Pets chickens

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Had 4 Pekins and 2 Belgian bantams to hatch last week under a mum, 5 other eggs didn't work.
1 pekin mysteriously died at xmas, out of the ones left 2 are roosters with just 1 hen.

3 light sussex chicks are all hens and another is a rooster that was orphaned when his mum tried to kill him. He's very friendly always trying to sneak inside, I think the idiot thinks he's a dog or a cat or something.

Wrote a wee poem about this very, very fortunate little chicken, one in a million or should I say fifteen million...

Gigoo, the pet chicken!

Here's a story, I tell you true
about a chicken called Gigoo

A plain Jane, it must be said
feathered brown with red head

But Mr Blackwell loved her so
and just why, you'll want to know?

Dogs and cats make good friends
but can't lay eggs like little hens

And they're prone to run away
but with you, a chicken will stay

Pick them up, or set them down
they're always fun to be around

Ever cheerful and free from ills
no need to pay, costly vet bills

Kids adore them, think they're great
and their eggs, eat or incubate

They'll be smitten and lovesick
when they see a fluffy, cheeping chick

Now you know Miles Blackwell's opinion
why his beloved Gigoo is no minion

She'll never live in dirt or squalor
as he bequeathed her, 15 million, American dollar! :chicken:
Had lost a little sussex pullet for nearly a week until last noticed a little plastic tub moving slightly on the patio. Poor thing had somehow got trapped underneath it. Ate a little bit and didn't look too bad considering but then died today. Seriously the odds of a small container somehow falling on top of it and trapping it, me not hearing it stuck there and looking everywhere else on the property when it was right under my nose must be in the thousands to one.
:rooster::rooster::rooster:Six Leghorn Hens !:rooster::rooster::rooster:

A Poem by Vic

Please consider buying free-range eggs, much better for you and the chickens

That summer's day had been fine and pleasantly clement
so with sickle and spade, I took matters firmly in hand
adjoining an old wooden shed where none did frequent,
I began the reclamation of a small plot of overgrown land

I rolled up my sleeves and worked all through the day
uprooting dense thicket, shifting boulders and rocks,
cleared up the loose debris and without further delay
erected a sturdy stockade to ward off any curious fox

Then finally on completion, a sanctuary fit for habitation
I set off to a poultry producer to purchase a few laying hens
and on arrival, I was led to a scene of mass subjugation
thousands of chickens enclosed within small wire pens

Though shocked and disturbed at just what I observed
was this the only existence these hybrid hens ever knew?
On noting my demeanour of someone rather perturbed
came a terse remark, " sure it's what they're used too"!

Whilst stood there pondering, bewildered and gaping
six bedraggled leghorn hens were extracted from a cage
then placed inside a cloth sac, to prevent each from escaping
so accepting my wares, I paid the proprietor and left in a rage!

When I returned home with my newly acquired additions
slowly one at a time I removed each from the cloth sac
but unaware of release from servitude's cruel attritions,
six hapless hens crouched motionless, as if under imminent attack!

It took several days of gentle persuasion and loving care
before six traumatised leghorns realised this was no dream,
for intensive institutionalisation is every chicken's worst nightmare
as slowly but surely they began to roam free, scratch and preen

Now we all have a bucket list of things to do before we die
and I too have my ambitions but this I solemnly affirm,
when I'm called home, I'll meet my maker as a relaxed guy
proud to have given six hens, the chance to peck for a worm! :)
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Nice poem, you must love your chickens!

Mrs Lance picked up a few more chickens

2 Australorps and 1 Black Silkie.

Australorps are only 3 months old so will have to wait a while for eggs. The silkie is pretty big so I reckon she is at laying age.

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Rooster Cogburn !

Cherished dearly are the memories grand
of all the animals I've reared by hand,
there's been many down through the years
over those now gone, I have shed tears!

Cats, dogs, hamsters, fish within a pond,
newts and tadpoles that there spawned,
with rabbits, I’m also equally smitten,
did you know an infant bunny, is known as a kitten?

But there was one mighty creature
a gift I received from my science teacher,
that stood out tall and proud above the rest
as of his kind, he was simply the best!

He started life as a tiny yellow chick,
but I fed him well and he grew up quick,
in adulthood, an impressive, imposing sight,
with my big Sussex rooster, none picked a fight!

For company, I bought him six laying hens
he needed no encouragement to make friends,
built up a reputation for being bold and game
so I called him 'Cogburn', after John Wayne!

One night a fox stopped by the chicken coop,
its clear intent to murder this sleeping troupe
but not a feather was harmed on any bird's head,
as next morning, I found that reynard, bloody and dead!

He once had trouble with a couple of rival foes
who charmed his lady hens with amorous crows,
but old Cogburn by nature, a jealous bird
when got wind of this, his wrath, incurred!

He approached those impostors with a dropped wing
his unique war dance, a cockerel thing,
it ended quickly without a fuss or pain
and a couple of would be suitors, ne'er crowed again!

I once entered him into a country game fair
he won first prize, the finest fowl on view there
but I could not stay long to celebrate,
as my rooster became frisky and fancied a date!

He broke out of his cage feeling perky,
then unceremoniously mounted a terrified turkey,
so I rushed him back home, angry and moody,
whereupon he took out his frustrations, on six hens, lewdly!

Now that old Cogburn has long since passed on
to a heavenly harem of hens, for cockrels with brawn,
but I’ll never forget him til the day that I die,
for he put the gravel in my gut and the spit in my eye!

So protect the honour of your wedded woman
never let her to be courted by unscrupulous villain,
fight like a man to keep her virtue true,
and just before battle, cry out aloud;....."****-a-doodle-dooooooooooo”! :chicken:
Those anyone know anything about these Belgian d'uccle chickens?



Got the eggs thrown in with the Pekin ones I got from the breeder. Looks like I got a rooster and a hen. Dunno whether to sell them as a pair or just give away the rooster for free and keep the hen. They are tiny things, the little prick loves to crow a lot already though.

A pigeon got in to the coupe and the the chickens straight up murdered it.

Above is the remains of the poor pigeon.

The Black Silkie is a very sweet chicken... turns out its the ones you least suspect (though, in all probability it would have been the australorps
View attachment 375347

A pigeon got in to the coupe and the the chickens straight up murdered it.

Above is the remains of the poor pigeon.

The Black Silkie is a very sweet chicken... turns out its the ones you least suspect (though, in all probability it would have been the australorps

We let our chooks out during the day and last week an Ibis nearly ripped the comb off Strawberries head.

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Pets chickens

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