Live Event COLA Cup: Sulky Bloodied Tampons vs Felafal Franchise

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I'm liking being able to just enjoy good games of footy this year instead of melting at my own team's shit finals performances.
Yeah I feel ya, I hate when my team plays finals :drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:
You know what, this game and last nights is really rubbing in what a ******* pack of pissweak soft**** dickheads we were on Thursday. :mad::'(

Yeah every team so far has brought finals like intensity except the Weak Coast E-Girls, I reckon Subiaco would have put up a better fight than them.

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I'm liking being able to just enjoy good games of footy this year instead of melting at my own team's shit finals performances.

I'd rather my team was playing finals but I like playing the spoiling role without the stress and pressure of watching your team playing finals.

Freo supporters should feel right at home this year.

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