Current Claremont Murders Discussion & Edwards trial updates

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Hi i am new on here after looking at the threads
just like to say somethings!

a lot of dark haired persons being portrayed?
blond hair male in consideration?
that could be 85%of population
maybe he has hair of a different color
i don't know
very confusing

The night she disappeared, Edwards was supposed to be with friends but only arrived the following day and lied about trying to reconcile with his ex-partner, Ms Barbagallo said.

like to know who proclaimed this in the first instance
Whats the bet they dismissed the Telstra aspect on a mistaken belief that the person responsible was an elusive killer who had evaded them thus far due to his ability to not draw attention to himself or leave evidence behind, hence the idea that he would be approaching women & identifying himself as a Telstra worker was highly unlikely.

In saying that, I'd like to know for certain that there was actually another Telstra worker in their sights & whether he denied he had ever offered lifts to women or not. If thats true & he denied doing so but they didn't continue to pursue this line of enquiry in the face of evidence to the contrary, its unforgiveable IMO.

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Unfortunately Karlos is only softening us up- the real shocks are yet to come...will say again...when the full story of how Wapol cocked this up eventually comes out it will cause a crisis of public confidence confidence of the Western Australian Police force.
Unfortunately Karlos is only softening us up- the real shocks are yet to come...will say again...when the full story of how Wapol cocked this up eventually comes out it will cause a crisis of public confidence confidence of the Western Australian Police force.
"Confidence confidence" link uploaded twice, to be sure to be sure. Well O'Callaghan is an Irish name. Totally agree with you B666, every story that's coming out brings more shocks about how the investigation proceeded. Definite worry!
Apologies if this has already been answered, but how the **** did it take over a decade to charge this guy?

Surely the first thing you'd do when a person is abducted is look at criminals in the area who have abducted or have attempted to abduct someone before... and then there's the whole Telstra angle, my god.

It's like when mum is watching an ABC murder mystery and they introduce the first character and she's like "nahhhhhhh, can't be that guy, it's too obvious!" :drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:

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there was once a taxi driver
who found a woman who had been beat to bad
i think parkwood
if memory is my friend tonight
this photo of this man
can not find this info on the net anymore(its been 6 months tho)but to no avail
almost looks the same as this taxi driver
Could Steve be his name
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Apologies if this has already been answered, but how the **** did it take over a decade to charge this guy?

Surely the first thing you'd do when a person is abducted is look at criminals in the area who have abducted or have attempted to abduct someone before... and then there's the whole Telstra angle, my god.

It's like when mum is watching an ABC murder mystery and they introduce the first character and she's like "nahhhhhhh, can't be that guy, it's too obvious!" :drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:

The investigations into the case are fishier than a Swanbourne Beach herring in a dinner suit!

hey Bfew
can you see you are a supertramp fan
hey Bfew
the album Breakfast in America
look closely at
the albulm cover
particularity at the hand of the breakfast lady
and you see twin tower leaning
this music was recorded in late 70's
funny enough though
ST producer
was into the 33 rd


  • reverse.jpg
    9.4 KB · Views: 166
look closely at
the albulm cover
particularity at the hand of the breakfast lady
and you see twin tower leaning

That's why I also lean in the opposite direction when looking at that album cover.
Then the twin tower appears straight :)

Are you sure the album cover was from the 70's?
Because the human statue looks awfully like the accused CSK might look with a frock, wig and some rouge and lippy on.
there was once a taxi driver
who found a woman who had been beat to bad
i think parkwood
if memory is my friend tonight
this photo of this man
can not find this info on the net anymore(its been 6 months tho)but to no avail
almost looks the same as this taxi driver
Could Steve be his name

I have the article somewhere, will try and find it
I can actually see MACRO not figuring out that Telecom and Telstra were one in the same.

Hey boss, got a suspect in our sights but he works for Telstra, or is it Telecom. Wait, which one is it we need to look for? Ah, ok, well na he doesn't work for them.
I can actually see MACRO not figuring out that Telecom and Telstra were one in the same.

Hey boss, got a suspect in our sights but he works for Telstra, or is it Telecom. Wait, which one is it we need to look for? Ah, ok, well na he doesn't work for them.
what the hell does it matter we have our man

Mr Williams’ younger brother said he was interviewed twice by police. “I remember one guy, he was so adamant, ‘he’s the one, he’s done it’,” he said. “It was just this tunnel vision.

“I was pretty taken aback and a little bit upset. I remember one stupid question they asked once, ‘Have you ever seen your brother in women’s clothing?’, trying to make out he was some sort of pervert.”

So if back in the years not too long after the last of the alleged CSK murders, police were already asking questions about the CSK dressing up in womens clothing.

So it appears that at least one WAPOL officer had knowledge way back then, way back when apparently the now accused BRE was not on their radar and had never been on the radar (whatever the radar is).

Seeing as how there has not yet been any pre-trial information publicly released, that provides an explanation as to how at least one Police officer was following a lead about the CSK being someone that wore women's clothing, unless witnesses are presented during a CSK trial, that make it clear as to how Police would have had this women's clothing lead, there will forever be a huge question as to whether someone did indeed provide WA Police with some form of information about BRE early on. Information related to the CSK being someone who liked to dress up in women's clothing, from someone who knew who the CSK was or probably was, or who had been told by someone else who the CSK was or probably was.
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