Pets Cats v Dogs

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I had 2 cats until one had to be put down a couple months ago. The one that died used to always hang around us when we were home, he even sat at the dinner table with us while we ate he always wanted to be around us. The other one who is still alive was the one that got into fights and was out all day/night and only came in when he wanted to be fed or to sleep at night. Since he's the only cat now he always is around us and spends half the time outside that he used to.

Have been interested in getting a dog though for a few years, looking at probably adopting a bc or kelpie.
In my household, cats rule all. Love these bag of bones for their docile nature and deadpan gestures alone.
Good enough to post results here :

To those posters who expect a lot what they give in return ie. recognition, welcoming party slobber-fest when they get home... you are seriously delusional. They are cats.
I've had this argument with my mates plenty of times(one of which has now turned full circle and has a Bengal kitten).
Bengals are awesome.

Besides one of my sisters, my whole family used to be dog lovers up until a year or two back. She got a Bengal for her 21st, took him a while to settle in but after that he was great. I was never a cat fan, but he was pretty much a dog in a cat's body. Our house is empty during the day so when I came home from school each day he'd be waiting at the door for me, I'd then have to pick him up and let him cuddle me for about 10 minutes until he was happy. Sadly he died earlier this year after he got hit by a car, my sister bought another Bengal just before New Years and already she's made her self at home. Our old Bengal was a bit more arrogant, but she seems to be a lot more friendly but also much more adventurous. Only 13 weeks old, already been desexed and is toilet trained so that's a lot of trouble taken off our back already.

Not to say I don't love my dogs though. We've had a staffy for the past 7 years and he's been my best friend ever since. He's been a bit sick lately with allergies and the lot so he's not as playful as he used to be but he'll always make sure to jump on me with his two front legs to say hello whenever I go outside. Thankfully we never had the trouble of him biting people either, rarely barks too.

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I can't think of many times I've been kept awake by the guy over the back fences cat.
You've never heard a cat fight at night?

Loudest thing you will ever hear.

Cats should be indoors 24/7.

Walk along any street and you'll see cats lying in their front yard.

As soon as they step outside, they're predators waiting for the sun to go down.

Dogs sleep at night.

And they don't come into your backyard to use it as a toilet and hunting ground.

Dogs want to protect you and their territory.

The cat used to bite if she was sick of the attention or didn't like it.
At the last place I lived there was a cat that kept me awake all hours of the night. It used to make the most horrendous noises.

The good uses a dog can be put to far outweigh the good uses a cat can be put to. Whoever heard of a guide cat or a sheep cat?
Cats don't need to be useful, that's the point.
You're supposed to keep cats inside at night. Problem solved. The owner's who don't do this are the ones to blame more so than the cat.
Cats rarely fight in my backyard, dogs use your lawn as a toilet which can ruin it. Cats shit in the garden and bury it so you never see it or smell

Dogs do not ruin your lawn by using it as a toilet... All it means is that you have to pick it up. (Which isn't that hard!)

Cats ruin your garden by digging it up.

Also labradoodle ftw!:thumbsu:


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Those that hate cats have never really known a cat. The only reason a cat ignores you is because you ignore it.

I have a 16 year old black cat who I've had since the day she was born. She is the most gorgeous little thing in the world. As soon as I get home she runs down stairs greeting me, as soon as my alarm goes off in the morning she pops up from her sleep and cries at my door untl I open it....she knows it's playtime.

Somehow I'll be sitting on the couch and without even realizing she is around, she has managed to put herself in a cuddle....and I'm like when did you get here? She is incredibly needy.

If I say "who's hungry" she runs to her bowl, if I need her to go upstairs I say "upstairs" and up she goes. If I yell out "run run run" she will sprint from wherever she is in the house. If I call her name, she comes not just when she feels like it. When she was a kitten she used to play fetch but is too old for it now.

If you give a cat attention it will give it back. Unlike a dog you have to earn a cats love.
Those that hate cats have never really known a cat. The only reason a cat ignores you is because you ignore it.

I have a 16 year old black cat who I've had since the day she was born. She is the most gorgeous little thing in the world. As soon as I get home she runs down stairs greeting me, as soon as my alarm goes off in the morning she pops up from her sleep and cries at my door untl I open it....she knows it's playtime.

Somehow I'll be sitting on the couch and without even realizing she is around, she has managed to put herself in a cuddle....and I'm like when did you get here? She is incredibly needy.

If I say "who's hungry" she runs to her bowl, if I need her to go upstairs I say "upstairs" and up she goes. If I yell out "run run run" she will sprint from wherever she is in the house. If I call her name, she comes not just when she feels like it. When she was a kitten she used to play fetch but is too old for it now.

If you give a cat attention it will give it back. Unlike a dog you have to earn a cats love.

You can't grab a cats face and playfight with it. Throw a frisbee or kick a soccer ball and have it bring it back. A cat won't back you up in a fight or chase away an intruder. A dog is a mans best friend and a true sidekick for life.

Dogs>>>>>>>>Cats>>Small Dogs.
You can't grab a cats face and playfight with it. Throw a frisbee or kick a soccer ball and have it bring it back. A cat won't back you up in a fight or chase away an intruder. A dog is a mans best friend and a true sidekick for life.

Dogs>>>>>>>>Cats>>Small Dogs.

I can play fight with my cat, it's just different to a dog. If she's on her back and if I start poking her belly she will start trying to grab my fingers & hands with her paws and then try and bite my fingers or wrestle...she just play bites, it's cute and doesn't hurt or pierce the skin.

And as I said she used to play fetch but she's old now. I used to use a half shell of a kinder surprise, whenever I threw it she'd run after it, pick it up in her mouth, drop it at my feet and we would do it all over again.

I'm sad as I probably will not have her for much longer. I can't imagine not having her around.
I have had both all my life and probably like dogs better because they are so excited to see you when you get home and they are a lot easier and funner to play with.

That being said you still feel really privileged when a cat chooses to sleep on you over everyone else where as a dog will just jump on everyone.

Actually if i had to choose it would be-
1. big dog
2. cats
3. little dog (not a fan)
Dogs do not ruin your lawn by using it as a toilet... All it means is that you have to pick it up. (Which isn't that hard!)

Cats ruin your garden by digging it up.

Also labradoodle ftw!:thumbsu:


Picking up after 2 dogs isn't my idea of fun. Ever seen a grown woman almost gagging in a back yard trying to pick up dog doo doo. Luckily I have a big back yard and they usually go up the back for number 2's and the sun dries it out fairly quickly, though If I'm around I hose it into the grass. Also, as we've had more rain than God lately it gets washed away. Win Win.

I prefer dogs but have had cats as a pet in the past. It's apples and oranges really. Nothing more soothing than a cat on your lap purring away contented with life while you watch TV. My dogs flop on the floor for zzzzzzzzzzzz's while I stretch out on the couch. Treat them good and they will give you joy no matter what.
Picking up after 2 dogs isn't my idea of fun. Ever seen a grown woman almost gagging in a back yard trying to pick up dog doo doo. Luckily I have a big back yard and they usually go up the back for number 2's and the sun dries it out fairly quickly, though If I'm around I hose it into the grass. Also, as we've had more rain than God lately it gets washed away. Win Win.

Kind of diverting the thread, but the above just reminded me of something I've wondered about - Why doesn't dog poo go white when it dries out anymore? Is it something to do with changes in dog food (different additives/ingredients)?
I have had both all my life and probably like dogs better because they are so excited to see you when you get home and they are a lot easier and funner to play with.

My cat does this. When I come home from work and he runs to the car door waits for me to open the door then jumps on my lap, I pat him, tell him to go inside and waits for me to open the front door and let him inside.
Dogs do not ruin your lawn by using it as a toilet... All it means is that you have to pick it up. (Which isn't that hard!)

Cats ruin your garden by digging it up.

Also labradoodle ftw!:thumbsu:


You do realise that they cover it up after they have done the business so your garden doesn't look any different, also prob helps your plants grow :p
My cat does this. When I come home from work and he runs to the car door waits for me to open the door then jumps on my lap, I pat him, tell him to go inside and waits for me to open the front door and let him inside.

Mine's the same, but an inside cat. He looks out the window to the carport when I get home, then runs to the door, then down to the bedroom where I get changed.
Also to all the cat owners out there, go buy a lazer pointer. Some of the funniest shit you will ever see, and keeps both you and your cat entertained for ages. :thumbsu::D:thumbsu:

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Pets Cats v Dogs

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