Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell * The foster mother has been recommended for charges of pervert the course of justice & interfere with a corpse

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Criminal charges the former foster parents currently face as at 15 April 2022 include:
  • Apprehended Violence Orders on both (AVOs)
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster mother *Not Guilty
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • 2 x charges of assault against a child on former foster mother *Guilty
  • 1 x charge of assault against a child on former foster father
  • Stalking &/or Intimidation on both
  • Dummy bidding real estate fraud *Guilty

Where's William Tyrrell? - The Ch 10 podcast (under Coroner's subpoena)

Operation Arkstone
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Sickening. If they were actually providing any useful service to a worthwhile cause, I would respect their right to earn a living from it, but they just appear to be self-serving parasites.

A closer read of the article indicates the Morcombe's have been trying for a bit longer than a month to completely cut ties and have the visible links to Daniel's foundation removed from the WW website.

It's so ugly the WW campaign has put the Morcombes in this position.
One of the facebook groups the PR firm couldn't infiltrate? :tearsofjoy:

I have no doubt in my mind there is a particular site they have well and truly infiltrated. (Not this one). It’s blatantly obvious from the deflection that goes on that a certain group have been organised to do a job- protect the fosters, GJ and those associated with them. On the Insight page they say-

“Our strategic innovative solutions include; communication strategies, writing, media and social media management”

Could they be doing this and why? if so will this harm them long term? Could be causing harm already

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Merch? Who the * is buying merch?
Nobody. Merchandise was sold to raise funds early on in the campaign, way back in 2015 prior to the $1M reward being announced in 2016. The "merchandise" offered outside of the inquest were ribbons and they were given free to anyone that wanted one. I know this from people that attended the inquest. Another 100% factual article from the Daily Fail 🙄
Nobody. Merchandise was sold to raise funds early on in the campaign, way back in 2015 prior to the $1M reward being announced in 2016. The "merchandise" offered outside of the inquest were ribbons and they were given free to anyone that wanted one. I know this from people that attended the inquest. Another 100% factual article from the Daily Fail

I wouldn’t say this is necessarily a fail. This article has made people accountable for using a respectable foundation to benefit their own.
Good on the DM for highlighting this
From Insights Comms testimonials page, they're working pro-bono.


Clare and Alice have campaigned tirelessly (in a pro-bono capacity), on our behalf. They have fought the battles and at all times never lost sight of our ultimate goal – to bring our William home. Their emotional connection has enabled them to successfully appeal to the public’s psyche to build moral outrage that a crime of this nature took place and at the same time, galvanizing communities all over Australia with the common goal of finding William and bringing him home.
William’s Mummy and Daddy

From Insights Comms testimonials page, they're working pro-bono.


Clare and Alice have campaigned tirelessly (in a pro-bono capacity), on our behalf. They have fought the battles and at all times never lost sight of our ultimate goal – to bring our William home. Their emotional connection has enabled them to successfully appeal to the public’s psyche to build moral outrage that a crime of this nature took place and at the same time, galvanizing communities all over Australia with the common goal of finding William and bringing him home.
William’s Mummy and Daddy

Pro bono means they are not charging the fosters any money. It does not mean they are not deriving any revenue from running WW.
Pro bono means they are not charging the fosters any money. It does not mean they are not deriving any revenue from running WW.

Or another theory….Insight may be doing their work pro bono but all external work and payments to others involved are paid for by the fosters. After selling houses, inheritances and stuff on gumtree they would have some funds in the kitty.

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here we go...

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From metic's link at 8:13 minutes:

Paul Barry: "What we have learnt is that police can’t always be trusted, and that they use the media to put pressure on people who may turn out to be innocent.
It is the media’s job to be sceptical, not sensational - because as this case shows, getting it wrong can be expensive, and hugely damaging.”
Or another theory….Insight may be doing their work pro bono but all external work and payments to others involved are paid for by the fosters. After selling houses, inheritances and stuff on gumtree they would have some funds in the kitty.
I believe the WW website was established and run by Insight, on behalf of the fosters. The WW website clearly states that they (WW) used the donations received to cover their (WW) costs. I believe originally donations were made via a GoFundMe setup. Later, they directed donations to be made via DMF. Is this correct? Has anyone seen a financial report detailing the donations received, and where the money went?
Well they’re not wrong about BF! 🤣

One of our threads was referred to as an excellent resource on a really busy Reddit thread a couple of weeks ago, that was nice.
I believe the WW website was established and run by Insight, on behalf of the fosters. The WW website clearly states that they (WW) used the donations received to cover their (WW) costs. I believe originally donations were made via a GoFundMe setup. Later, they directed donations to be made via DMF. Is this correct? Has anyone seen a financial report detailing the donations received, and where the money went?

They were set up on MyCause as well iirc, which was promoted as linked to Bravehearts who was registered as a charity, so all donations over $2 made through them were tax deductible.
I find it interesting that it has been stated that "Where's William?" is not a charity and is therefore not entitled to seek public donations. Yet they have the following on their website.

I would be interested in seeing the financial reports of "Where's William", to see how much public money they received and where it went.
It has been reported that the Daniel Morecombe Foundation currently holds a small amount of money for "Where's William". Where do the proceeds of "Where's William" merchandise go then, if not to DMF?
I am assuming it goes to Insight Communications, who own the "Where's William" brand? Is this right? What are Insight doing with this money?
The Daniel Morcomepbe foundation is a registered charity. The Where's William campaign is not. It can't be, as to be a registered charity, it has to meet strict criteria. For charities, they have to be community based. The William Tyrell campaign is designed for the sole purpose of raising money to continue to look for William. Using a registered charity to hold some funds, makes it transparent. And charities are audited annually. I can't for the life of me why someone would report this and attempt to stop this as I was on the understanding that people want William found. If the case goes unsolved and ends up in cold case files, they stop searching until there is any new evidence. One would think that raising money to have someone continue, would be a good thing if this were to happen. I get the distinct impression that this is not a group of concerned members of public as reported, but a small group, seemingly hellbent on a witch hunt. And misusing the Daniel Morcombe Foundation and the media to do it.
Sickening. If they were actually providing any useful service to a worthwhile cause, I would respect their right to earn a living from it, but they just appear to be self-serving parasites.
I would consider raising money to continue to raise awareness would be a good cause. After all the wheres william campaign is the o one who seems to be reminding people that there a million reasons to come forward.
Which bedroom did William sleep in at FGM's? His sister said it was bedroom 3. His foster mother said it was bedroom 2.

Bedroom 3 (according to Lindsay)
"Missing William Tyrrell" (2021 rev. ed. p.36) says that when Senior Constable Wendy Hudson went to FGM's house on Day 1, she spoke to FGM and had a quick look around, then:
"She went back inside and found Lindsay with her little legs stuck out on the lounge.
'When did you come to Nan's house?' she asked, gently.
'Last night,' said Lindsay.
'Which bed did you sleep in?'
Lindsay got up 'and showed me the first room to the left as you walked down the hall from the lounge room and said: "in here with Mum".'

'And where did William sleep?' Senior Constable Hudson asked.
Lindsay walked to the second room on the left and said: 'In here with dad.'"

The floor plan in Daily Mail Australia 09 May 2022 shows that the second room on the left down the hall from the lounge room is BED 3:

Bedroom 2 (according to FM)
In FM's witness statement (post 7,341) which started on 17 March 2015, FM says:
"[Lindsay] was in bedroom 3 and William in bedroom 2" and
"[the MFC] and William stayed in the second bedroom and I was staying with [Lindsay] in the third bedroom." (paragraph 61, p.22)
On page 65 there's a floor plan (using the same base map as the floor plan in Daily Mail above) showing a "MFC / W" label marked on BED 2.

FM didn't seem confused about which room was which, IMO. She knew that it was the third bedroom, not the second bedroom, that had the toy cupboard:
"After getting changed William went into the third bedroom and got some toys out of the cupboard. He made a few trips back and forth between the third bedroom and the lounge room getting all the toys he wanted out to play with." (paragraph 78, p.26) The floor plan in Daily Mail (and on p.37 of this FM witness statement) shows the toy cupboard was in BED 3.

Does anybody know what FF aka MFC said about the rooms?

And does anybody know when or how Lindsay's information was recorded? (If her responses had to be written down some time later, from memory, maybe there's a chance the details were misremembered - meaning that maybe there's a chance there actually wasn't any dispute about which room William slept in.)
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The Daniel Morcomepbe foundation is a registered charity. The Where's William campaign is not. It can't be, as to be a registered charity, it has to meet strict criteria. For charities, they have to be community based. The William Tyrell campaign is designed for the sole purpose of raising money to continue to look for William. Using a registered charity to hold some funds, makes it transparent. And charities are audited annually. I can't for the life of me why someone would report this and attempt to stop this as I was on the understanding that people want William found. If the case goes unsolved and ends up in cold case files, they stop searching until there is any new evidence. One would think that raising money to have someone continue, would be a good thing if this were to happen. I get the distinct impression that this is not a group of concerned members of public as reported, but a small group, seemingly hellbent on a witch hunt. And misusing the Daniel Morcombe Foundation and the media to do it.
Re the bit I bolded: fundraising didn't rate a mention when Insight Communications launched the campaign:

"To manage public consciousness surrounding the disappearance of 3-year-old William Tyrrell; Insight was approached to conduct a pro-bono, integrated, public relations campaign aligned with Police objectives to generate national awareness, reports to Police and empower William’s [foster] Parents as the foremost voice for William."
- Where's William? Campaign Launched, Insight Communications, 26 June 2015
Re the bit I bolded: fundraising didn't rate a mention when Insight Communications launched the campaign:

"To manage public consciousness surrounding the disappearance of 3-year-old William Tyrrell; Insight was approached to conduct a pro-bono, integrated, public relations campaign aligned with Police objectives to generate national awareness, reports to Police and empower William’s [foster] Parents as the foremost voice for William."
- Where's William? Campaign Launched, Insight Communications, 26 June 2015
But there have been several major developments since WW was launched.
  • The $1M reward was announced. This was widely publicised and still exists, so there is awareness of the case way beyond what WW provides.
  • The case has been handed to the coroner. Meaning the police now believe William to be deceased, not just missing. The coroner is now the 'peak' authority with regard to information about the case.
  • In 2021, at the direction of the coroner, the case took a new direction, with the 'big dig' and the FM being named as a POI.
  • WW responded to the above, with a statement condemning 'Fake News' - this statement still exists on the WW website. (The 'fake news' claim appears to be false - the FM was indeed a POI).
  • Numerous peripheral charges and accusations have been made against the fosters by police - these may have nothing to do with William's disappearance, but the fosters were questioned by NSWCC. None of this is reported in the 'news' section on WW.
  • DMF have withdrawn association with WW.
  • WW has provided no updates on the case since the 'fake news' claims of 2021.
In my opinion, the WW site is now not the peak source of information about the case, and is not aligned with the current police and coronial lines of investigation. It is therefore providing misleading or inaccurate and possibly unauthorised information to the public.

I believe the WW site was set up with good intentions and has not done anything technically wrong or illegal. I just believe its time has come and gone.
But there have been several major developments since WW was launched.
  • The $1M reward was announced. This was widely publicised and still exists, so there is awareness of the case way beyond what WW provides.
  • The case has been handed to the coroner. Meaning the police now believe William to be deceased, not just missing. The coroner is now the 'peak' authority with regard to information about the case.
  • In 2021, at the direction of the coroner, the case took a new direction, with the 'big dig' and the FM being named as a POI.
  • WW responded to the above, with a statement condemning 'Fake News' - this statement still exists on the WW website. (The 'fake news' claim appears to be false - the FM was indeed a POI).
  • Numerous peripheral charges and accusations have been made against the fosters by police - these may have nothing to do with William's disappearance, but the fosters were questioned by NSWCC. None of this is reported in the 'news' section on WW.
  • DMF have withdrawn association with WW.
  • WW has provided no updates on the case since the 'fake news' claims of 2021.
In my opinion, the WW site is now not the peak source of information about the case, and is not aligned with the current police and coronial lines of investigation. It is therefore providing misleading or inaccurate and possibly unauthorised information to the public.

I believe the WW site was set up with good intentions and has not done anything technically wrong or illegal. I just believe its time has come and gone.
The purpose of the inquest is to determine what happened, deceased or still alive. Those results have not been concluded at this point. And what's missing is the fact the police have been extremely slow to refer the matter to the ODPP, especially if it was determined he was deceased and is highly unusual for this not to be. It does not matter who or what the peak source is to raise funds for a cause, it's not illegal to do it and it's voluntary for people to donate or buy merchandise.
The purpose of the inquest is to determine what happened, deceased or still alive. Those results have not been concluded at this point. And what's missing is the fact the police have been extremely slow to refer the matter to the ODPP, especially if it was determined he was deceased and is highly unusual for this not to be. It does not matter who or what the peak source is to raise funds for a cause, it's not illegal to do it and it's voluntary for people to donate or buy merchandise.
Agree re the purpose of the inquest. And the police cannot go to the DPP until they have a brief of evidence which would support a conviction. They would need the coronial findings to support this - unless someone determines William is deceased, there cannot be any successful prosecution of anyone related to such a death.

DCS Darren Bennet said, on the 14 November 2021, "It's highly likely that we, if we found something it would be a body. We are looking for the remains of William Tyrrell, no doubt about that," when he announced the renewed search.

WW website says "Where’s William? is the official website in the search for William Tyrrell." They also say, The police believe William could still be alive! He could be anywhere!" This seems to be a disconnect?

WW website also claims they act "With the support of the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, and working in collaboration with the NSW Police Force and with the support of the Australian Federal Police and Crime Stoppers" . This seems to be incorrect. They no longer have support of DMF, and seem to be at odds with NSW Police.

There is also the constant reference to the foster family on the WW website as 'William's Mummy and Daddy' with no acknowledgement that William was in fact in foster care, and that these people are not in fact William's biological family. There is no recognition or acknowledgement of William's biological family. I find this to be quite misleading.

It is not a crime to mislead the public, and the misinformation may be innocent, accidental and unintentional.

It would be a crime if funds were collected under false pretenses, however. (I'm not alleging this is the case). Yes, if the public are ready and willing to donate to a particular cause, then that is their own concern, but if false and misleading claims are being made to get them to do so, then I think there's a problem.
It was also launched
Agree re the purpose of the inquest. And the police cannot go to the DPP until they have a brief of evidence which would support a conviction. They would need the coronial findings to support this - unless someone determines William is deceased, there cannot be any successful prosecution of anyone related to such a death.

DCS Darren Bennet said, on the 14 November 2021, "It's highly likely that we, if we found something it would be a body. We are looking for the remains of William Tyrrell, no doubt about that," when he announced the renewed search.

WW website says "Where’s William? is the official website in the search for William Tyrrell." They also say, The police believe William could still be alive! He could be anywhere!" This seems to be a disconnect?

WW website also claims they act "With the support of the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, and working in collaboration with the NSW Police Force and with the support of the Australian Federal Police and Crime Stoppers" . This seems to be incorrect. They no longer have support of DMF, and seem to be at odds with NSW Police.

There is also the constant reference to the foster family on the WW website as 'William's Mummy and Daddy' with no acknowledgement that William was in fact in foster care, and that these people are not in fact William's biological family. There is no recognition or acknowledgement of William's biological family. I find this to be quite misleading.

It is not a crime to mislead the public, and the misinformation may be innocent, accidental and unintentional.

It would be a crime if funds were collected under false pretenses, however. (I'm not alleging this is the case). Yes, if the public are ready and willing to donate to a particular cause, then that is their own concern, but if false and misleading claims are being made to get them to do so, then I think there's a problem.
althiugh making someone valid points, I notice that no one ever Williams biological dad. Also for the record, the naming of the biological parents was not just to raise awareness about the system and its failures, but to give the parents a voice. The only time the mother spoke, was in a paid interview, she has been silent ever since. But one report she made earlier, she stated she believed he was still alive, while the father believed he was dead. Also if they had evidence it would be referred Tom the ODPP. The current task force is keeping Harriet updated in the outcomes, and still no referral to the ODPP. That pretty much tells me, they didn't have anything. And as one officer admitted in court recently, the recent charges were to assist. "If it helps" end quote. So clearly, they still don't have that vital evidence. And again, anyone can raise money for a cause. People do it daily. It's not illegal.
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