt then fired back.

AFLPA ask for a quick end to this - ASADA says no. This even after WADA boss gives them a whack for being sooo slooowwwww....

World Anti-Doping Agency director general David Howman says he understands Dons players’ frustrations. It comes as court challenges by the club and James Hird are due to begin this week.

Speaking from Montreal, Mr Howman said: “I’m not unhappy with the process but we, like most others, like these things to be tidied up as soon as they possibly can, although we’re very much alert to the time and care that these things require.”
HTB aren't even trying anymore. One of the posters got Thymowhatever mixed up which lead to another poster wondering when Essendon was going to get its story straight.


Because a foamer can't follow the story correctly the club needs to get its story straight. Makes sense.
ABC's Offsiders disappoints.
It is quite staggering that the ABC has this gossip journalist (Caro) on the show. "Hird sacked, Hird to be sacked, Hird to stay."
For all the whinging she does about others, what about looking at her own credibility?
That would require her to have an intelligent thought of her own and not be parroting what her masters tell her to do. She is a puppet, nothing more.

What a sad state of affairs when the head writer

a) never writes about football
b) does the exact opposite to promoting football or actively encouraging people to follow/watch/play
c) does not have an independent thought of her own and must do what her master (now Gill the silly fellow formerly Vlad the fat ****) says
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