Politics Centrelink

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Half what it is now.
Based on what?

We have a government body ramping up interest rates to increase unemployment.

Tax the rich instead of punishing the vulnerable.

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This thread has gone way off topic.
It was originally about Centerlink as an organisation.
Centerlink don't decide what welfare you get or how much.

I wonder how much of the money that goes to Welfare is actually spent internally at Centerlink.
thought we outsourced billions to those useless job network thingys
thought we outsourced billions to those useless job network thingys

I honestly think that one government department should be tasked with distributing Welfare as quickly, easily and cheaply as possible.
Shouldn't be difficult with today's computer technology. IE you don't have to jump on the phone and wait for hours just to get what has already been determined to be yours.

If you then want a department to help people get jobs and other stuff, keep it seperate.
I honestly think that one government department should be tasked with distributing Welfare as quickly, easily and cheaply as possible.
Shouldn't be difficult with today's computer technology. IE you don't have to jump on the phone and wait for hours just to get what has already been determined to be yours.

If you then want a department to help people get jobs and other stuff, keep it seperate.
You mean like it used to be with the CES and DSS ??

Maybe the joke went over my head
Time for me to bow out of this thread.

Since "workforce" came in. After almost a year of constant harrassment and being a performing seal doing pointless and inane tricks in order to be thrown a quarter of a fish once a fortnight.

After months of meeting "mutual" obligations and every month getting a nastygram saying that I'd not completed a requirement and that my payment would be suspended if I didn't contact my JSP forthwith, except the person I dealt with at the JSP didn't work Thursdays or Fridays and we would go through the usual panicky phone call on Monday to find that I had done nothing wrong and they would have to sort it at their end and it's just The System.

After months of getting texts on a Sunday morning "reminding" me of random "Surprise!" compulsory meetings with my JSP the following morning.

After the JSP really only acting as a conduit for unskilled worker fodder to labour hire companies offering stuff like shiftwork in a warehouse carrying up to 30kg boxes for 8 hours. Ideal for someone nearly 60 who has had a heart operation.

And then they started talking about what I needed to do to Work For The Dole.


A few weeks ago I went into Centrelink and told them they won. They'd ground me down for so long in poverty, I had no self respect or dignity left. Cancelled the dole. I was in tears because every single person I deal with at Centrelink was caring and understanding and did their best. It's not their fault. They can only do what The System lets them.

I walked out of there a free man. Broke, but free. An unbelievably huge weight off my shoulders.

Later that week I sold some tools and had enough in the bank to cover the rent and living expenses for a month, and I was able to buy some new clothes and have a haircut. And now I'm working.

It's all well and good manipulating the number of unemployed as some sort of financial game to control interest rates. But the campaigners who do that have no idea of the human beings behind that number and the untold misery and deprivation they cause by deliberately keeping people in poverty. Or if they do they are so blinded by their economic or political dogma that they just don't give a ****. I hope they all die on their birthday. And that goes for the pinheaded arsewipes in this thread who agree with them.

CES (Commonwealth Employment Service) were the de facto job provider

Walk in the door and there would be dividers with rails attached and jobs on cards. You would peruse the jobs by category and choose one , pull the card out and head to a desk. They would give you info on the job - address , contact etc and it was UP TO YOU to make contact with the employer.

There was no requirement to search X amount of jobs but ''contact'' was encouraged and these jobs could be added to your search requirements.

Social Security ( never called SS :D ) were the de facto bank. This is where you handed your form in - IN PERSON - which was processed and a cheque would be sent to your address in 2-3 days. If you required quick funds ie spent the whole lot on meth in the 1st day - you could try your luck and get another cheque sent out. Or claim you never received the 1st one and double up

Fun times - except neither building was close to the other
CES (Commonwealth Employment Service) were the de facto job provider

Walk in the door and there would be dividers with rails attached and jobs on cards. You would peruse the jobs by category and choose one , pull the card out and head to a desk. They would give you info on the job - address , contact etc and it was UP TO YOU to make contact with the employer.

There was no requirement to search X amount of jobs but ''contact'' was encouraged and these jobs could be added to your search requirements.

Social Security ( never called SS :D ) were the de facto bank. This is where you handed your form in - IN PERSON - which was processed and a cheque would be sent to your address in 2-3 days. If you required quick funds ie spent the whole lot on meth in the 1st day - you could try your luck and get another cheque sent out. Or claim you never received the 1st one and double up

Fun times - except neither building was close to the other

I remember they "tried " to find jobs for you.
Every now and then they'd dredge on up and tell you that you should go for it.

I was a graduate Mechanical Engineer in a region where most of the employers had left.
For maybe 4 months until i got a job i was on the books at the CES. Looking for full time work in my field or temporary in just about any.
They'd pull one out for me and say " this is technical stuff " and i'd be like " yeah that one's been on the board forever, they want a BioChemist for chicken feed , I'd do it but i'm not a BioChemist " .

When i was a student i was down for temporary work.
That was great.
Most of the bands weren't playing stadiums then, and when they toured the deal was usually a few country gigs. Loaders were provided by an agency, but they didn't operate in country areas, so they used the CES to provide labour.

Normally all the jobs went to a heap of crusty old guys who had been laid off by the SEC, like former BLF guys. When they supplied them for band loaders, the road crew's ( mostly in their 20s ) complained and asked for younger people.
Was a decent amount of work, but it payed ok, got to talk to some interesting people who had been around, and got into the gig for free. Was the only work the CES found for me.

Ended up moving to Footscray to work full time.

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Politics Centrelink

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