Benjamin Netanyahu stance on Covid 19 was quite possibly political over the well being of the population. Remaining Prime Minister will give him more influence in his fraud and breach of trust court cases.With Israel aggressive enforcement of vaccination one quote comes to mind: Those that fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat the same errors .
The seeds of this is eerily reminiscent of the Holocaust, almost out of the same playbook. The Holocaust claimed 6 million Jews. The enforcement of vaccination is segregating the populace from those that do and those that don't, shunning those that don't, by refusing to allow them to properly participate in society without a jab.
I hate saying this because at one time, I would have loved to visit or even live in the Land of Milk and Honey, but the zealot Israeli Govt, is making this reek akin to Kristallnacht .
I loved Israel but the Milk has been spoiled a long time ago and the Honey is now a honeypot.
Whats happening in Israel is a warning that complete compliance will lead to the down fall of society that has taken Aeons and Aeons to construct. I hope that those watching are learning not to follow in those steps . Wishful thinking I know.