Player Watch Dayne Beams (Retired 2020)

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You know everyone in Brisbane too?
Mate I come from Brisbane and I know a few Lions from the local clubs up here and Beams supporters are outnumbered by his detractors by a good margin and to a man they could not believe what they received in trade for him,believe this or not but if you speak to people up here you will know it,s fair dinkum like it or not.

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I don’t set up a business in the name of supporting a charity.

If I did, as I said, I’d donate full proceeds after expenses to that charity.

Not a measly 5%.

I don’t get it. None of you defending beams know him. His teammates hate him, the coaches hate, and the officials hate him.

He hasn’t got a single friend at two clubs.

Yet you all blindly defend him. Why? Because he plays for collingwood?
Dont mean to be argumentative for being argumentative's sake just cos its the Dayne Beams thread and here we are on Bigfooty, but lets just straighten the facts out here in your post so that noone reading it without having taken the time to do their own independent fact checking and research doesn't just read your comments above and form an opinion on what an uncharitable tightwad Beams is and what a shonkmaster using the ploy of "charity" to tug at people's heartstrings so their purchases generate more income for him (for the record I have no opinion this way or that if Beams is engaging in such practices this is not an assessment I am merely summarising the facts of which documented evidence is readily available).

1. There is no evidence Beams has set up a business in the name of a charity, or set up a business at all. All he has done is register the business NAME Health of Mind Art under his own business ABN he'd be already using for his football income...much in the same way any other sole contractor would when they are accounting for whats known as personal services income the tax gets calculated as one overall total payable on all income regardless of which registered business name it was provenanced under. He is not claiming any GST credits or any other charitable or not-for-profit status and/or concessions, so your claim in this regard is not supported in fact is contradicted by the documented evidence on public record.

2. Beams is donating 5% of each sale to his chosen Charity Love Me Love You. Which infers the total price the purchaser pays for all item/s they buy (but not including shipping cost lets assume), 5% of that total amount he will donate. Now out of that total amount, lets use an example off his site...lets use the lovely Magpies side table which was $250 price, making Beams' subsequent donation $12.50.

2.1 - That $250 price tag however needs to cover the cost of producing that sale, so lets explore that...
Supplies - as a person who has (attempted) worked with and bought resin for artsy crafty things, to cast a half m diameter table top he'd be using approx Id say a bit under a litre of epoxy and half of that again in catalyst for a ratio of 2:1. A 1lt resin kit of will set u back approx $60. Add to that your powder pigments which are give or take $10 each for a 50g pot, for simplicitys sake lets just say he used black & white only (hes used more I can see it but..) so that brings your cost of materials for this up to $80, give or take a couple of bucks if hes been thrifty and boughtin bulk but simplicity..
The substrate, or table itself, I'd have no idea, but my best Bunnings every weekend tragic's estimate for some MDF and fat dowel would be maybe $30. Add say $10 for your timber preps and sanders...thats $120 give or take just to make the thing.
i. GST Liability payable on that sale since the price was inclusive of GST is $25
ii. PAYG tax on taxable sale...hard to work out given its personal services income so for simplicity and not accounting correctness lets just call it $10 that he'd have to put aside to allocate towards this
iii. cost of ecommerce facility/online store...hes using Shopify which is $29US a month for basic. Yes this cost is divided amongst the other sales to get a true cost per sale but simplicity again we're using $42.12AUD. Add on the paypal fee of approx $6.85 if that annoying customer used their paypal account to pay.

So folks the running cost of sale of that table so far is $203.85. Yes I know this is - apart from the materials costs as Im fairly confident Ive estimated those as close as possible as what he'd have to outlay just to produce that item - possibly slightly overinflated given you'd approportion the shopify cost across other sales in the month and who knows what magical trickery his accountant weaves every October to reduce his tax liability, but its pretty evident when costs considered Beams aint making no huge profits off this endeavour. Were also not accounting for any expenses like your consumables, tools, utility costs eg you use a lot of water doing this kind of art etc none of that has been factored in but is obviously an expense he's outlayed something at some point for.

And 3. if Beams were to say do as Lenny suggested, using the grand high gross profit figure of $46.15 hes made from selling this table, and donated 5% of proceeds after expenses well that IS a comparatively measly $2.30ish, compared to his original $12.50 calculated off the total sale amount. Just as a side note as well, he would not - in terms of tax law applicable to entities carrying on a "business" - be allowed to donate the whole proceeds of lets just say $46 to demonstrate my point. If he did that then it would mean that assuming he did this for every sale he'd be effectively carrying on the business at a taxable loss, and especially when it comes to sole contractors and personal services income the ATO dont like that kind of state of affairs very much at all. They might let it go for maybe 1 FY return, but two years of a PS/SC business generating taxable losses thats grounds for them to cancel his ABN. And they do believe me, more than the public would even think to consider would happen. There's no real benefit to being totally charitable if youre not in fact an entity with charitable or DRG/NFP status.

Besides I dont think Kelly would be happy either watching Beams sit there on his arse with his arty hobby thingy calling it a business if she aint seeing the moolah roll in to pay the bills, shes got a certain fashion standard to uphold. Gucci loafers dont pay for themselves, and right the girl is
Dont mean to be argumentative for being argumentative's sake just cos its the Dayne Beams thread and here we are on Bigfooty, but lets just straighten the facts out here in your post so that noone reading it without having taken the time to do their own independent fact checking and research doesn't just read your comments above and form an opinion on what an uncharitable tightwad Beams is and what a shonkmaster using the ploy of "charity" to tug at people's heartstrings so their purchases generate more income for him (for the record I have no opinion this way or that if Beams is engaging in such practices this is not an assessment I am merely summarising the facts of which documented evidence is readily available).

1. There is no evidence Beams has set up a business in the name of a charity, or set up a business at all. All he has done is register the business NAME Health of Mind Art under his own business ABN he'd be already using for his football income...much in the same way any other sole contractor would when they are accounting for whats known as personal services income the tax gets calculated as one overall total payable on all income regardless of which registered business name it was provenanced under. He is not claiming any GST credits or any other charitable or not-for-profit status and/or concessions, so your claim in this regard is not supported in fact is contradicted by the documented evidence on public record.

2. Beams is donating 5% of each sale to his chosen Charity Love Me Love You. Which infers the total price the purchaser pays for all item/s they buy (but not including shipping cost lets assume), 5% of that total amount he will donate. Now out of that total amount, lets use an example off his site...lets use the lovely Magpies side table which was $250 price, making Beams' subsequent donation $12.50.

2.1 - That $250 price tag however needs to cover the cost of producing that sale, so lets explore that...
Supplies - as a person who has (attempted) worked with and bought resin for artsy crafty things, to cast a half m diameter table top he'd be using approx Id say a bit under a litre of epoxy and half of that again in catalyst for a ratio of 2:1. A 1lt resin kit of will set u back approx $60. Add to that your powder pigments which are give or take $10 each for a 50g pot, for simplicitys sake lets just say he used black & white only (hes used more I can see it but..) so that brings your cost of materials for this up to $80, give or take a couple of bucks if hes been thrifty and boughtin bulk but simplicity..
The substrate, or table itself, I'd have no idea, but my best Bunnings every weekend tragic's estimate for some MDF and fat dowel would be maybe $30. Add say $10 for your timber preps and sanders...thats $120 give or take just to make the thing.
i. GST Liability payable on that sale since the price was inclusive of GST is $25
ii. PAYG tax on taxable sale...hard to work out given its personal services income so for simplicity and not accounting correctness lets just call it $10 that he'd have to put aside to allocate towards this
iii. cost of ecommerce facility/online store...hes using Shopify which is $29US a month for basic. Yes this cost is divided amongst the other sales to get a true cost per sale but simplicity again we're using $42.12AUD. Add on the paypal fee of approx $6.85 if that annoying customer used their paypal account to pay.

So folks the running cost of sale of that table so far is $203.85. Yes I know this is - apart from the materials costs as Im fairly confident Ive estimated those as close as possible as what he'd have to outlay just to produce that item - possibly slightly overinflated given you'd approportion the shopify cost across other sales in the month and who knows what magical trickery his accountant weaves every October to reduce his tax liability, but its pretty evident when costs considered Beams aint making no huge profits off this endeavour. Were also not accounting for any expenses like your consumables, tools, utility costs eg you use a lot of water doing this kind of art etc none of that has been factored in but is obviously an expense he's outlayed something at some point for.

And 3. if Beams were to say do as Lenny suggested, using the grand high gross profit figure of $46.15 hes made from selling this table, and donated 5% of proceeds after expenses well that IS a comparatively measly $2.30ish, compared to his original $12.50 calculated off the total sale amount. Just as a side note as well, he would not - in terms of tax law applicable to entities carrying on a "business" - be allowed to donate the whole proceeds of lets just say $46 to demonstrate my point. If he did that then it would mean that assuming he did this for every sale he'd be effectively carrying on the business at a taxable loss, and especially when it comes to sole contractors and personal services income the ATO dont like that kind of state of affairs very much at all. They might let it go for maybe 1 FY return, but two years of a PS/SC business generating taxable losses thats grounds for them to cancel his ABN. And they do believe me, more than the public would even think to consider would happen. There's no real benefit to being totally charitable if youre not in fact an entity with charitable or DRG/NFP status.

Besides I dont think Kelly would be happy either watching Beams sit there on his arse with his arty hobby thingy calling it a business if she aint seeing the moolah roll in to pay the bills, shes got a certain fashion standard to uphold. Gucci loafers dont pay for themselves, and right the girl is
He does not need to know Rance,Rance,s action,s speak for themselves and then look at Rance and see if our premiership hero measures up well.
What is it that Beams has done that’s caused your dislike?
Well that didn't happen, you're adding your own miserable hate filled spin (which says far more about you as a person than Beams) when it could just as easily have been Beamer realising he's not up to it mentally at the moment and pulling the plug, you've proven jack squat other than you seem to have your own problems
Baa baa black sheep - do you sing that to yourself at night to send yourself to sleep?

Or is it too politically incorrect these days?
Well that didn't happen, you're adding your own miserable hate filled spin (which says far more about you as a person than Beams) when it could just as easily have been Beamer realising he's not up to it mentally at the moment and pulling the plug, you've proven jack squat other than you seem to have your own problems
Which part of it didn’t happen? It all happened.

Beeg has confirmed it since too with his sources.
Mate I come from Brisbane and I know a few Lions from the local clubs up here and Beams supporters are outnumbered by his detractors by a good margin and to a man they could not believe what they received in trade for him,believe this or not but if you speak to people up here you will know it,s fair dinkum like it or not.
I know one senior Brisbane player who said the whole club was thrilled that beams left.
How is it a snap?

The guy can’t use pronunciation which makes trying to understand what he is saying nye on impossible.

When you do understand what he’s saying, a lot of it is incorrect too.
I see from your posting history as Snell, that you chose to contribute to the scandals board. Not surprising really.
Our mods are a tolerant bunch. You would have been banned ages ago on other boards.

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How about being selfish and accepting a pay cheque and a list spot from Collingwood without fulfilling his end of the bargain?
Dam him for being depressed!

Just out of interest, which player or official gave you the info?
The settlement won’t be his full amount of his contract. Knowing rance, it will be next to nothing as he won’t put his hand out for salary he hasn’t earnt.

That’s Richmond‘a choice to keep him on the list. At least they had a choice. Beams has given us none.

Little evidence? I told you beams had been told not to come in any more and it would be all sorted when Walsh got back last Monday. What happened that week?
Wasn’t referring to your first one hundred odd posts when I mentioned lack of evidence.

Was just referring to your comparisons and assertions between Beams and Rance. Because what you said about Rance was clearly false and you making stuff up to suit your narrative.

For all we know Beams and Collingwood will sit down after Christmas and work out “where to know”.
Dam him for being depressed!

Just out of interest, which player or official gave you the info?
Yeah I’m going to tell you that, aren’t I.

If he’s depressed, that’s fine. Do the right thing and retire when you have the whole second half of the year off with mental illness and then you can’t get through pre season.
Wasn’t referring to your first one hundred odd posts when I mentioned lack of evidence.

Was just referring to your comparisons and assertions between Beams and Rance. Because what you said about Rance was clearly false and you making stuff up to suit your narrative.

For all we know Beams and Collingwood will sit down after Christmas and work out “where to know”.
Was not false re rance. Richmond can take him off the list any time they like and can replace him. His contracted salary won’t be included in the salary cap as he won’t receive that full amount.
Or is it too politically incorrect these days?
Yeah hide behind the refrain of cowards, but of course you could prove me wrong and say it all to Dayne's face

Rear mirror warning: testicles may appear larger online
Are you related to beams?

Brisbane supporter defending him - not many Brisbane people I know think too fondly of him.
I’m not defending Beams.

I’m criticising your posts because I believea at times you make sh!t up to push your narrative.

I came here to follow another clubs circus (as many big footy posters do), and found one poster making a personal “war” on Beams. It’s ugly.

And no I’m not related to Beams or ever met him.

All you have to do is read my posts from 2018 to see where I repeatedly said Beams was cooked.

I was impressed with the deal Noble got done for Brisbane.
Yeah I’m going to tell you that, aren’t I.

If he’s depressed, that’s fine. Do the right thing and retire when you have the whole second half of the year off with mental illness and then you can’t get through pre season.
It’s Xmas dude, all the players are away from the club.

General rule of thumb is that club boards are for supporters. Sure, there are many heated exchanges, and players are often treated harshly.

You posted under the name of Snell on the scandals board 5 years ago. Now you pop up on our board with a different username, and a very clear and spiteful agenda against Beams.

Something is out of place here. I’m concerned about your authenticity. Can you give us some more info about other usernames you have posted under, or perhaps who your direct source is at the club?

Thanks in advance.
How is it a snap?

The guy can’t use pronunciation which makes trying to understand what he is saying nye on impossible.

When you do understand what he’s saying, a lot of it is incorrect too.
Can you please enlighten me how one is to use pronunciation correctly on an internet forum??
Mate I come from Brisbane and I know a few Lions from the local clubs up here and Beams supporters are outnumbered by his detractors by a good margin and to a man they could not believe what they received in trade for him,believe this or not but if you speak to people up here you will know it,s fair dinkum like it or not.
A few isn’t a lot.
It’s Xmas dude, all the players are away from the club.

General rule of thumb is that club boards are for supporters. Sure, there are many heated exchanges, and players are often treated harshly.

You posted under the name of Snell on the scandals board 5 years ago. Now you pop up on our board with a different username, and a very clear and spiteful agenda against Beams.

Something is out of place here. I’m concerned about your authenticity. Can you give us some more info about other usernames you have posted under, or perhaps who your direct source is at the club?

Thanks in advance.
None of my sources is any of your business, nor is anything else for that matter.

Have you personally identified yourself?

The spin by you is amazing though, I’ll give you that. Trying to twist things to say all the players are away at the moment is next level spin.
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