Private Chit Chat II

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ha ha, lots of swearing lately Shell.
Bee stings affect a very low number of the population.

I stood on one once. It stung me between my toes.
Sure it hurt a bit. But then nothing.

However being stung by 20 may be different.

What is under the window? There must be pollen

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That will be cool Shell.

Sorry wasn't attempting to demean your trip :p

Nar thats ok, was only kidding.

Looking forward to getting away even if it is only AB. I'll be near the beach for a whole week so I'm happy. :thumbsu:

Good luck planning your trip!!!
ha ha, lots of swearing lately Shell.
Bee stings affect a very low number of the population.

I stood on one once. It stung me between my toes.
Sure it hurt a bit. But then nothing.

However being stung by 20 may be different.

What is under the window? There must be pollen

Hahaha, ok I've spoken to Stripey on the phone and he's calmed me down. He says to leave them alone, but keep walking to the flat as I normally would, he reckons they'll leave me alone if I leave them alone.

Theres not much around the window AFAIK (hardly going to go over there and see!!!!), its like they are flying AT the window trying to get inside.

They better GTFO of our place, thats all Im sayin... they better not be trying to set up a nest or something.
I wonder if they are flying into a reflection or something.

Maybe turn the light on inside the bathroom or Hang something on the window to see if it helps. the window.

Just wear a bee keepers outfit and have 3 cans of mortein handy.
If you go this route please set up the iphone to video it :D
Just wear a bee keepers outfit and have 3 cans of mortein handy.
If you go this route please set up the iphone to video it :D

LOL, I am not doing that. :p

Will do the "nothing" option- just kill the one we have inside I guess.

I aint taking a bath with a ****ing bee flying around the BR. Shit... hope no more get in while Im in there!!!!! :eek:

If they keep hanging around ring your council, they may be able to help.

Thanks TT. :):thumbsu:
LOL, I am not doing that. :p

Will do the "nothing" option- just kill the one we have inside I guess.

I aint taking a bath with a ****ing bee flying around the BR. Shit... hope no more get in while Im in there!!!!! :eek:

Thanks TT. :):thumbsu:

see if you can milk it onto a bit of bread first.
Shell lives in the jungle, the mighty jungle...

The thing I just can't figure out with the Tiger woods rubbish is Elin Woods is stunning, and the median of birds he cheated with were average. Whats with that? What a douche.

Some of them were pretty hot I thought.
Dear Ms Hayfever,

I need some assistance.
I've never suffered from it. At all.

Symptoms please.

My daughter has been coughing over the past few weeks. On and off.
Today is a bit nuts.

And no she doesn't have a cold.

She just complains of a tickle in the throat and feels compelled to cough.
Dear Ms Hayfever,

I need some assistance.
I've never suffered from it. At all.

Symptoms please.

My daughter has been coughing over the past few weeks. On and off.
Today is a bit nuts.

And no she doesn't have a cold.

She just complains of a tickle in the throat and feels compelled to cough.

I live with two Ms Hayfevers....itchy eyes, runny and itchy nose, cough, feel crap (and they tell me about it! :D )

Go see a doctor so they can rule out asthma.
Apparently there is also an injection for hayfever now? Not sure if this has already been discussed? And prescribed tablets?

And shell yeah when do u finish work? I'll take u down next time it was good to chill out although the beach wasn't too awfully hot yday. I was actually quite cold from the wind so left early went shopping and I bought new shoes haha

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Dear Ms Hayfever,

I need some assistance.
I've never suffered from it. At all.

Symptoms please.

My daughter has been coughing over the past few weeks. On and off.
Today is a bit nuts.

And no she doesn't have a cold.

She just complains of a tickle in the throat and feels compelled to cough.

Coughing is not a symptom I wouldnt normally associate with hayfever. For me its always nose (extremely itchy), sneezing is the big one, itchy eyes and also asthma as well.

Maybe she has a virus??? I went from Hayfever last Friday (the 29 degree day) to a virus the very next day. I knew this cause the Saturday I had stopped sneezing, but instead had a sore throat, blocked nose, etc.

I would go to the docs.

If it IS hayfever, the only thing that works is trial and error unfortunately when it comes to medication. (which is a bitch coz that can be expensive if what you buy first doesnt work). Claryntne, Zrtec do shit all for me. Phenegran is what I'm on atm and that seems to be working. This week has been a bitch for hayfever and I've only sneezed maybe 5 or 6 times so far. (yes i count :D)....

Never heard of the injection tho, wtf!!!! I would get it if i knew there were no side effects and it was effective.
I live with two Ms Hayfevers....itchy eyes, runny and itchy nose, cough, feel crap (and they tell me about it! :D )

Go see a doctor so they can rule out asthma.

And so they should. It is our god given right to bitch and moan about what we go thru. Its the ****ing worst. :(

Apparently there is also an injection for hayfever now? Not sure if this has already been discussed? And prescribed tablets?

And shell yeah when do u finish work? I'll take u down next time it was good to chill out although the beach wasn't too awfully hot yday. I was actually quite cold from the wind so left early went shopping and I bought new shoes haha

AFAIK there is NO prescription medication available out there for the treatment of hayfever. The only thing that is on perscription is nasal spray (which i cannot take cause i get a sore throat from it :rolleyes:), all the other things tablets, eye drops, are over the counter.

And i finish work Dec the 14th which is still ****ing ages away. :(

Hey weekend of the 27th, Stripey will be working the State election (so he wont be coming over), maybe we can go then if the weathers good! :confused:
It's a strange one.
I don't take the kids to the docs for basic stuff. They can't help with viruses anyway.

It's just a dry cough she gets because of an itchy throat.
She says she gets a runny noes. She does get red eyes but it's normally after a coughing episode from what I can tell. And she doesn't sneeze.

Yeah I know they cant do anything for a virus. The only reason I needed to go to the docs was to get a certificate cause I was sick over the long weekend.

I would take her in tho, if its asthma (I cough when I get asthma- which isnt often), you defintiely wanna get that checked out.

Ventolin is percription med too, so you'd have to go to a doctor to get that.
We've got some ventilin here.
Could always test it out :p
well yeah ventilin wont hurt her if you give it to her.

You'd still want to get a diagnosis tho so you/she knows. You dont wanna **** around with asthma it can be pretty serious.

We had a huge dust storm here last year if you remember that. Well stupid me left the puffer at work, i was weezing pretty bad during the night, i was so close to going to hospital.

So yeah I'd wanna know.
So Bomber is a hypocrite AND a liar. Good for him. :thumbsu:

Eh I'm over it... anyone got their membership renewal forms yet???? Leaving it till the last minute again, seeing as how the seats renewal will no doubt be due the first week of December...

Oh and round one table tennis match in one hours time. Have not practised, who knows where my "coach" has gone, I feel like crap, so tired could go to sleep right now. Need to channel that "Rafter/Philipousis playing hungover+winning games of tennis" kinda spirit me thinks...

I am so gonna get my butt kicked. :(
I'm out in straught sets, I'm so disgusted with myself. Lost 8-11, 8-11 ****ing crap.

And then... and THEN i play a guy who just won his first round match and we played a full on match and I ****ing beat him in straight sets!!!!!

How the **** does that work. :mad:

But of course that 2nd match doesnt count for shit.
Totally off track (if there is one)

But I know of someone who was on that A380 last week.
He was sitting right on the wing with his 9 month old sitting on his lap.
He is currently working out what the most expensive wines he has so he can drink them this weekend :)

Another mate is a pilot for dragonair and he has an email from qantas regarding it.

Another guy who is a captain of Qantas 747's reckons the plane was 15cm away from going down (not sure what that means) but he reckons it is best to avoid the 380.

Here is the email

Here are just SOME of the problems Richard had in Singapore last week aboard
QF32.... I won't bother mentioning the engine explosion!.... oops...
mentioned the engine explosion, sorry.....

* massive fuel leak in the left mid fuel tank (the beast has 11 tanks,
including in the horizontal stabiliser on the tail)
* massive fuel leak in the left inner fuel tank
* a hole on the flap canoe/fairing that you could fit your upper body
* the aft gallery in the fuel system failed, preventing many fuel transfer
* fuel jettison had problems due to the previous problem above
* bloody great hole in the upper wing surface
* partial failure of leading edge slats
* partial failure of speed brakes/ground spoilers
* shrapnel damage to the flaps
* TOTAL loss of all hydraulic fluid in the Green System (beast has 2 x
5,000 PSI systems, Green and Yellow)
* manual extension of landing gear
* loss of 1 generator and associated systems
* loss of brake anti-skid system
* unable to shutdown adjacent #1 engine using normal method after landing
due to major damage to systems
* unable to shutdown adjacent #1 engine using using the fire switch!!!!!!!!
Therefore, no fire protection was available for that engine after the
explosion in #2
* ECAM warnings about major fuel imbalance because of fuel leaks on left
side, that were UNABLE to be fixed with cross-feeding
* fuel trapped in Trim Tank (in the tail). Therefore, possible major CofG
out-of-balance condition for landing. Yikes!
* and much more to come..........

Apparently the plane landed 1/2 way down the runway and they had trouble stopping it !
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