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It's amusing, but also concerning that BlueE genuinely believes the nonsense he posts. Like he writes these science words thinking he truly understands what they mean, and pretends he isn't just regurgitating the latest made up talking points from whatever bizarre alt news website he finds himself reading that morning.
He presents a convincing argument that the jabs do more harm than good.

With Delta strain there was more risk for under 70s from the vaccine than the virus.

For lower age groups there was significantly more risk.

Then when you take it forward to Omicron you would have to vaccinate 7,300 over 80 year olds to prevent one Covid death.

In normal circumstances these vaccines would have been pulled and not approved in the first place.
It's amusing, but also concerning that BlueE genuinely believes the nonsense he posts. Like he writes these science words thinking he truly understands what they mean, and pretends he isn't just regurgitating the latest made up talking points from whatever bizarre alt news website he finds himself reading that morning.


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SIDS/SADS have something in common
An second journalist covering world cup dies suddenly and unexpectedly in Qatar, a day after Grant Wahl.

Strange times, Wahl married to a Dr working on Biden's covid response, promoted his own jabs and boosters on social media.

Saw a Dr the day before he died who thought he probably had bronchitis, and brother claims he must have been assassinated by Qatar!

I'm curious if perhaps they have something in common, other than both journalists covering wc? Or both assassinated?

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He presents a convincing argument that the jabs do more harm than good.

With Delta strain there was more risk for under 70s from the vaccine than the virus.

For lower age groups there was significantly more risk.

Then when you take it forward to Omicron you would have to vaccinate 7,300 over 80 year olds to prevent one Covid death.

In normal circumstances these vaccines would have been pulled and not approved in the first place.

Rubbish - Malhotra offered selective research, as the per the quote below form the link:

"But there is one study published in Circulation in August 2022 that does address Malhotra’s question about whether the vaccines reduce myocarditis risk following infection[14]. This study analyzed the risk of myocarditis after COVID-19 infection and after vaccination in records from England’s National Immunization database for more than 40 million people aged 13 and older.

The analysis showed that people infected with SARS-CoV-2 before receiving a vaccine were 11 times more at risk for developing myocarditis within 28 days of testing positive for the virus than people who didn’t test positive. The risk of developing myocarditis following infection halved in the people who had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, suggesting that the vaccines do protect against post-COVID myocarditis."

SARS-COVID risk of Myocarditis increases 11 time compared to uninfected people, and this incidence is halved if people are vaccinated.
And these results are from a study of over 40 million people.

But Malhortra IGNORED this study.

So you again have been dupped and chosen to believe the misinformation and selective, or poorly constructed statistical analysis, by these anti Vax campaigners.
Rubbish - Malhotra offered selective research, as the per the quote below form the link:

"But there is one study published in Circulation in August 2022 that does address Malhotra’s question about whether the vaccines reduce myocarditis risk following infection[14]. This study analyzed the risk of myocarditis after COVID-19 infection and after vaccination in records from England’s National Immunization database for more than 40 million people aged 13 and older.

The analysis showed that people infected with SARS-CoV-2 before receiving a vaccine were 11 times more at risk for developing myocarditis within 28 days of testing positive for the virus than people who didn’t test positive. The risk of developing myocarditis following infection halved in the people who had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, suggesting that the vaccines do protect against post-COVID myocarditis."

SARS-COVID risk of Myocarditis increases 11 time compared to uninfected people, and this incidence is halved if people are vaccinated.
And these results are from a study of over 40 million people.

But Malhortra IGNORED this study.

So you again have been dupped and chosen to believe the misinformation and selective, or poorly constructed statistical analysis, by these anti Vax campaigners.
What link uses citation 14?

Instead of confusing relative and absolute risk ratios, Malhotra compared risks and benefits on the same scale making it easier to compare quoting research with contol groups unlike the one you quote.

That uses incident rate ratio and relative rate of excess hospitilisations or deaths from myocarditis and and only age stratfied for U 40 and over 40.

Doesn't have a control group of age corrected myocarditis in normal popn without covid to compare with.

The Israeli study of 196,000 did and found 0.0046% myocarditis occuring in popn without having covid, compared with 0.0046% after covid.

The UK large popn study reported from 5,934,153 with a covid infection, 114 (0.00192%) were hospitilised or died from myocarditis 1 to 28 days after covid and before vaccination.

This is lower than Israeli control group for myocarditis without and likely same as UK incidence without covid.

Instead, you're Spinning your wheels again, ignoring respected and experienced experts.

Even the authors admit they found Samed findings as the Danish study that resulted in Denmark stopping all jabs for U 50s,

Or look at Aust vaccine safety reports that give 24 per 100,000 risk of likely myocarditis in 18 to 29 males after 2nd dose for Moderna or 13 per 100,000 in 14 to 17 year old males after 2nd, after taking out over 300 cases due to insufficient information.

Or look at the autopsies from Germany (linked above) that even though the subjects dropped dead without knowing they had myocarditis, there was spike protein damage to heart and conclusions that the Vax had caused heart damage resulting in the sudden and unexpected deaths that occured.
What link uses citation 14?

Instead of confusing relative and absolute risk ratios, Malhotra compared risks and benefits on the same scale making it easier to compare quoting research with contol groups unlike the one you quote.

That uses incident rate ratio and relative rate of excess hospitilisations or deaths from myocarditis and and only age stratfied for U 40 and over 40.

Doesn't have a control group of age corrected myocarditis in normal popn without covid to compare with.

The Israeli study of 196,000 did and found 0.0046% myocarditis occuring in popn without having covid, compared with 0.0046% after covid.

The UK large popn study reported from 5,934,153 with a covid infection, 114 (0.00192%) were hospitilised or died from myocarditis 1 to 28 days after covid and before vaccination.

This is lower than Israeli control group for myocarditis without and likely same as UK incidence without covid.

Instead, you're Spinning your wheels again, ignoring respected and experienced experts.

Even the authors admit they found Samed findings as the Danish study that resulted in Denmark stopping all jabs for U 50s,

Or look at Aust vaccine safety reports that give 24 per 100,000 risk of likely myocarditis in 18 to 29 males after 2nd dose for Moderna or 13 per 100,000 in 14 to 17 year old males after 2nd, after taking out over 300 cases due to insufficient information.

Or look at the autopsies from Germany (linked above) that even though the subjects dropped dead without knowing they had myocarditis, there was spike protein damage to heart and conclusions that the Vax had caused heart damage resulting in the sudden and unexpected deaths that occured.

The link in your post #146 quotes citation 14.

A study in 40 million people is definitive - Vaccination reduces Cardiovascular risk compared to risk of contracting COVID.
If you have a problem with this definitive study then take it up with the authors.
And why did Malthora IGNORE the study?
You should ask him the question - but I suppose there’s not enough clicks in telling the boring truth.
Obviously Misinformation and lies are far more seductive to his audience like yourself.
The link in your post #146 quotes citation 14.

A study in 40 million people is definitive - Vaccination reduces Cardiovascular risk compared to risk of contracting COVID.
If you have a problem with this definitive study then take it up with the authors.
And why did Malthora IGNORE the study?
You should ask him the question - but I suppose there’s not enough clicks in telling the boring truth.
Obviously Misinformation and lies are far more seductive to his audience like yourself.
FFS did you not read the study? Calculations from original data they did report says something very different to assumptions made and confounded "incident rate ratio and relative rate of excess hospitilisations or deaths from myocarditis" you are quoting??

All very different from very clear explanations, using absolute data reporting for risks and benefits, that Dr Malhotra uses.

Instead you refuse to post the Big Pharma propaganda link that cites "14", and ignore the FDA, Australia's vaccine safety reports, ABS with extremely serious reports of at least 18 % increase in excess deaths this year, autopsy reports and qualified medial experts, published and experienced with COVID -19 that are giving serious warnings and calling for the all administration of covid mRNA injections to be halted.

FFS did you not read the study? Calculations from original data they did report says something very different to assumptions made and confounded "incident rate ratio and relative rate of excess hospitilisations or deaths from myocarditis" you are quoting??

All very different from very clear explanations, using absolute data reporting for risks and benefits, that Dr Malhotra uses.

Instead you refuse to post the Big Pharma propaganda link that cites "14", and ignore the FDA, Australia's vaccine safety reports, ABS with extremely serious reports of at least 18 % increase in excess deaths this year, autopsy reports and qualified medial experts, published and experienced with COVID -19 that are giving serious warnings and calling for the all administration of covid mRNA injections to be halted.

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Not interested in your digressions - it’s a repetitive tactic you use that I’m not interested in.

So let’s stick to the topic.

If you have a problem with conclusions in a study of 40 million patients then take it up with the authors.
In the meantime just sit in your echo chamber, with your brethren and rejoice over the posturing of shills like Malhora.
Only a fool like Malhora would be stupid enough to make false claims, knowing that a study in 40 mill people proves him wrong.
But he does it, because he knows he has foolish followers who would never do their own research and so, just happily accept his word as gospel.

You guys are so very sad.

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Shill and Charlatan fest - I hope you got your fill. Not a single prediction from these fools, who’ve been bagging the virus for 2 years has proven to be true.
Otherwise they would have published the research in a credible journal.

But why should they bother when they’re making money in the fringe media and building a following amongst the gullible and naive.
Shill and Charlatan fest - I hope you got your fill. Not a single prediction from these fools, who’ve been bagging the virus for 2 years has proven to be true.
Otherwise they would have published the research in a credible journal.

But why should they bother when they’re making money in the fringe media and building a following amongst the gullible and naive.
LOL. "Two weeks to flatten the curve", "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" :$

Why don't you post your scientific qualifications?
WC 22 - a virus selectively hitting journalists- wow. Lucky our journalists left early with the Socceroos exit.
Some brilliant QANON scientist has decided MSM journalists need to be culled.

LOL - you guys are a laugh a minute.
WC 22 - a virus selectively hitting journalists- wow. Lucky our journalists left early with the Socceroos exit.
Some brilliant QANON scientist has decided MSM journalists need to be culled.

LOL - you guys are a laugh a minute.

Who said anything about a virus?
What's your problem with Dr. Ryan Cole?

What research has he published in a reputable peer reviewed medical journal, to support his claims about the dangers of the Vaccine?
Or as importantly, what high quality peer reviewed research has he quoted to support his anti Vax stance.
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Judging from the silence to your question, I'm assuming "none".
I knew someone would take the bait. Not a Dr. Cole paper, but try this one:

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