There is a line of behaviour on a footy field my friend. There's run-of-the-mill stuff..... then there is spitting, kicking and biting. Cross over the line to one of those three and the player's code is rightfully forgotten. I suspect that you are probably only about 12yo with such a puerile view of right and wrong. But wake up tomorrow without your one eyed view and perhaps realise that the one not being a man here is the one who resorted to sinking his teeth into someone and then not at least having the balls to wear his shame. The next two weeks off will be the easy bit for Masten. Because every time he steps on to the field from then on, every other AFL player will be reminding him of what a piece of crap he is.
Somehow I don't think Suban is going to be treated so well by opposing teams either...they know his face gouging actions too well