Haha, nice one Square PegConca made two monumental kicking **** ups but apart from that his game was actually good I thought, used his body consistently well. I am surprised people didn't notice the good stuff.
On the opposition I disagree with those saying Mundy was BOG, Hurn was clearly the best player out there. Deserved winner.
I had zero respect for Shuey before so am not surprised at all to see him flop forward with every contest trying to milk a free. But to see actual stars like JK do it too, far out, it's embarrassing. That free he got in the last when the ball went miles over his head and he leapt forward like superman was appalling. But fair to the umps, most of the night they didn't fall for this crap and we got a good run. If that game had different umpires paying those fraudulent frees we'd be sitting here having lost by 50 points.