Cousins Speedy Return To Aus?

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Whilst it is highly addictive, I think many exaggerate when stating that he can't fully be recovered. With as much money as his got, there would be plenty of other things he could do to occupy his time.

Its not like he sat at home on the couch all night on the cracky, he still had a social life and work commitments (yes i know he missed 4 training sessions or what have u, but he made all the rest), he probably just had a bit when he got home and probably went a bit harder on the weekends when he was chillin out with his boys or mrs.

Furthermore, I reckon the main purpose of his trip, was to get away from the media circus, party hard in vegas, slam hookers, get it all out of his system, now come back and focus and look at playing in the 2nd half of the season in the lead up to finals.

This story has been made a lot bigger than what it should be

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Whilst it is highly addictive, I think many exaggerate when stating that he can't fully be recovered. With as much money as his got, there would be plenty of other things he could do to occupy his time.

Its not like he sat at home on the couch all night on the cracky, he still had a social life and work commitments (yes i know he missed 4 training sessions or what have u, but he made all the rest), he probably just had a bit when he got home and probably went a bit harder on the weekends when he was chillin out with his boys or mrs.

Furthermore, I reckon the main purpose of his trip, was to get away from the media circus, party hard in vegas, slam hookers, get it all out of his system, now come back and focus and look at playing in the 2nd half of the season in the lead up to finals.

This story has been made a lot bigger than what it should be

I thought school holidays finished last week :confused:
"Cousins speedy return to Aus"

Brilliant double entendre, lol ;)
Well done footyfreak. Spot on.
I can't believe people are so naive. This whole thing has been blown out of proportion. It's gone from substance usage to abuse to addiction, from coke to speed to meth to ice. Most people reporting on this and commenting have no idea what you are talking about.

I've been saying all along, HE'S NOT ADDICTED!!!!!!!!!

He likes to party hard, like thousands of others out there that do it every week. It means that you can go hard quite often and still maintain a normal work and social life. It catches up after a while and little things start to creep in (missing training sessions/late for work/days off).

It is not possible for him to be anything but a "weekend warrior" and play to the level he was playing at.

But they can't come out and say, "We have told Ben, in spite of being BOG most weeks and running 20 km's a game and getting 30 touches, we wont accept him doing gear on the weekends any longer so we are banning him until he stops partying so hard."

They have to make it look as if they are doing everything by the book and treating the issue seriously. Also, how would that look to young people?? You mean that I can still get on it and play like Ben??? Well, the truth is, if you are as good as him yes you can.

But if they make him do the rehab, admit he had a problem, look as if he nearly lost his career but just managed to pull through by the skin of his fingers and recover, it will scare people off.

Don't think for one minute people that Ben Cousins isn't going to have to admit and/or make it appear that things were worse than they really were. To save his career now, he is going be a puppet to the west coast and to the afl! This is political, as in AFL politics. It's about the image of the game and the message it sends the community. Drugs are bad, you can't be a winner and take drugs etc etc. God forbid society was to find out that you can actually be a winner and take drugs. God forbid that society was to find out that you can use drugs on a semi regular basis and not be a bum gutter trash junkie who will steal you possessions and infect your children with evil!

I have no doubt that if he wasn't forced to go to rehab he could have stopped doing the gear by himself overnight. That's why he didn't want to go. The reason he hadn't stopped doing it prior wasn't because of addiction, it was because of his lack of realisation that his club had come to the end of the line and wasn't going to accept it any more. He realised this too late. A combination I'm sure of his ego, his brilliance as a player and the clubs earlier soft handed dealings with behaviour. By the time he realise "oh shit, I better clean up my act", it was to late.

I fully understand why he thought this way. The guy is a champion, he's screwed up before and been dealt with rather lightly (and god knows what they were saying to him behind closed doors. "Ben we can't have a captain that runs from the booze bus mate, the bloody heavies at AFL house will have our nuts for breakfast. Your still our spiritual leader and so important to us so ya gonna have to cop this but we still love you" etc etc you get my drift)

Now the guy is going to have to play ball with a million conditions to continue his career because society demands that we project an image, regardless of if it is true or not. This is because whilst many may be able to be weekend warriors, casual users etc and keep it together and stop or cut back when it starts to become an issue, some can't and they become addicts and no one knows who fits into which category so we better make sure we just do whatever we can to make everyone think that all drugs are evil and if you take them you will become a criminal and have scabs on your face and die in the gutter. It's another case of lying to society to protect the minority. An understandable one, but that's the way it is. Of course no one will admit this, that would be letting the cat out of the bag.

WELL SUMMED UP !! - One of the most intelligent posts ive ever seen on here.

(you sure your a collingwood supporter ;) )

good read !!
Footyfeak =
Completely agree with footyfreak about his "Addiction". There is no doubt in my mind that he left to make a clean break form the media. As you say, he obviously doesnt use all the time as only very low doses of ice aid performance. Do you really think an addict will take a tiny dose before the game? People go on about the feelings of eurphoria making a player play better, but in higher doses it increases reaction time, reduces coordination and affects depth perception.

He obviously loves to hit it hard with his mates. If he wants to play he will have to cut off his mates which will be by far the toughest part of his rehab!
I also (almost completely) agree, footyfreak. A well written, nice dose of reality for a change :)

Goodness, what will the crusading Fu Manchu make of it ??
I also (almost completely) agree, footyfreak. A well written, nice dose of reality for a change :)

Goodness, what will the crusading Fu Manchu make of it ??
forget him, what will campbell our resident medical health professional make of it!!
I'm in the middle of a self-imposed "Over Ben Cousins" recovery program.Don't know how long I'll be here,but I'm feeling 100% better for not mentioning him & hope that once I'm out of this program I'll continue to not miss him & be able to enjoy watching the game I love free from any "Ben" withdrawl symptomns.

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My god Footy Freak's post is jsut about the ultimate in spin, and you guys are buying it? Unbelievable.

Yeah they sent him to the USA for a rehab program for a casual weekend habit:) He could have kicked that here and gone to rehab here if that was the case. WCE if it were true would be guilty of pure grandstanding and self-obsession if it were in fact true. Talk about an attention-seeking club!

The guy has a drug problem ebough to have missed 8 weeks of footy and to have gone to rehab. Good luck to him but if you think WCE would ahve done that as a PR stunt when he was 100% non addicted and 100% able to just put it away - well then you are fooling yourselves.
Well obviously his not cured at all. Because ive herd rehabilitation specialists say that it takes a minimum of 6-8 months to get over the drug addiction Cousins had.
LOL, and what exact addiction is that? and if you could just let us know how often he was using, also how much he was using a week, as well as how cooperative he's been in rehab, how willing he was to admit a problem, that would all be very helpful. You seem to know since you already know how long this addiction takes to 'get over'.

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Cousins Speedy Return To Aus?

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