Dennis Cometti

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Dennis can be pretty much hit and miss, but most of his misses can come down to the lack of personality he has to work with. Seriously the chair Dennis sits on has more personality then Bruce and Ox combined.
You are a tool... you need a degree of intellect to enjoy Dennis quips...

He is by far the best in game and its tragic his heir apparent (Clinton) is no longer... :-(

The only reason why we *think* Dennis is a bit forced and contrived sometimes is he admitted to doing his RESEARCH on these quips.

Still, its all about the timing - of which, Dennis is a genius.

I agree that he is the best commentator at the moment. Clinton was, and I believe he was king, not an heir.

However doing research on quips is my main problem with Cometti. He used to be so spontaneous, yet now it sounds as if hes waited to say certain jokes all game even when they are not entirely suitable. The random nature of his jokes are excellent. But they shouldnt be forced. Funny moments, like his reference about Cousins in the finals last year, should come along unexpectedly.

If I wanted to hear a joke a minute id listen to Rex Hunt. Cometti needs to tone down the quantity of his jokes and just allow them to come naturally.:)

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What are some people smoking?

Brian Taylor - easily the best in the business. And has a great sense of humour without trying to pull off a cheap one liner every passage of play.
Sick of Dennis to be honest. Used to be funny, now he is just tiresome. Seems to concentrate more on trying to crack the best joke than actually going along with the play... well, some of the time anyway.

I like BTs work - actually, McGuire wasn't bad at all unless it was with Collingwood. Take your bias of Eddie out and he was actually a pretty good commentator. Jason Dunstall goes alright too.

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Dennis Cometti

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