Cutting ties with family

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Yep, I was on my dad's side. But the only thing that came from my aunty was my Dad also acted like a complete prick, in the way he spoke to my cousins, etc. And thats not on either- so basically i have nfi who to believe.

Anyway whatevs, nothing to do with me.

seems to be like the old case of get spoken to the way you speak to others!
How did that play out exactly? I'm not googling it, but was the will distributed as Lennon had it in place, or was it Yoko ono who contested and screwed him ect?

John gave everything to Yoko and froze everyone else out including funeral arrangements that went against John himself.

At one stage Yoko was selling off a lot of John Lennon's stuff like personal letters and Julian was trying to buy some of it back.

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I can smell will problems coming when my Mum dies. Not from the blood relatives though, we're a pretty laissez faire crew. From the step side. They are very, very money conscious - cash hidden around the house because they don't trust banks, aggressive bargaining on any purchase, preference for cash transactions even when buying cars, etc.

My Grandmother who died when I was about 15 cut me out of her will. When I finally found that out I found it to be particularly amusing.
I can smell will problems coming when my Mum dies. Not from the blood relatives though, we're a pretty laissez faire crew. From the step side. They are very, very money conscious - cash hidden around the house because they don't trust banks, aggressive bargaining on any purchase, preference for cash transactions even when buying cars, etc.

My Grandmother who died when I was about 15 cut me out of her will. When I finally found that out I found it to be particularly amusing.

My grandmother gave all the grandkids a thousand dollars each, that I know of. my kid got a thousand (her mum probably spent it on herself), I got nothing, as for the parents ect, haven't a clue if they got a cent. apparently a thousand each went to the grand kids and that's it, I do not believe that though.
My grandmother gave all the grandkids a thousand dollars each, that I know of. my kid got a thousand (her mum probably spent it on herself), I got nothing, as for the parents ect, haven't a clue if they got a cent. apparently a thousand each went to the grand kids and that's it, I do not believe that though.

IANALB - You could probably request a copy of your Grandmother's will from the executor? Law changed in 2014.
I've never thought or cared to have looked into it, after age 10 I saw her maybe 5 times in the next 18 years, probably spoke that many times on the phone too. But that is interesting thanks
My old man and I were feuding about money when his mum died and I'm pretty sure I missed out on what was willed me. We're good these days so I don't push it.
My old man and I were feuding about money when his mum died and I'm pretty sure I missed out on what was willed me. We're good these days so I don't push it.

just goes to show, as I see it like this without wills ect being involved, there's no family when it comes to money. for some people the term "wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire" when it comes to these things, is too true.
My grandmother gave all the grandkids a thousand dollars each, that I know of. my kid got a thousand (her mum probably spent it on herself), I got nothing, as for the parents ect, haven't a clue if they got a cent. apparently a thousand each went to the grand kids and that's it, I do not believe that though.

Yup same- got a grand from my mother's mum.

Didnt get anything from the one I mentioned before, altho my aunty was adamant her mother wanted the money to be split evenly between us grandkids (so roughly 50k each). I try not to think about that.
just goes to show, as I see it like this without wills ect being involved, there's no family when it comes to money. for some people the term "wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire" when it comes to these things, is too true.
I think it comes down to character. I don't expect any inheritance and unfussed if I receive none (and others get something). Some people are just greedy campaigners.
Yeah never thought it would happen to my family but here we are.

It so bloody funny (srcsm)- ive heard both sides of the story from my uncles POV (who heard it from my dad- my dad himself would never speak to me) v my aunties POV (who was directly involved- unlike the previously mentioned uncle) and the stories are so far apart from each other its hilarious.

All about the house, getting their greedy mitts on it, buying more property next door so they could subdivide, etc.

Sounds like my story. Sounds like all the stories over wills and money
this is all too common, share your experience?

Man it is a long, long story.

Essentially, we did all the work settling an estate and got accused of theft by the other two parties who thought we were not giving them all the money they "deserved"

They pocketed $140k each and wanted to take us to court over $2000.

Great times

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Man it is a long, long story.

Essentially, we did all the work settling an estate and got accused of theft by the other two parties who thought we were not giving them all the money they "deserved"

They pocketed $140k each and wanted to take us to court over $2000.

Great times

Not sure if srs.

That is crazy. I wouldnt even care about 10k.... if it got up to and over 20 i might..
Man it is a long, long story.

Essentially, we did all the work settling an estate and got accused of theft by the other two parties who thought we were not giving them all the money they "deserved"

They pocketed $140k each and wanted to take us to court over $2000.

Great times

wouldn't want them in my life
Yup same- got a grand from my mother's mum.

Didnt get anything from the one I mentioned before, altho my aunty was adamant her mother wanted the money to be split evenly between us grandkids (so roughly 50k each). I try not to think about that.

50k to me right now would change my life in a very good way, try not to think about it though
Going to court over 2k is the ******* dumbest shit ive ever heard. Legal fees alone would go above that.

They were advised against it, and duly stopped the proceedings.

Our solicitor was called every day by both of them over the "theft" and us hiding things from the person's belongings.

They cherry picked well beyond their share of what were were obliged to provide, and they kept wanting more and more.

Destroyed the whole family over a few bucks
An ex friend of mine completed a dog act.

His mother had died many years ago. His dad found new love and lived defacto for about 10 years with his new partner. Got diagnosed with terminal cancer and married his de facto. In his final weeks, his new wife, and two sons came to an agreement about his will and estate so they wouldn't fight later.
The day after his funeral, the two sons turned up at the new mom's doorstep and said "we don't want you to get anything at all, we'll be contesting the will"
50k to me right now would change my life in a very good way, try not to think about it though

Yup, it would bite off a huge chunk of my mortgage- like massive.

Again, just dont think about it, i didnt even say a word about it to my parents. If my grandmother didnt legally change it in her will, then that's the way it is unfortunately.
I'm fairly certain my mum and dad would distribute it evenly between us three kids.

Possibly even give me more, seeing as how I've lived out of home and supported myself since 25 and my brothers the blood sucking campaigners they are have hung around, even until today.

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Cutting ties with family

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