D-Day for Didaka

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I can't even imagine what you're going through, but from what you've said, you appear to have a great attitude about it, for which we must all applaud you!

Good luck mate, never forget that the whole of the Collingwood FC/bigfooty board will be here for you
Shit this is sobering news. My thoughts go out to you and your upcoming battle didaka.

A lot of people say when things happen like John Ilham dieing of a heart attack at 40 and Sam Newman battling cancer that it's a wake up call to them, but this is a wake up call for me with you being so young. I'm only 21 and I've got to be honest I just think it can't happen to me at my age.

My uncle had the same cancer and he was in his mid 50s and managed to beat it, so hopefully you can do the same thing.

You don't have to answer this if you don't want but being clueless as I am is there any real cause of this cancer?
Shit this is sobering news. My thoughts go out to you and your upcoming battle didaka.

A lot of people say when things happen like John Ilham dieing of a heart attack at 40 and Sam Newman battling cancer that it's a wake up call to them, but this is a wake up call for me with you being so young. I'm only 21 and I've got to be honest I just think it can't happen to me at my age.

My uncle had the same cancer and he was in his mid 50s and managed to beat it, so hopefully you can do the same thing.

You don't have to answer this if you don't want but being clueless as I am is there any real cause of this cancer?

Nah mate. It just picks you and that's it. The doc said to me he has never come across anything like this in a person my age in his career.

The old saying goes "shit happens" and it happens to a lot of people, not just me, so I will give it my best, and then go on to help other people in the same situation after I have beaten it's butt.

Please, please, if you notice any changes, any symptoms or if there just isn't something right, get checked up, because it may just save your life.:thumbsu: and that message goes out to everyone.

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Tough break man. My thoughts are with you. You seem to have handled it really well though. Your attitude is great and I reckon that's half the battle won. Good luck with your fight.
Keep positive Didaka. In a way you were lucky to need your appendix out mate so that it was found early.

We'll be with you as your own personal support group mate so keep strong and fight that f**ker
Well ____ my guts just dropped reading the news. YOU WILL FIGHT IT AND YOU WILL WIN. Keep strong keep fighting and good luck buddy. All my wishes go out to you

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What happens now on the treatment front, Didaka?

Been put to the front of the que in all regards due to the fact that if the cancer closes off the bowel I'm in all sorts of trouble.

Had a whole heap of scans done yesterday that usually takes a while to get in to. Had to drink a few cups of green shit that taste like straight out camel piss and a few injections. Have a few more scans today.

See my surgeon for the first time tomorrow night to get the ins and outs of what is going on in the coming weeks/months and find out of it has spread elsewhere.

Should be in hospital next week or the week after for round 1. Getting part of my bowel removed around the areas.

Then shortly after when I have recovered enough to I believe I will be going for some radiation and those treatments will last a couple of months I'd expect.

This might happen the other way around depending on this size of the are as they may shrink the bastard first before they take it out.

In all seriousness I'm looking forward to getting into hospital and getting the treatment and then the challenge of the rehabilitation afterwards and getting back to normal then getting back to competitive sport next year.
Been put to the front of the que in all regards due to the fact that if the cancer closes off the bowel I'm in all sorts of trouble.

Had a whole heap of scans done yesterday that usually takes a while to get in to. Had to drink a few cups of green shit that taste like straight out camel piss and a few injections. Have a few more scans today.

See my surgeon for the first time tomorrow night to get the ins and outs of what is going on in the coming weeks/months and find out of it has spread elsewhere.

Should be in hospital next week or the week after for round 1. Getting part of my bowel removed around the areas.

Then shortly after when I have recovered enough to I believe I will be going for some radiation and those treatments will last a couple of months I'd expect.

This might happen the other way around depending on this size of the are as they may shrink the bastard first before they take it out.

In all seriousness I'm looking forward to getting into hospital and getting the treatment and then the challenge of the rehabilitation afterwards and getting back to normal then getting back to competitive sport next year.
Good luck mate i wish you all the best, this will be a struggle but i have no doubt you have the physical and mental strength to pull through.

Beat the bastrad mate:thumbsu:
Good luck Didaka!

Sounds like you are in good hands though and will get the best treatment possible. Attitude is important right now and it is inspiring to read that you are focusing on the positives!
My old man is also trying to organize something with the Football Club.

He is mates with Scotty Burns so he is looking at getting something going there next time he speaks with him which would be fantastic:)

These are the sorts of things that get you through quicker.
My old man is also trying to organize something with the Football Club.

He is mates with Scotty Burns so he is looking at getting something going there next time he speaks with him which would be fantastic:)

These are the sorts of things that get you through quicker.

Oh that would be really great for you....hopefully something can be done...i'm sure it will.

If there is anything any of us can do - just yell bud...!
Good luck didaka all the best mate
The Richmond Board Wishes you a speedy recovery
Stay positive.
My old man is also trying to organize something with the Football Club.

He is mates with Scotty Burns so he is looking at getting something going there next time he speaks with him which would be fantastic:)

These are the sorts of things that get you through quicker.

The club are great at things like this. My uncle (not the uncle I mentioned before) at about 50 was fighting cancer (which he also beat) and someone wrote to Collingwood and they sent a jumper signed by the whole team as well as a letter from Buckley to Tasmania no questions asked.
Terrible news, Didaka, but it's fantastic to see the way you're handling it.

Hope the treatment goes well, and you're back to full strength asap.

You only live once.
There are no second chances.
So; fight this thing as hard as you can. When it get's tougher, fight harder.
You will pull through this with the help of family and friends.

NEVER GIVE UP. There's way too much to live for.

Mine and my families thoughts are with you and your family. I too have a couple of sons, and can't even begin to imagine how you are all feeling.


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