Current Counting Mass Shootings * Two mass shootings by geriatric killers in California in two days 17 dead

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How about the carnage created by alcohol?

Just throwing this out there. I'm an American who supports more restrictions on many types of firearms. I think hunters should be able to have small magazine rifles, shotguns and the like. Military grade should not be available to general public. There should be background checks and registration. Those types and there availability are a big part of the problem. But also I think people need more education, examples, leadership, whatever you want to call it, on how to solve problems. How to deal with emotional upheavals. Those kinds of self-help maybe need to be talked about more in public schools. Dealing with the world is tough. Many parents are distracted by it. Maybe schools can divert a little away from the 3 Rs to dealing with s**t, or with social media, or other modern things.

It’s an interesting take and I do agree that both are required but I would be much more severe with gun control than what you’ve listed, mainly because for all the education in the world you provide there will always be mentally unstable people with chemical imbalances that commit atrocities. With guns, there’s simply no need for the general public to own any, especially for recreational hunting. If you own a regional farm, have a business licence and pass all security checks sure but random punters shooting deer for fun can miss out for me.

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Current Counting Mass Shootings * Two mass shootings by geriatric killers in California in two days 17 dead

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