Crown Perth (formerly Burswood) Casino - Part 2

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Bubbled :(

4 got paid, i got 5th

Played ok, got really card dead when blinds starting climbing.

Made 2 or 3 mistakes for sure though, like overplaying my nut flush and not getting as many chips as i could have, and also chasing a boat when i flopped a set with 3 hearts on the board (didn't cost me TOO much) but i should've folded earlier

got it in with about 8 BB's with AsJsQh8h but ran into a KKxx who flopped a set (1 heart) and the turn gave me the flush draw, but it also filler her up

25 people entered, i finished 5th and i got zero KO's. Correct me if i'm wrong, but i just wasn't being aggressive enough, which left me short stacked when it counted? I think it's my issue with my tournament play in general

I'm taking a break now. Haven't played online for a few weeks and last night was my last live one for a bit.

Gonna do some study about late tournament play and try to get my head around a few things before getting back into it late this year
Played Day 1A

Finished with basically the exact stack where the borderline is between playing again and trying to accumulate vs not playing and saving my money lol

FWIW The tournament will start Day 2 with 500/1000 blinds, and an average stack of about 45k depending on who accumulates etc...

Just wondering what others would think to be the breakeven mark where we stop contemplating the idea of playing again.

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Anyway, that question got a lot of responses.

I finished with 67k on a soft table. Some of the hands, start banks 15k

1) 25/50.

Limper limps the button. I raise to 200. BB, an older guy who is great fun, a nice guy, but a bit of a wildcard playing poker, raises to 550. A fold. I make it 1700 or so. He shoves for 14k (280bb for those playing along at home) I call

He has 55, I have KK and we get a safe run out to double up.

2) 50/100

I raise to 300 UTG. Next in, an aggro asian I have played a lot of hands against so far, raises to 1500. I reraise to 4200 he calls.

Flop: J44

Ash does this

And checks.

Asian guys shoves for about 11k into 8k and Ash snaps off of course

He has ATo, I have QQ, another safe run out.

3) 100/200/25

We raise to 525 from the HJ and get called by the button and the BB (BB is Leo Boxell, button is a tough local player)

FLOP: J84 two hearts, my queens are black

A check, I bet 800ish. Button now makes it 1900. Boxell folds, back on me.

I make it 4300 with a plan to call off for 13k total. Sure enough, he shoves, I call on this draw heavy board expecting to be flipping a lot as opposed to be against only 44 and 88.

He has A2hh, turn is a brick, river is an ace for a big pot.

This pot was actually the key pot. If I win, I eliminate the toughest opponent on the table by a long way (who also has position on me) and can let loose on the rest of the table. Instead, because I lost the pot, this guy will keep me in check (as well as losing a 35k pot which sucks)

4) 150/300/25

At this point I have run what was 50k down to about 20k as a result of a few bad bluffs and losing a couple small flips/bad boards etc...

Older guy limps utg, which has me mildly concerned about aces. That is, until I squeeze the black ones from the CO.

I raise to 1100, Boxell calls BB, limper calls

FLOP: Kh8h4x (two hearts)

Checks to me, I bet 2100, Boxell folds, old guy calls.


Checks to me. Older guy has about a pot size bet left, and I don't have much more than that either. I thought for a while, and thought it best to shove thinking he is more likely to have a worse set then a flush combinations, and I don't want a heart to kill action on the river.

Sure enough, he snaps me off with QThh.

River king, and chalk one up for the good guys


5) 400/800/100

Late in the day, I have run it back up to a decent stack of 50k or so.

Older guy (table was full of them) raises UTG new to the table. We have a decent amount of history together. He raises to 2k, I defend J8cc

FLOP: J42 one club

I check call 3.5k


I check he bets 4k, I check jam all in (he has about 13k behind, I have him well covered) he folds

Was a weird day, if I win hand 3 I end day with 150k+ table was that good and my starting hands were very strong, which would allow me to get away with a lot more later in the day.
Basically bubbled the Main Event.

Had an up and down day, made some good plays, made some bad plays.

Lost a pretty crucial QQ < JJ hand early that could have been a big difference maker, instead, no dice. Ended up getting AQ in against AK, flopping a flush draw and missing the 12 outs to win and the 5 outs to chop.

Played a live cash session tonight for the first time in a while.

Had a player whom I don't particularly like (abuses fish, plays like a nit, annoyingly breakeven, bumhunts pretty hard) keeping track of his VP$IP with pen and paper.

Ridiculed him probably a tad more then I needed to, but really, tracking your own VP$IP? At least do it subtly rather then on pen and paper...
Voluntarily put $ into pot.


Number of hands you play by choice (limping, calling a raise, raising etc...) divided by number of hands you are dealt, which will give you a percentage.

Players will have varying numbers for this amount. A tight player will generally be less then 10, a loose player more then 40. If I had to guess, I would say my number is about 14 playing 10 handed cash, and goes up to the 60s when playing short-handed/HU depending on opponent etc...

So from what I saw on his piece of paper (he went away and I caught a glimpse) was a column for number of hands dealt, and a number for hands he played.

If he had figures like

10 hands played
76 hands dealt

then 10/76 = 13.16% roughly.

This number used in conjuction with the number of times you come in with a raise gives probably the two most important numbers when dealing with a new player and his preflop tendencies. This number will always be lower (since you have to put money in to raise of course)

Generally speaking, you want the numbers quite close for online play, whereas live the numbers can be a bit more widely separated because I will play certain hands like 33, suited aces and the like more passively to encourage multiway play.
Main event week for Western Classic has been on this week.

Have had two good results (3rd in the PLO event and 2nd in the NLHE 6 max event which I chopped HU vs IMO toughest player in field and only guy at FT I would chop with) but the thing I really want to write about was the terminator event, where I had possibly the funniest token collection ever.

Hand before

Folds to me in the cutoff, I raise to 400 (at 100/200 with a 25 ante) the button calls, the small blind does the push in a pile of chips leaving 25 on his cards trick. Big blind folds, I fold, button calls.

Board runs out X-X-X check check turn X check check river Ace check and button checks behind and wins pot with AKo. She was a beginner player probably to focused on winning the pot rather than knocking out the player and getting a bounty.

Next hand there is a player all in for an ante. Two people limp, I raise without looking at my cards quite large, expecting them to limp raise their trappy hands, (allowing me to fold) and let go of anything marginal.

They both fold, my K4o beats T7o and I collect the bounty.

Finished up knocking out three people but busted the event quite early to not quite breakeven for the day.

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So I had a really good week for Western Classic this week. Cashed in the PLO and 6 max as mentioned, also final tabled the Main Event (6th) and the side event today $550 freezeout (3rd, chopped four handed)

Main Event was whatever. I had never cashed in a ME or a High Roller in Perth until today. Started final table in third, and had a really good seat. However, struggled to get things going early and was a little steamy. One hand in particular, I open KK UTG and Maz calls from BB. Flop 665 he check calls a largish c-bet. Turn Ace I check back. River 5 all the draws miss he bets smallish. I tank call and Maz shows T5 suited.

I got lucky in a flip vs the 7th place finisher. He opened UTG playing 12bb, I reshoved with 21bb total 10bb eff he tank called off with AQo. I had 88, he flopped AQx but I rivered an 8.

Critical hand I raise J4hh into MK's BB. He calls

Flop 743 he calls my cbet (cbet was too big)

Turn was a Jack, I bet, he shoves, I tank called expecting to see 65 relatively often as well as some worse two pairs, one pair and gutshot combos etc... but he showed me the straight. I missed four outs on the river, which left me with 3bb.

I shoved KQo next hand, got it in vs QQ, and couldn't catch up.


I jumped back on the horse and played the $550 freezeout that ran parallel to the final table. Ran well early, floated around average and got to the final table in great shape. Structure for final table was legitimately amazing and there was lots of play. After a long session of seven handed play (paying five) we finally busted someone and decided to give $100 each to the bubble boy to get "square". Next hand Hans busts and we make money.

We play more, another bust and we have the following chip counts.

Ash: $160k

35k offers an even chop with a little set aside for first. I obviously say no, he tells me karma will get me. Sure enough shortie gets a chop with a dominated ace, then cracks my aces with QJcc. I then lose another medium size pot with TT of red on a J53ddd board and all of a sudden I am the short stack.

35k dude offers same dude (while playing a lot more) and as the shortest stack I took the deal (I had 10bb, everyone else had at least 18bb with an ave of 21bb I think).

Ended up third after all of that was said and done, the Aces lost hand kinda sucked, pretty sure I could have conjured an amazing deal with half the chips three handed, and if not put on enough ladder pressure to make them submit.

Brag: Two Hendon Mob cashes in one day
Beat: Only got to play 2 events because I busted Main Event FT early.

Neat write up of the FT
The poker area has moved at crown Perth now.

The Poker Room itself is closed (I think it is become a new Keno lounge) and now we are playing out in the open near the Snax food court.

Im not sure how long poker is going to be in that area for, but if its a long term thing they still need to change a few things, mainly more screens for tournament time, and making sure the area to sign up for games isn't as "hidden" as it is now, as its kind of tucked away behind a large pillar.

Unfazed about being in the room or outside, everyone thinks that because we are outside random people will play and drop $1k every day but I don't see it. There were a decent number of people sweating the games from the rail, but very few people I haven't seen before actually playing in the games.

FWIW I had a shit night, was up a tonne, then ran an Ace high flush into a two card straight flush for a $2k pot that killed my profit and I broke even fml.
Im not sure tbh

They don't really need more tables at any point, since they cap most of their smaller tournaments anyway, and can always set aside a smaller additional area for ANZPT style tournaments etc...

The area itself is just pretty barren, and for everyone celebrating how great it is that all the "fish" are coming in to play because they can see the game being played on the main floor, are going to be disappointed when because there are no screens the soccer fans won't play poker while the Manchester United vs Chelsea game is on etc...
I started my poker "career" about 2008 when the poker area was near the entry to the night club (Used to be called The Ruby Room iirc) The breeze from the nightclub doors used to be freezing cold.

I don't mind the new area, but I hope that what they have now isn't "it" and they have some more things coming.

Also, if they could use the area of the cashier that is in the "area" for buying chips as opposed to buying from the draws I would be so happy.
TBH I don't even know if it's legal, because I have spoken to multiple casino people and ex-casino people that have mentioned some rule about buying gaming chips from the table you play on etc... I don't know exactly, but if they don't implement cage buying in the next few months they are leaving money on the table.

I would guess that the buying at the table costs them 4-6 hands an hour depending on the game, which is 15-20% more rake for them and hands for us.
This may sound like an idiotic question, but can't something be done about the extremely high rake at Crown Perth? For example, if enough people know each other in the room, they could organize a walk out. I know a card room where this happened and it worked. After 3 days of a large part of the player pool not playing, the Poker Room lowered the rake.

Are there no home games in Perth to avoid the high rake? Or other options?

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Crown Perth (formerly Burswood) Casino - Part 2

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