Werewolf DR WHO WEREWOLF! Hosted by MBR & GRALIN.

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Hi, nerdy ones.

Join us and support my inaugural - well, probs 2 in 1 hosting effort.

Dr Who comes to WereWolf. There are some fun new twists, and it's Roany and Gralin. What could go wrong!

At the beginning of the game, each player is given a 'role' at random and in secret by the moderators via PM. Regular WHOVIANS will not receive a PM.
The Whovians game aims to identify and kill the Daleks (wolves), the Enemies of the Doctor (mafia), and The Toy Maker (neutral - Serial Killer)) before they kill WHOVIANS. Only one faction (Evil/Good/Neutral) can win.

Night Phase: Factions and role players perform their assigned night actions.

Day Phase: Players vote for who they think is evil, and lynch them.

Night phase is 9pm-9am.
Day phase is 9am-9pm.

Werewolf Etiquette:
There are two main rules which everyone must follow for the game to run successfully;
If you are killed at any point during the game, then you are no longer allowed to participate. A farewell post is fine, but that post cannot impact the remainder of the game.
Between non-werewolves and mafia, sending PM's or other forms of private communication concerning the game is not allowed.
Anyone caught sending screen captures of BigFooty of any kind in this thread will be modkilled instantly with no warning.
Anyone caught directly quoting PMs from the mods will be modkilled without warning.
Anyone caught deleting or editing posts from the thread will be modkilled without warning.

- Missing 2 lynch votes in a row or 3 votes in total will see you mod-killed. Missing 2 night actions (if given a role) will see you and/or your faction mod-killed. You may choose to not use a night action but you must state so in your PM.

  • For this game we will be using the Reason for Lynching rule. Vote for anyone with a reason at any time during the Day Phase.

  • During the Day Phase players must vote for whom to lynch, your vote must be formatted in bold like this: Player Name, and Please include a tag for the moderators. The mod/s will "like" your post to inform you that it has been counted.
  • For this game you may not use the No Vote vote option.
  • Upon the voting deadline (end of day-phase) the votes will be tallied by the moderator and whoever has received the most will be lynched and be out of the game: remember, once killed you cannot take further part; do not reveal your roles to anyone until the game has been concluded.
  • Any ties in voting will be decided by The Toy Maker's game. If The Toy Maker fails to conceive a game, a coin toss scenario will decide.
  • Please see Toy Maker's role for more info.
1. Demure Princess
2. Wickzki
3. Raz
4. Dero
5. Pie For Life
6. Jannissary
7. Dank
8. dogs105
9. Bfew
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Rules, Roles & Players New
Acknowledgement: Thanks to Gralin Chipmunk MWPP por_please_ya for helping me knock this into shape. Fantastic input, plenty of which has been added.
WW'ers, please feel free to point out obvious errors etc before the game starts.



Dr’s Travelling Companions: (Flogs)

Clara, Rose & Amy.

Three Companions are given the powers to seer, protect or kill each night.
If all 3 survive after a sequence of ‘seer/protect/kill’ (in any order), they may have a 2nd sequence.
Must complete the sequence of powers before starting again.
Cannot use the Kill power on consecutive nights. If one of the 3 dies before they complete the 2nd sequence, their powers will disappear.
NB: A player may die during the 1st sequence, and they can still complete all three actions, but will not be entitled to a 2nd sequence.
There will be no more than 2 sequences altogether.

Ncuti Gatwa: The Doctor. (Doc)

Protects a player each night.
As the current Dr, Ncuti regenerates if killed or lynched.

The Dr cannot self-protect! If hit, they will regenerate.

Regeneration takes the form of one full cycle of lynch/vote before they fully regenerate and can no longer participate in this game. (24 hours extra life post-kill or lynch)

Ncuti will no longer be visible in the main thread, so cannot post there anymore.
Ncuti must direct his protect and lynch votes through pm only. (The Doctor’s actions will be invisible in the main thread, but of course he he can read suggestions from his friends.)

If Ncuti has the Tardis:
and The Toy Maker attempts a kill on him, it will bounce back killing The Toy Maker instantly.

If any other Night Immune attempts a kill on Ncuti while he occupies the Tardis, Ncuti will regenerate over 48 hours! (2 further rounds of lynch vote and night protection while he regenerates.) Again, the Doctor can no longer post in the main thread once regeneration is announced. The Doctor must direct their protect and lynch votes through pm only. (a regeneration pm will appear).

David Tennant: (True Seer)

Seers a player each night. Gets the correct reading, except where a target is night immune.

River Song: (vigilante with added karma!)

May kill a player each nite. If River kills evil, she gains a temporary night-immune power for the following night sequence, and will seer as Whovian for this overnight. This applies to her 1st successful kill only.
However, if River kills a Whovian, she will lose the power to kill for the next night-action round (sadly).
Again, this applies to River's 1st Whovian kill only.

Face of Boe:

As the Doctor's long-time friend, Boe gets a one-off immunity from day lynch votes. This kicks in automatically if Boe has the highest lynch vote.
The lynch will then go to next highest vote.

Remaining Whovians:

All Whovians are expected to contribute and help the Doctor defeat Evil Factions & The Toymaker.

WIN-CON: Win condition: Eliminate all the Daleks, Evil Time-Lords & The Toy Maker.


May Kill a player each night.

Factional players are listed from highest to lowest rank and the lowest rank surviving player executes the kill. (for purposes of any block put on a player, (the lowest rank only must be targeted to stop a kill)

The Master:

Has a Seer every night. Night Immune. Seers as Whovian.

The Silence:

If The Master is killed, The Silence will take over that role.
If The Silence is killed at night, they can enact revenge on their killer.
REVENGE takes the form of:

1/ If the killer is unprotected, the perpetrator must reveal their role in the main thread before 3 pm the next day.

2/ If the killer is protected by Ncuti (Doc), the perpetrator will lose any powers they have for 24 hours (role power).
NB: If the killer has Tardis protection, revenge will fail.

Weeping Angel:

Freezes the 1st kill attempt on them from any source. * 1st attempted kill on the Weeping Angel will be unsuccessful.
NB: * This will only be valid if their faction has had a successful kill the night before. If the faction was unsuccessful the night before, then Weeping Angel will die.


If The Master is killed, Missy gets a one-off protect from his old travelling cloak. Will Seer as a Whovian when used. (The power of the cloak disappears 24 hours after The Master’s death; enabling Missy both a night-immune and lynch-free 24 hours).

Win-Con: All other evil and neutral factions must be eliminated. Equal or outnumber the village.


Davros: Inventor of the Daleks.

Can Seer a player each night.
Night Immune. Seers as Whovian.

Supreme Dalek:

Takes over as Head of Daleks if Davros dies.

Can block a player from using any available powers they have.
Block will not work if that player has Tardis or Doctor protection.
Cannot block the same player on consecutive nights.

Emperor Dalek:

If killed, the faction gets two kills the following night.

Has a one-off protect to use at any time in the game, while Davros is still alive.

Vault Dalek:

If Davros is lynched, Vault Dalek may electrocute a player in revenge.
If that player is protected in any way, the power reverses and Vault Dalek will die.

Vault Dalek may enact this power within a 24-hour limit post-Davros’s death.
NB: After Davros is lynched, Vault Dalek can decide in their PM, on who, and when to eliminate. Input from their faction is allowed.

Win-Con: All other evil and neutral factions must be eliminated. Equal or outnumber the village.


The Toymaker:

Plays a killing game every night. Night Immune. Seers as Whovian.

Power to command a tie-breaker game if votes are drawn in a daily lynch.
The game must be Dr Who related and devised by The Toy Maker.
The winner, in response to their devised game, must be decided by The Toymaker alone. But Toy Maker may invite a general vote in the Main Thread – if there is no decisive winner.
If The Toy Maker fails to come up with a game, then a coin toss will decide who gets lynched.

Win-Con: Survive to the final 4.

TARDIS - Protects from all actions for 24 hours.


If The Toymaker or The Master attempt to kill any player who occupies the Tardis (other than The Doctor), then the Tardis will no longer be in play. The Tardis occupier will survive.

If the Doctor enters regeneration, the Tardis will disappear, leaving its current occupier unprotected.

Otherwise, the Tardis will randomly fly off at a pre-determined time, transporting its current occupier out of the game.

The Tardis must be handed on at the end of a day lynch and can only be passed around once in any faction.

However, it can be passed back to The Doctor after a single night passes
The Tardis's 1st occupier will be decided by a main thread competition. (how exciting!!)

Competition Rules for your chance to be 1st Tardis occupier.

Post a great quote from any Doctor Who in any Dr Who series and you might end up with 1st night protection!
The Competition is open to all players and may be posted in the game thread at any time after a player declares themselves ‘in’.
Co-Mods will decide the winner and announce 'Competition Closed’ before the game commences.
Final decision will be based on the quality of the quote only, and the winner notified via PM.
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myblueroan - this is even better than you coming back to play ❤️

Despite it being hugely popular in recent years I haven't watched an episode of Dr Who since my teenage years. So I'll likely be even more lost than ever.

But you can count me in.

Awesome mate. 👍👍

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myblueroan - this is even better than you coming back to play ❤️

Despite it being hugely popular in recent years I haven't watched an episode of Dr Who since my teenage years. So I'll likely be even more lost than ever.

But you can count me in.

Awesome mate. 👍👍
Captain Jack Harkness : [after listening to Trin-e and Zu-Zana discuss what they're going to do to him] Hold on, ladies, I don't want to have to shoot either one of you.

Zu-Zana : But you're unarmed.

Trine-e : [as Jack reaches behind his back] You're naked.

Trine-e : [Jack has just revealed a small gun that he now points at Trin-e] But that's a Compact Laser Delux.

Zu-Zana : Where were you hiding that?

Captain Jack Harkness : [with the gun pointing at Zu-Zana] You really don't want to know.

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Werewolf DR WHO WEREWOLF! Hosted by MBR & GRALIN.

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