Criminal charges for disease spreaders - is it time?

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so I guess people who have normal flu will be criminally charged as well because hundreds die from that each year
Can you see the difference. You are controlled by media, if no one was talking about the virus you wouldn't think that way

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In the South Australian Public Health Act there are already provisions, which were introduced during the 1980s AIDS crisis to enable health authorities to deal with some gay men and prostitutes and IV drug users who were willfully spreading AIDS around, for criminal charges to be laid if one knowingly spreads a highly infectious disease during a declared pandemic.
And first up, no we aren't talking about people who have the virus but are unaware.

Lets look at the facts. The chadstone outbreak was caused by a woman whose housemane/family (cant remember) had tested positive. Instead of isolating until the residents of the house tested negative, she went to work. There are now 35+ infected with at least 1 in intensive care. It is highly likely that someone will die having caught the virus as part of this cluster.

The regional outbreak was caused by a man who caught the virus as part of the chadstone outbreak. Granted he didnt know he had it at the time, however he did stop illegally at cafes (against the condition of his permit to travel and work). Further to that he withheld information about where he had been until 2 weeks after he tested positive, when positive tests started appearing in those places, thereby allowing the virus to spread unknown for 2 weeks. there are likely dozens now infected because of this and with those numbers, and the older age profile of regional victoria, it is likely someone will die.

and ive only specifically talking about deaths caused by this. the emotional and economic harm done by having clusters like this preventing the relaxing of lockdown measures is immeasurable.

IMHO we are at the point where serious criminal charges, jailtime even, must be given to people who flagrantly ignore isolation protocols or prevent disease control by withholding information. in the case where it causes deaths, id be in favor of something along the lines of negligence causing manslaughter (the legal definition of negligence being: a great falling short of the standard of care that a reasonable person would exercise in the circumstances). This isnt the flu or a cold where typicall people fall ill for a week or two and recover, or something like whooping cough where you'd never expect to be carrying it. this is a worldwide pandemic which has infected millions and killed hundreds of thousands in less than a year, causing international border controls and restriction of free movement only seen in the world wars, if even then. this has been around long enough to go past language and culture barriers (though i dont believe there is any implied in the cases above, unlikely in the case of the regional cases), so that is no longer an excuse.

its even different from anti-vaxxing where you are ignoring the ability to prevent yourself from catching the disease, but if you never do then no harm done. this is where you or a housemate catch a highly contagious disease, you know you must isolate to prevent the spread (and the government gives you money to do so), yet you ignore it and risk the lives of others for your own selfish desires (like visiting a cafe).

These people are selfish scum and should be treated as such.

end rant.
HIV epidemic in the 80s, seriously. Get a farkin grip. Take away a few liberties and you're ready to line up and get vaccinated with the rest of the sheep.
What about when you have the flu and go to work? Or the footy? Or anywhere?

Well, the flu doesn't exist in Australia anymore.
No every person on the planet does the right thing and shouldn't be punished. No one ever does anything wrong on purpose
and there you have it, the pizza worker who started the SA cluster has been found to have lied to contact tracers, likely allowing the disease to spread further, lockdown to last longer, and possibly deaths. but theyve decided not to charge them.

seriously when are governments going to harden the heck up and charge these selfish campaigners. but theyll sure as hell pursue you because you overstayed a parking limit.
and there you have it, the pizza worker who started the SA cluster has been found to have lied to contact tracers, likely allowing the disease to spread further, lockdown to last longer, and possibly deaths. but theyve decided not to charge them.

seriously when are governments going to harden the damn up and charge these selfish campaigners. but theyll sure as hell pursue you because you overstayed a parking limit.
Very frustrating but what law has been broken by this worker? New legislation would be required making it a criminal offence to fail to isolate if you have tested positive to Covid-19 for a prescribed period or after two consecutive negative tests at least 3 days apart?
Very frustrating but what law has been broken by this worker? New legislation would be required making it a criminal offence to fail to isolate if you have tested positive to Covid-19 for a prescribed period or after two consecutive negative tests at least 3 days apart?
Pretty sure providing false information would be illegal. Apparently they've done an about face and they're going to be charged.
How is this south aussie pizza guy any different from the premiers lying to us all along for months

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Very frustrating but what law has been broken by this worker? New legislation would be required making it a criminal offence to fail to isolate if you have tested positive to Covid-19 for a prescribed period or after two consecutive negative tests at least 3 days apart?

SA had 8 months to pass laws having seen what happened on the East Coast and never got around to it.

Sheer incompetence. One person doing some cash in hand work and lying about it shut down an entire state and caused millions of dollars damage.

And now they will find a trumped up charge to appease the baying public and in 8 months a Magistrate will quietly throw it out because there qere no relevant laws in place at the time.
Pretty sure providing false information would be illegal. Apparently they've done an about face and they're going to be charged.

If they were not assumed to have broken a law they were probably not cautioned.

Would be near impossible finding a law that was broken that would see any more than a $150 fine which a Magistrate would dismiss as a 1st offence.
For those of us who think critically and aren’t consumed by the narrative that is constantly shoved down our throats we would already know the PCR tests are deeply flawed. Now a group of experts have peer reviewed the Corman-Drosten paper which concluded that the said testing was accurate. The reason people who test positive go to work, etc, is because they know they’re not sick.

For those of us who think critically and aren’t consumed by the narrative that is constantly shoved down our throats we would already know the PCR tests are deeply flawed. Now a group of experts have peer reviewed the Corman-Drosten paper which concluded that the said testing was accurate. The reason people who test positive go to work, etc, is because they know they’re not sick.

anyone who thinks that is a ****ing moron. its the equivalent of a drunk person driving because 'i know most people can't but i can drive just fine while drunk'
For those of us who think critically and aren’t consumed by the narrative that is constantly shoved down our throats we would already know the PCR tests are deeply flawed. Now a group of experts have peer reviewed the Corman-Drosten paper which concluded that the said testing was accurate. The reason people who test positive go to work, etc, is because they know they’re not sick.

oh and i should add, the 'opinion' of those people is not worth listening to. my farts are more scientifically literate.

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Criminal charges for disease spreaders - is it time?

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