Central Murray FL Discussion 2024

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Headed on down to the Cohuna Recreation Reserve before the commencement of bowls Monday night, Geary cracking the whips.
Maybe 20 on the track which included Toma.
Young Ford from the thirds should be pushing for senior selection with English on a more permanent basis.
Not sure on what Monti looks like but if he is shortish with a great tan, he was streeting them on the run throughs 🤣
But as someone opined here, Kangas need their full senior list to be any danger. Reserves indeed thin when you've got 4 north of 40 playing 🤦
Headed on down to the Cohuna Recreation Reserve before the commencement of bowls Monday night, Geary cracking the whips.
Maybe 20 on the track which included Toma.
Young Ford from the thirds should be pushing for senior selection with English on a more permanent basis.
Not sure on what Monti looks like but if he is shortish with a great tan, he was streeting them on the run throughs 🤣
But as someone opined here, Kangas need their full senior list to be any danger. Reserves indeed thin when you've got 4 north of 40 playing 🤦
I reckon the might struggle getting all the recruits in seeing as they have lost j donat, friedburger, Johnstone, x Mitchell, m rogers, R Mason and they are all one point players. As has been mentioned in previous posts no depth. Top 4-5 in the seconds left or leaving and not many colts boys good enough to play seniors every week either. Gonna be interesting times ahead for the kangas

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Central Murray FL Discussion 2024

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