Do you smoke weed?

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Hahaha!! That's brilliant.

Used to be an ounce a fortnight smoker for about 10 years, the bucket was my vessel of choice.

Haven't smoked a thing for about 3-4 years now and it's the best thing you could ever do to your body and mind.

That's where im at now mate. Smoked about an ounce a fortnight and now trying to give it up. It's like letting a very good friend go......hahahahah thats what I feel like
I always thought purple was due to a lack of nutrients. I may be wrong. I remember I had a bloke that had buds from italy that had a yellow tinge to it

As far as I've seen/ been told it goes purple when the outdoor nightly temperatures fall below a certain point, grow it till later in the season and you'll get purple heads. I've also been told it's detrimental as the buds are basically burning in the cold and the THC changes depending on what part of the season it is, not 100% sure about that though.
Well i smoked for the last three nights and still seem to panic a bit, must of been some strong weed because i was having mild halluciinations yesterday.

I got more but i can't smoke it alone atm so will save it for weekend, might give it a rest after this lot!

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Might getting a gram or so of some good stuff today or tomorrow.
Anyone have any advice on how to avoid getting anxious on the bud?

I think the best thing you can do is your own research and then understand that no one has ever died from it. Relax and enjoy
Used to smoke a fair bit, but hardly at all anymore I use different substances now all though I've cut down on that side of it as well.
Not a fan of Cannabis personally, I find it hard to explain but I reckon its a really "selfish" and "boring" drug. Different horse's for different course's I spose.
I think the best thing you can do is your own research and then understand that no one has ever died from it. Relax and enjoy

The anxiety has pretty much gone away now, i think it was due to having 5 months off it and then smoking some rather strong stuff unexpectedly.
I've been smoking most nights over the last few weeks, just a few cones at night before bed to relax. (when everyone else is asleep) :p
Got none tonight but getting some tomorrow :) back to beer for tonight :(
So I was at a boys getaway over the weekend and one of the guys there had a portable vaporizer.

One hit and I was in love... especially because he left after the first morning and I had to switch back to regular bongs which were so harsh, heavy and sickly in comparison.

The best analogy I can think of is that the vaporizer was like a champagne buzz - all light-headed and breezy - whereas switching back to bongs was like getting a full body pounding from heavy spirits.

I smoke quite rarely these days, only a few times a year, but next time I feel like some I'm definitely investing in a vaporizer. I see you can get portable ones for not much more than $50 off the net.

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I have probably gone through two ounces this year, tops. For those reading at home, two ounces in almost 12 months is nothing. Not even a quarter a month. A typical daily user would go through an ounce each month, easy. Heavy users go through even more again - I once knew a guy who smoked up an ounce almost every week. And there are probably many people in this thread hitting similar amounts.

Yet if you were to ask most people who know me, many would probably tell you I am a 'stoner' or a 'heavy user'. Long hair, permanently tired eyes and a liberal espousal of non-mainstream political/philosophical views will do that, I guess. As humans we have a natural tendency to want to label others and thus to ascribe characteristics to them which, in our minds at least, make them easier to understand, as we can relate them to other people we (think we) know. I don't have anything against stoners (I prefer them to drunks, by several orders of magnitude) but in many ways it'll be cool when I finally lop off this hair and lose some of that social stigma, but I digress.

I quit the piss at the beginning of the year so it would not have surprised me if I had smoked more than usual to counterbalance it, but I'm probably on par with last year (although it is hard to say because I didn't keep track of my cash last year as well as I have this year).

I'm planning to go herb-free for January next year, just to see if it makes much of a difference to my life. I'm confident that I'll eat less crap food, which will be a big positive. If my productivity or happiness levels increase dramatically then I might just stay off it indefinitely as has been the case with the grog, but I seriously doubt it is having anything like that kind of negative affect on me. Only time will tell, though, hence the herb-free January plan. Of course, this means I might have to make December a month to remember...

I went nearly a year without smoking after being an (nearly) everyday smoker for 5 years and was disappointed at the lack of difference between being on it and off. I found the first week incredibly hard sleep-wise, but felt quite good (clear-minded) for the next few weeks. As someone that suffers from mild anxiety anyway I thought it would make a bigger difference not smoking.

I also find people assume I'm a smoker because of my long hair and scruffy appearance. It was kind of annoying to be labelled as a stoner when I hadn't touch the stuff for ages, but oh well...

I have gone back to smoking, but nowhere near as much as before. I think weed and I will be life-long friends.
Did the people that labelled you a stoner despite not having touched it for ages, know you whilst you were a smoker? It would be quite annoying if not. Judgemental people are one of my pet peevs.

Some yes, some no. I wouldn't say they were judgemental about it; ie. in a negative context.

I guess we all do it to a degree (make presumptions about people), so not something I'd get angry about.
I smoked it very regularly for around 5 years then over a fairly short period of time went completely off the stuff.. Probably tried it again 2 or 3 times in about the last 6 years and actually found the effect just annoying if anything. Not sure what happened, it's quite strange really although I've heard the same thing happening to other people.
Live with a couple of friends and we keep it to weekends for the most part. Would never even contemplate giving it up, the laughs we have are just too good to be without.
I think ill be able to answer some questions here

Why weed is illegal

best way to describe being high

Legal status on weed in Canada (very good doco)

A funny take on legalisation
Might have to buy a new glass bong, joints are a such a hassle.
It's annoying having to go to someones house who has a bong just so i can have a hit.

Bunnings is your friend. Spring valley bottle, bong tube from Bunnings and stem and cone from former bong sellers. Bob's your uncle!
Been in Amsterdam two weeks now. Have hit up about a dozen different coffee shops.

Strongest strains I've tried so far are a gram of Diesel I got at Prix D'ami, and the Amnesia from Grey Area and Blues Brothers.

Loving all this sativa weed too - we just don't get it in Australia cause it takes longer to grow, but its a totally better high than indica imo.

Also yesterday I took truffles/shrooms (sold legally here), me and a dude from Brisbane took a mid strength box of Atlantis (about 20 euro, we had half each). We were off chops for about 5 hours, have never laughed that hard in my life. A few visuals but mostly h\just that awesome brain melting feeling. Tripped balls. The blokes missus had half a box of a weaker mushroom/truffle, and she was off chops too. I think we made a bit of a scene at a sex show, but for the most part I was glued to the ground and couldn't move a whole lot. Need to take a break for a few days, this city can be like a time warp. The first 4 or 5 days I was here felt like months, but now every day seems to only last for a couple of hours such is the nature of getting baked.

Also hung out with a dude in Dam Square who was dressed like the grim reaper.
Just curious, do you all smoke bush or hydro?

It seems about 80% of the weed around is hydro, bush is almost hard to come by now.
Though i probably don't know the right people.
Paid $280 for a bag yesterday :( Anyone else notice it gets a bit dry this time of year?

I had the same girl for years but when she moved on, it's been a bit of a headache dealing with different dealers, most of whom are hardened criminals or crackheads. I just want one good connect with that bomb shit who's got it everyday... is that too much to ask.. *sigh*
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