Private Chit Chat II

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Hmmm. Just had to drop someone off at the airport so I did a cruise past my old employer. It seems that all the management now drive porches.

Think I may have left 3 years too early. I built that bloody joint. :(
Oh well, I'll just keep taking their business off them until they downgrade back to Fords :D
Hmmm. Just had to drop someone off at the airport so I did a cruise past my old employer. It seems that all the management now drive porches.

Think I may have left 3 years too early. I built that bloody joint. :(
Oh well, I'll just keep taking their business off them until they downgrade back to Fords :D

Hahaha, you cruised past me too, I live near Tulla.

-snort- **** Porches, who cares. As long as you are healthy and happy who cares about having a flash car, I certainly dont. A workmate was banging on about her new BMW convertible, i'm like who cares- tell someone who cares.

I was also thinking... how can a teacher afford that. Her husband must do something else. ;):D
I like flash cars.
Going to get one next year.

My neighbour used to be a primary school teacher. She used to go to school in a 150k mercedes :p

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Hubby owns 7 telstra shops.
And a massage place in Phuket. Which I am certain he only has so that he can donate to the Thai people.
A workmate was banging on about her new BMW convertible

She probably bought a cheap(er) 1 series which are just a 50 grand beamer badge. Cheap leather, cheap stereo, cheap bits, pissweak engine.

Although she probably does not realise this :rolleyes:

The more expensive ones are brilliant though.
She probably bought a cheap(er) 1 series which are just a 50 grand beamer badge. Cheap leather, cheap stereo, cheap bits, pissweak engine.

Although she probably does not realise this :rolleyes:

The more expensive ones are brilliant though.

Um, no, the way she was talking the car was $80,000+

And excuse me, my cousin Jane would probably know more about cars than you so take your sexist :rolleyes: elsewhere thank you :rolleyes:

God im in a ****ing bad mood DO NOT WANNA BE AT WORK **** THE KIDS.
He probably bought a cheap(er) 1 series which are just a 50 grand beamer badge. Cheap leather, cheap stereo, cheap bits, pissweak engine.

Although he probably does not realise this :rolleyes:

The more expensive ones are brilliant though.

Does my post make more sense now?
When I was a kid a teacher in a shit mood would just scream at their kids until they cower in fear.
Are you in admin shell?

The admin staff at my kids school always act like they have something up their arse.

Must be a shit job. But I can't help treating them like I couldn't give a ****.

There's one woman in particular. One day I'm going to start giving it to her verbally.
Something along the lines of 'You've been grumpy for 3 years. still not getting a decent night sleep or just missing out in the sack consistently?'

I think it's a problem with primary schools in general. They are used to being able to control the little people and can't expand their brain to rationalise that it doesn't work with adults.

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Hahahahaha, omg NO I am not admin thank you. Yeah I know most people in admin suck arse- there's this one in particular at my school- BITCH. The photocopier guy tho is cool, he organised the Melb Cup sweep.

But the **** gave me Shocking. :thumbsdown:

Anyhoo, I'm an Integration Aide, therefore I work in CLASS with kids with learning disabilities, so when there are no CLASSES, we dont have marking, reports, etc etc, so there is pretty much **** all to do.

So yeah exams are finishing this week, next week back to a timetable for 2 weeks, then one week of NOTHING + a staff cricket match (where i will be defending my title last year of highest runs not out :cool:), and then the staff end of year lunch, then HOLIDAYS. :thumbsu:

My planned break of a week over xmas is now dusted.
Next year maybe.
Lmao Beauty and the Geek = funniest show on TV.

Darth Vader 1689. :D

The house guest and the one who knows all wanted to watch that.
So I walked out and started working on the accounting/inventory system instead. :p
Anyhoo, I'm an Integration Aide, therefore I work in CLASS with kids with learning disabilities, so when there are no CLASSES, we dont have marking, reports, etc etc, so there is pretty much **** all to do.

My wife is an Integration Aide too! She loves it, all care and but no responsibility :D

Plus gets the school holidays off while I have to work. :(
Hmmm, so one of the guys I play cricket with died this morning.

Very strange. On another note, drinking at 11pm at the cricket club outside on the patio in shorts and a t-shirt is full of win.
Omg, well been suffering from hayfever a bit more than usual, so took two tablets instead of one last night. I am currently at home still in doze-land. **** I am not doing that again... stupid ****ing tablets- yeh cure your hayfever but make you feel like you're the living dead... :rolleyes:

The house guest and the one who knows all wanted to watch that.
So I walked out and started working on the accounting/inventory system instead. :p

Fail. :thumbsdown: You should have watched the show.

My wife is an Integration Aide too! She loves it, all care and but no responsibility :D

Plus gets the school holidays off while I have to work. :(

Yeah but there are the cons too- boring admin work, teachers who treat you sif you are invisible (some- not all), lower pay, etc etc... it still is rewarding tho, and most of the kids are great.

Hmmm, so one of the guys I play cricket with died this morning.

Very strange. On another note, drinking at 11pm at the cricket club outside on the patio in shorts and a t-shirt is full of win.

Lol, you dont sound that cut up about it, but sorry to hear that.
Read like a stunned drunk to me.

I'm guessing he's hungover.

Nearly time to gooooo. I hope I don't get a phone call in the next 38 minutes.
Lol, you dont sound that cut up about it, but sorry to hear that.

Read like a stunned drunk to me.

I'm not an emotional person so stuff like that doesn't bring me to tears or sees me emit some emotions. That's just who I am but it just sounded very strange and I paid my respects that night through quite a few beers.

The thing is though, the whole thing could have been avoided. Apprently a friend of his spiked his drink as a joke with some H at an indoor sports centre where I've played indoor cricket for 17 years at (yeah, since I was knee high to a grasshopper). Anyway, he went home, didn't feel that great and went to bed. Woke up a few hours later and choked to death on his own vomit. Worst thing of all was his girlfriend was the first person to find him and by then he was already dead in a pool of his own spew.

That's something that no person wants to go through at all. His gf was absolutely devastated, they'd only been going out a few months but had fallen for each other quite heavily. She went and watched their game today and came back to the club for a bit, can't imagine what she is going through at all. A friend of mine who plays at a club 10 minutes down the road was crying as he was driving to our club tonight and he doesn't even play for us. I looked him in the eye tonight and he was almost in tears while we were talking about it and he doesn't even know the guy. One of my best mates cried on the phone while he was being told by his captain during the week, I played half a season with Levo last year and he was a bit weird but he was one of the nicest blokes you'll ever meet. He certainly didn't deserve to have his time on this planet cut so short.

Levo was only 27 and had just turned his life around through getting a new job, getting a girlfriend and just staying out of trouble. No person deserves to go through something like that.

hamG said:
I'm guessing he's hungover.

No but I'd had a few beers when I posted. It was just a strange feeling, I was talking to Levo on Saturday Night when he was trashed (I'm the club's assistant barman) and we were just talking shit about teams and players and crap.

Five days later and he's not with us anymore. My mate got cleaned bowled by him on Tuesday at training and less than 48 hours later he's gone.

Just a very weird feeling overall.
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