Contracts/ Variation letters

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All Australian
Mar 30, 2013
AFL Club
North Melbourne
Other Teams
Boston Celtics, Melbourne City
Hello BigFooty Family

I need some help regarding obtaining a contract from my employer. (Im an educator for before and after school)

I signed up for an Educator 2IC role at a new school that opened this year. At the end of last year, I signed a contract variation letter stipulating 38 hours of work per week. I started in this role and conducted my usual duties. Despite my efforts to fulfill those hours, I sometimes fell short by a few hours, and I was never paid for the full contracted hours.

I had signed an initial contract in 2022, that above variation was for this contract in 2022.

When questioned about my hours (why i was doing so many) I explained my reasons within what i signed in the contract and how I was maintaining my workload. I was instructed to reduce my hours (because i was doing too many) but received no formal contract variation.

Later this year, I sought to work closer to home and was told I could work at two maybe 3 different services per week. This was my choice to leave and work closer to home and i would of been happy if they provided an amended variation contract for me to view.

Again, no formal variation letter was provided. I have been working at multiple services with no set roster and no clear indication of my employment status (hours, areas etc). Despite my requests for a roster and an updated contract, I have been told that one cannot be provided.

I only have my initial 2022 contract and initial variation letter

PS I have taken a few personal days off since these changes and have been paid, as well as annual leave balances increasing.

So what am i?
I had signed an initial contract in 2022, that above variation was for this contract in 2022.
This is what you're currently contracted to do

I signed a contract variation letter stipulating 38 hours of work per week.

If nothing has been changed via variation then the above terms associated with the head contract will remain in effect

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Contracts/ Variation letters

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