Review Dees v the Aureus Coast: the Good, the Bad & the Fugly

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Got nothing on Dwayne Russell.

[TEAM 1 kicks a goal] "That'll be the game!"
[TEAM 2 kicks a goal] "It's not over yet, [TEAM 2] are back in this!"
[TEAM 1 kicks a goal] "And now they've iced it!"
[TEAM 2 kicks a goal] "[TEAM 2] just won't back down, they're coming back here!"
[TEAM 1 kicks a goal] "The fat lady is warming up, if she's not already singing!"
[Ball hits ground] "CHAOS BALL!"
[TEAM 2 kicks a goal] "THEY'RE BACK IN THIS!"
[TEAM 1 kicks a goal] "But it's all over now, [TEAM 2] won't come back from here."
[TEAM 2 kicks a goal] "LAZARUS RISES!!"

And that's just the first quarter.

Team kicks to 20 points, "that's the biggest lead of the match"

Team kicks out to 32 points. "That's the biggest lead of the match"

Team kicks out to 48 points "That's the biggest lead of the match"

Yes I know derrwayne I've been watching.

That's half held
That's half high
That's half a throw

What are you blabbering on about. It's either a throw or not a throw. Call it as you see it you coward.
If footy is getting worse isn't it plausible that two genuinely crap teams could make the GF? We could be one of them!

Yes. But no. If the two worst teams in the world made the grand final, we'd be the third worst.

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I dream of a world where we can be the worst ever team to win a flag.

You're living that dream, my friend! We could be the worst ever team to win a flag! We won't... but we could!

Disgusting game, Id have rather we lost.
Nothing to be happy about in that game and the wins a win attitude is dumb. Assess the performance not the result, you cant ignore the crap show because we got lucky at the end, the 99% of the game before the point was pox ridden.
Same crap every week but against different opposition, wasted inside 50s from composure less mids happy to stat pad. A forward line without functioning keys and with bloody average crumbers.

Hibberd, Melksham and Lewis all look certain to miss weeks and we had 6 men in the VFL last week. Rough

Oscar Mcdonald is a waste of a man on the ground another 8 disposal game and 0 contested marks 0 intercept marks, 3 for the season
Billy Stretch should enjoy it while it lasts, hes a nothing AFL player.
Declan Keilty wont play much more AFL footy
Jordan Lewis hopefully never plays again
Jack Viney shouldnt have played, didnt need him and he was useless.
Olivers 38 disposals were some of the most useless wasteful disposals you are ever likely to see, almost picks the wrong option everytime at the moment.
Brayshaw and Fritsch are lazy as **** without the ball
Let's be honest, his disposal eff % is horrid.
At least his last kick inside 50 to set up the shot from Harmes that went to FF
You're not wrong in regards to Stretch
I don't know how Goodwin et al are ever going to address the issue of impotent inside 50's, while our defence leaks like a sieve. Being a Melbourne supporter has always been frustrating, but this current iteration where we clearly have a talented ruck and midfielders only to see us burning it going forward is excrutiating to watch.
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Surprised so many people are shouting down Topkent and Cannon82 for talking down this win. We played like absolute shit, the ONLY difference between the GC game and games earlier in the year is the GC weren't good enough to punish us as hard for our disgusting inside 50s. Not enthused at all about our prospects even though we've won the last two, I expect the Eagles to beat us by 50 minimum this week. Our problems are going to take at least another preseason and draft/trade period to fix.
Surprised so many people are shouting down Topkent and Cannon82 for talking down this win. We played like absolute ****, the ONLY difference between the GC game and games earlier in the year is the GC weren't good enough to punish us as hard for our disgusting inside 50s. Not enthused at all about our prospects even though we've won the last two, I expect the Eagles to beat us by 50 minimum this week. Our problems are going to take at least another preseason and draft/trade period to fix.
Is anyone really getting carried away with the win though? I think everyone agrees that was a mediocre display but the discussion is more about preferring we lost the game than won. If losing games means you learn valuable lessons we must be the most knowledgeable team in the AFL. We've done our share of losing games and learnt nothing from them so might as well take the wins when they come.
Surprised so many people are shouting down Topkent and Cannon82 for talking down this win. We played like absolute ****, the ONLY difference between the GC game and games earlier in the year is the GC weren't good enough to punish us as hard for our disgusting inside 50s. Not enthused at all about our prospects even though we've won the last two, I expect the Eagles to beat us by 50 minimum this week. Our problems are going to take at least another preseason and draft/trade period to fix.
I’m just sick of people taking the emotion out of footy.
Are you exaggerating or do you actually believe this?

No I actually believe this. I sat and watched him play at the game. Other players when they got tackled would hand off as they had awareness of other team mates, when he got tackled he had no awareness of other players. He also fumbled his way through the game quite a lot which coughed up the ball (more in tight handballs in close). I noted two plays he turned the ball over which lead to a goal.

He is not anywhere near the player he was in my opinion and needs to go back to the reserves to get back to how he used to play.
Also Topkent I agree Oliver’s game wasn’t even good. I’m a massive Clarry fan, along with Viney he’s my favourite player but his disposals are lacking serious hurt factor and his decision making is randomly off.

On a positive side god Harmes is such a good player now
Oliver awful for the first three quarters but his work in the last was fine. Not outstanding, but pretty good. None of the errors of earlier
Jones really lifted in the last quarter too and got in the coach's votes

He was arguably best on in our win over Sydney and was very solid against the Hawks,

Am I just trying to justify Jones spot in the team? Or is he still an important player? For balance, he's been awful when stuck out on the wing in our losses and not able to get forward
Also Topkent I agree Oliver’s game wasn’t even good. I’m a massive Clarry fan, along with Viney he’s my favourite player but his disposals are lacking serious hurt factor and his decision making is randomly off.

On a positive side god Harmes is such a good player now
I'm somewhat in between.

I rated Clarry's game, simply for the 15 tackles. That's huge and shows real intent.

But I totally get your and Topkent's thoughts on his aweful disposal. He's responsible for 50 F50 entries so far this year - that's a bit over 10.7% of our season total of 465 and 13 ahead of next best in Harmes and Brayshaw. So when we're talking about a our clear team problem for dump kicks into F50, he's a very big culprit.

Oliver is sitting 19th for DE and the clear leader for clangers with 46 (9.1% of team total of 501, 10 clear of next best Harmes). I realise that inside mids are going to have higher stats due to the nature of their work, but Oliver is an clear outlier here.
No I actually believe this. I sat and watched him play at the game. Other players when they got tackled would hand off as they had awareness of other team mates, when he got tackled he had no awareness of other players. He also fumbled his way through the game quite a lot which coughed up the ball (more in tight handballs in close). I noted two plays he turned the ball over which lead to a goal.

He is not anywhere near the player he was in my opinion and needs to go back to the reserves to get back to how he used to play.
Fumbling and getting caught with the ball aren’t ideal, but his lack of defensive run is unforgivable. He costs us goals.

If we could get a first rounder for him, I’d be very happy.
Good: giving Hunt a decent run of games like I wanted. He's been important for us.

Also, just looking at the game again, we really deserved to win that game. The only part of the game we weren't great at was conversion. That was a problem last year too for most of the year. We won almost all the key parts of the game easily. We had way more ball, way more ball forward of centre and wayyyy more tackles. We had 99 tackles. That's bloody huge. I love the tackle count. Almost invariably if we win the tackle count, we'll be either winning the game or close to winning it. Even when we were an embarrassment.
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