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well, all i can say is thank you Shane. I never new BogFooty existed until Shane mentioned it one of his edited posts.

I didnt think this deserved its own thread so i dug this one up ( sorry) but i am happy i found some where i can post, with a REAL forum.

Sick of my posts being deleted/edited even when not inflammatory, just when it doesnt suit the admin.

so, i will still read the match reports and stuff, coz they can be funny, and i might browse the forum from time to time, but over it.

Seriously, one knobber on there recons he lost all respect for a guy coz he didnt have anything against the new jumpers. ffs.

Welcome to BigFooty jmadrox... :thumbsu:

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After reading through this after a while ive decided to add my 2 cents worth.

Alot of people seem to love Dockerland and a fair few seem to despise it like it dunnyflushed them in grade 5. I for one love dockerland the humour is great, theres generally a good vibe about it and theres always a few people backing my oppinion up and also a few totally disregarding it (sounds awfully similar to this post). What I cant understand though is the people complaining about freedom of speech. Dockerland is like an apprenticeship you get some people that instantly expect it to be smooth sailing and act accordingly then get cut, the others put some effort into it and then learn the trade and end up becoming a skilled poster of dockerland.

I also love bigfooty, but its a much more broad subject of footy, whereas dockerland seems to be specific subjects with the faithful talking about it in different terms. Abit like bigfooty being your friends and Dockerland being a family, some things you can talk about to your friends, and not your family, but the families got some ongoing chats that your friends wouldnt understand.

Just my 2 cents... Be looking forward to any comments coming my way about it.

PS: How goods that Hill bloke ay?
Are you serious DT? That's like saying we should all have sex with our sister when we visit Tassie. Me thinks that the disciples over at DL have about 7 teeth between them and an IQ that's only about three times that number!! But Shane Tosspot doesn't care as long as he gets complete adulation and the right to veto any intelligent views that oppose his own.
This forum is like a breath of fresh air after the stench at dockerland.


Several posters know my real name so I'm obviously not Shane, Sabre's not nearly smug enough, I'll take a wild stab in the dark and guess Lach72's first name is Lachlan and I'm pretty sure Shane doesn't speak Arabic so that rules out Moo.


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Several posters know my real name so I'm obviously not Shane, Sabre's not nearly smug enough, I'll take a wild stab in the dark and guess Lach72's first name is Lachlan and I'm pretty sure Shane doesn't speak Arabic so that rules out Moo.


RIP Leslie Neilson. :eek:
i h8 "onlydorksallowed"
i kept getting deleted there 4 bagging chris cuddly, but i'll bet those tossers agree with me now.
i don't miss them, with their in-jokes & stupid nicknames (Elvis?) for players.
big footy rules!
i just wish all moderators had a feel for the game.
Not a fan of Shane's either!

Dockerland could be so much better than it is if the Mods actually allowed people to have a fair say and to promote news about the club.

Any time I share an article I've put my time and effort into, to promote the Dockers and the great game of AFL, it gets deleted, despite the majority of those who view the forum enjoying what I write.

Pretty sure it's Shane who has the problem with it, as the articles are only deleted when he is online.
Not a fan of Shane's either!

Pretty sure it's Shane who has the problem with it, as the articles are only deleted when he is online.

Correct, Shane has a massive problem with any views he does not entirely agree with, plus an ego that must be constantly stroked.

Some genuine funny stuff, occasionally.

But if you are not in the clique, expect most posts to be deleted. It is a shame as Greg and a few others there are great people
I went back there the other day for the first time in ages (that day BF was down) and either my tastes have changed or it really has become more bland and boring since the old days.

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