Scandal Dayne Zorko - Instagram

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I hate terms like SJW and MRA. I think we can work out whether we agree with people or not without those dismissive labels.

Those labels are intended to catch people who don't actually deserve denigration. They are just general slurs.

Well my post (and used of said terms/labels) was aimed solely at the very people who throw them about. So was my use of said terms dismissive? Well yeah, that was the whole point of using them. Denigrating? No. Counter-intuitive? Well... maybe...

Hahaha, the irony of someone liking your post, only to label another a 'white knight' in their next post? Admit it, you know that individual* deserves to wear a dismissive label. Whether or not we should partake in 'labelling' them so, is another thing....

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Well my post (and used of said terms/labels) was aimed solely at the very people who throw them about. So was my use of said terms dismissive? Well yeah, that was the whole point of using them. Denigrating? No. Counter-intuitive? Well... maybe...

Hahaha, the irony of someone liking your post, only to label another a 'white knight' in their next post? Admit it, you know that individual deserves a dismissive label. Whether or not we should partake in 'labelling' them so, is another thing....

You probably have a some truth in there... but I would prefer just not to see the labels, on either side of the argument, and I think we can achieve that on BF.... if not the real world.
The kid will grow up ******* fine no different to any other kid in Australia that's gone through a marriage break-up.

Except normal kids who's parents divorce or split up can just say my parents split up, no reason needed or asked. Now Louis has his dad looking like an absolute tool freely available for another kid to see courtesy of his mother. Not ideal for him
Except normal kids who's parents divorce or split up can just say my parents split up, no reason needed or asked. Now Louis has his dad looking like an absolute tool freely available for another kid to see courtesy of his mother. Not ideal for him
I'm sure Louis will quickly find out that he's not the only kid who's classmates know more than they should about his personal life via social media and gossip. If he will at all, I mean, because by the time kids are old enough to bully him about this a good 10 years would have elapsed and nobody will have any idea who the **** Dayne Zorko is, let alone remember his kid's name.
If Zorko is stupid enough to let his missus know his IG password - whilst he is cheating - then stiff sh*t for him. This isn't a case of who did what and whether it was the right thing, this is just a case of Zorko being reckless with his IG pass. If she couldn't access the account then we would not know about it. It wouldn't be a big deal. It isn't a big deal, I am yet to meet a person who has not cheated on a partner. We all do it. Human nature.

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So what's your position? Aren't you saying it's domestic violence that Zorko's partner told everyone on his account he was cheating? It's women haters like you that turn every situation into the bloke being a victim. I take it you're single and like Trump.
I'm not single & i don't like Trump in the slightest. Calling me a woman hater is way off the mark. I certainly don't hate women, in fact most of my closest friends are women. I find their company infinitely more enjoyable than the company of other men. They're not in the slightest way interested in having pissing competitions like most groups of men seem to be. Women are far better than men at being able to express their feelings, they're also far superior listeners than men. Unlike men, women don't feel the need to come up with solutions to everything or "be right" about things, rather their interest lies sharing experiences, discussing different ideas (usually on men, relationships, sex, raising children, work & domestic life). Women are interested in how people approach different situations without feeling the need to asses which way is best. Women are great at sharing funny stories & laughing at themselves. The women I am friendly with readily acknowledge that many women abuse the Domestic Violence Legislation in order to strengthen their position in Family Court & acknowledge women use children as weapons against men who have let down. The women I am friends with frown on this type of female behaviour & believe this type of behaviour gives all women a bad reputation. Imo women are simply better quality company than men.
My position ought be clear and I will re-state it in a tic. I strongly believe your offensive vitriol and false assumptions levelled against me are born out of your ignorance, your aggressive nature, your inability to calmly & rationally consider others opinions, your stereotypical male ego & your own insecurities. From my experiences, I can assure you by blindly attaching yourself to 3rd wave feminist & radical leftist ideals, you make yourself quite unattractive to a well balanced woman. As you mentioned politics, I lean towards social democratic policy.
Aren't you saying it's domestic violence that Zorko's partner told everyone on his account he was cheating?
Firstly, a partner cheating in a relationship does not give the other party a green light to become domestically violent. The domestic violence legislation says that what Zorkos ex has allegedly done is domestic violence. I am merely pointing that out. I have also pointed out (what many solicitors & honourable police officers acknowledge), that is the Domestic Violence legislation in practice is applied with a HEAVY bias towards women.
I am against any violence by men targeting women, I am also against any violence by women targeting men. In both instances innocent children suffer greatly.
Really? My wife of 14 years knows mine and I hers. We don't go through each other's messages or phones but it's handy when driving if you need them to reply to an urgent message or email or use a map when the other person doesn't have battery. I have nothing to hide. Two of my kids know my passcode too!
My partner and I don't even use passcodes. We know we could read anything on each others' phones any time, but really, why would we want to? If we want to know something, we ask. We're not going to start rifling through each others' mail - that's controlling and insecure crap. I guess if you're in a crappy relationship though, you can get into some pretty bad head-games and you wonder what's true and what isn't. I'd say the rule is: if you feel compelled to read your partners private messages, your relationship is already in serious trouble.
I'm not single & i don't like Trump in the slightest. Calling me a woman hater is way off the mark. I certainly don't hate women, in fact most of my closest friends are women. I find their company infinitely more enjoyable than the company of other men. They're not in the slightest way interested in having pissing competitions like most groups of men seem to be. Women are far better than men at being able to express their feelings, they're also far superior listeners than men. Unlike men, women don't feel the need to come up with solutions to everything or "be right" about things, rather their interest lies sharing experiences, discussing different ideas (usually on men, relationships, sex, raising children, work & domestic life). Women are interested in how people approach different situations without feeling the need to asses which way is best. Women are great at sharing funny stories & laughing at themselves. The women I am friendly with readily acknowledge that many women abuse the Domestic Violence Legislation in order to strengthen their position in Family Court & acknowledge women use children as weapons against men who have let down. The women I am friends with frown on this type of female behaviour & believe this type of behaviour gives all women a bad reputation. Imo women are simply better quality company than men.
My position ought be clear and I will re-state it in a tic. I strongly believe your offensive vitriol and false assumptions levelled against me are born out of your ignorance, your aggressive nature, your inability to calmly & rationally consider others opinions, your stereotypical male ego & your own insecurities. From my experiences, I can assure you by blindly attaching yourself to 3rd wave feminist & radical leftist ideals, you make yourself quite unattractive to a well balanced woman. As you mentioned politics, I lean towards social democratic policy.
Aren't you saying it's domestic violence that Zorko's partner told everyone on his account he was cheating?
Firstly, a partner cheating in a relationship does not give the other party a green light to become domestically violent. The domestic violence legislation says that what Zorkos ex has allegedly done is domestic violence. I am merely pointing that out. I have also pointed out (what many solicitors & honourable police officers acknowledge), that is the Domestic Violence legislation in practice is applied with a HEAVY bias towards women.
I am against any violence by men targeting women, I am also against any violence by women targeting men. In both instances innocent children suffer greatly.
Will you get a load of this guy! ****ing hell!

“Some of my best friends are women” lol
nor am I responsible for your stupidity, you own that.

I am stupid. Stupid-I-Am. Will you eat Carnaroys' green eggs and ham irrational rhetoric?

Ahhh, personal insults, the straws clutched by the truly vapid minded.

discrimination against men in this area actually fuels violence towards women.

You piously stated that another poster lacks a rational opinion, yet (just prior to that) came up with the statement "Discrimination against men is a contributing factor in men committing violent acts against women". Only to now reiterate it again by proclaiming "Discrimination against men actually fuels violence towards women". Yeah, a great example of rationality.

The types of men (curs) who perpetrate acts of violence against women, do so regardless of whether they are or aren't discriminated against. The men who don't, still don't, even if they are discriminated against. Your argument that these two issues are somehow linked, is just simply preposterous.

It's along the same lines as the old "If I saw my kids, I would stop being violent/aggressive and would clean up my life". Because yeah, children should be used as treatment to cure a man's afflictions.

My opinions are based on my real experiences & beliefs

"Real experiences and beliefs", just thinly-veneered terms for emotional investment. And the thing about opinions based on emotion, is that they function to violate all logical considerations, by rousing a sense of personal interest. With the intent to stifle the voice of reason, by awakening primitive instincts.

But yeah, I'm the one who is stupid...

Can't be bothered going back through 8 pages to see if this has been posted, but Zorko's missus has edited the caption to this image.

Got changed to this initially:


  • received_271313850393359.jpeg
    162.2 KB · Views: 302
Actually no we DONT all do it. Maybe you are the people you hang out with are just shitty.

27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’
28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Matthew 5:27-28

We’ve all done it ;)
27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’
28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Matthew 5:27-28

We’ve all done it ;)

Who is this Mathew idiot? Better not be Richo he couldn't even find the goals directly in front of him.

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Scandal Dayne Zorko - Instagram

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