Didak's punishment - the real story

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They're both open at night, it's not a brothel, so what's the difference? It's not as if girls these days go to nightclubs wearing whalebone corsets and dresses that cover their ankles, and it's not as if strip clubs are illegal either.

Get off your high horse!

I'm not saying it's illegal mate but a strip club is a strip club NOT a night club. Gary Pert should have had the balls to call it that and not sugar coat it.

I wonder what is going through the minds of the blokes who missed curfew earlier this year by 30mins and got suspended? At the very least they should have shown some consistency in that regard.
You are the second person to mention players missing curfew by 30 mins.....please identify this incident. And when you do, be sure to show where consisitency was not given

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New post.
"The differences between a Night Club and a Strip Club" as defined in the Victorian Liquor Licensing Act 1903

Please post this on the "Night Club v Strip Club" Boards
I wonder what is going through the minds of the blokes who missed curfew earlier this year by 30mins and got suspended? At the very least they should have shown some consistency in that regard.

Hasn't this already been dealt with up-thread? Wasn't it clarified in that the three players in question did not in fact miss a curfew, but left a hotel after very specific instructions not to leave at all? This thread is way too long for me to bother going back to check, but I believe it has been cleared up.

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Didak's punishment - the real story

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