Diet and nutrition

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In this case the assessment of value was highly subjective and based on whether my input agreed with the person offering their opinion of it's worth.
Youre right, the multiple discussions and insightful comments its generated have put me in my place.

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Started snacking on protein so my body always has a constant supply of it. Been reading how the body can only process so much at a time. And there are too many misconceptions out there.
Apparently 20g of protein is enough to get into protein synthesis

However it is the macronutrient that forces the body to burn the most energy to digest it

So I think depending on your size, 30g in a sitting is probably enough (I'm 6"5 1/2 and weigh a shitload so 40-60g I feel more comfortable with and seems to aide in recovery so I can train 4-5 days a week)
Started snacking on protein so my body always has a constant supply of it. Been reading how the body can only process so much at a time. And there are too many misconceptions out there.

Protein distribution doesn’t matter (even in the case of an IF style 8 hour feeding window) so long as you get 3 servings of high quality protein in that time. Best to just focus on getting >1.6g per kg of bodyweight everyday.

Protein distribution doesn’t matter (even in the case of an IF style 8 hour feeding window) so long as you get 3 servings of high quality protein in that time. Best to just focus on getting >1.6g per kg of bodyweight everyday.

This is a bit like the anabolic window myth . . . Where in reality it’s more akin to anabolic 747 hangar doors.
Nice work! I'm down 20kg since start of September.
Im trying to measure wrist and neck for more accuracy. Weight fluctuates. I went down to 76.4 on 18th. 77.4 on 23rd. Tonight I was 75.8. Im putting on some muscle but some days Im bloated.
Im trying to measure wrist and neck for more accuracy. Weight fluctuates. I went down to 76.4 on 18th. 77.4 on 23rd. Tonight I was 75.8. Im putting on some muscle but some days Im bloated.
That happens. Food would be maim catalys for bloating I'd imagine. Food journal will help you ID which foods are causing it.
This is a bit like the anabolic window myth . . . Where in reality it’s more akin to anabolic 747 hangar doors.
Its incredible what you learn when you research . Ive pretty much changed most of what Ive done now at 43 .
Used to panic about not getting the protein shake in within 20 minutes of a workout , because thats what I was taught.

Now just make sure Im consistent with my food ( always could be better ) to get my fuel rather than supps. Still have the odd shake if I feel ive come a bit short .

Feel better for it and getting better results then previously .
That happens. Food would be maim catalys for bloating I'd imagine. Food journal will help you ID which foods are causing it.
I think it's carbonated water. It happens occasionally. I get super bloated. Only other thing I had was gnocci putanesca

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Weight is fluctuating wildly. 75.6 yesterday. Did a huge back and biceps workout. Im 77.2kg today. No idea where the weight is. Muscle reactivation water weight or both
Are you weighing yourself at the same time of day?
I usually weigh myself every morning and go off that. I can be up to 2 kg heavier in the afternoon
I range anywhere between 98-103 depending on time of day, training load for the week, hydration, etc etc etc.

If im anywhere in that range i assume ive have pretty much no variance, if it gets outside of that i assume something is going on (albeit not necessarily anything bad).
Weigh yourself once a week at the same time, like Thursday morning when you first wake up or something, you just need to see the trends. Daily weight can be affected by so many variables it's not really of any value.

That's precisely why I weigh myself every morning - to get a more accurate average over the week.
Had a play around with FFMI and this is where I'm at RN. I've hit a block in the last two weeks but definitely getting muscle and can feel it tighter.
I'm thinking 12% bodyfat takes me to 67-68KG

UPDATE: Just did a hard workout tonight. Went to the supermarket and walked straight up to the cakes and deserts section of the bakery, put my hand out and then kept walking. Felt good to do that. Önly way to reach these goals.

Got myself some chicken and made a chicken salad sandwich no cheese.

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Discovered today that most of these pre prepared meals have ridiculous amounts of salt in them. 850mg in one meal for one of them.

After hitting that plateau I've started preparing clean salad wraps to get down below 65kg.

Made two wraps today, wholegrain wraps only 500kj, pear and rocket salad with lemon thyme (Not sure it matches), avocado, carrot, and chicken schnitzel with a little bit of parmesan dressing. Only 1600kj for the meal.
First time I've specifically weighed my food. Can't believe how many Kj I was previously consuming in a meal. Trying to keep to 6Kj per day. Sometimes I've been lazy and had a cornish pastie and alone that's 1900Kj

This is what I had today. Typically I'll eat at least twice as much. I kept energy down by filling with salad
Blue Grenadier Fish​
3 Chicken Gyozas​
Birds Eye Seasoned Chips​
During my only healthy food experiment along with training harder I've noticed that I've surprisingly lost weight.

Started to eat a lot more today.

I don't think I really miss any junk food, at least nowhere nearly as much as I thought I might.

Maybe wouldn't mind some pizza, absolute favourite of mine.
During my only healthy food experiment along with training harder I've noticed that I've surprisingly lost weight.

Started to eat a lot more today.

I don't think I really miss any junk food, at least nowhere nearly as much as I thought I might.

Maybe wouldn't mind some pizza, absolute favourite of mine.
Surprisingly? lol
May as well ask. I work out 5 days a week, been having one of these after a workout

Any good?

I know the body can only absorb so much protein, but I normally grab one of those just to make sure I'm getting enough in.

Or would I be better off with a shake of some sort?

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Diet and nutrition

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